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  1. #251
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Yep JB but 1 man units,3500SU?,hard to keep the cash flow going when the new Carbon tax coming?
    If up NI would be planted in pine trees, sad.
    All the infrastructure ,tracks, fencing water systems lost....forever??? never to be seen again with fat little wooly ones

  2. #252
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
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    Sep 2002
    Central Otago


    Quote Originally Posted by kiora View Post
    Yep JB but 1 man units,3500SU?,hard to keep the cash flow going when the new Carbon tax coming?
    If up NI would be planted in pine trees, sad.
    All the infrastructure ,tracks, fencing water systems lost....forever??? never to be seen again with fat little wooly ones
    Yes I guess this is the issue ...unless your completely debt free very hard to make a profit ..I just find it hard to believe how we have gone from Land values decrease since the Diary Boom days to present while RES Property just continued on flying ..

    Yes Planting land in trees will be the plan going forward of the WEF Global reset ... less food less humans
    "With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future." — Carlos Slim Helu

  3. #253
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    Sep 2009


    China now Sweden
    The straw that broke the camels back?
    Why Sweden’s $41 Billion of Property Debt Is Alarming Europe"

  4. #254
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    There used to be a bloke on here telling me how inflation was only transitory and NZ property was going to keep going bananas. Amazing how things change isn’t it…people adamant that something will never, ever happen….then you wake up one morning and find interest rates and inflation are the only thing ‘going bananas’.
    ‘A magical thinker caught up in a mass delusion’ is how I would describe that bloke who used to tell me I was in fact the one who was deluded. The cold hard reality is that The Fed in the US is set to hike by another 75 bps, and where they go we follow. Already sob stories are appearing in our media about people who bought at the peak of the market, are on modest incomes, and find themselves in negative equity. I was assured there was no ‘subprime’ situation in NZ, so how did people in this parlous situation get a mortgage? Lots of pain to come for the NZ Property Ponzi Scheme, and we are going to find out exactly how much irresponsible lending has been going on - my feeling is is that it is not going to be a pretty situation. The very worst case scenario will play out if NZ goes into a recession next year and the US doesn’t. This country will then find out exactly why you should not put all your eggs in the property basket and manufacture a bubble with its foundations built solely on an unprecedented credit binge by a populace caught up in a speculative frenzy.
    Last edited by Logen Ninefingers; 03-11-2022 at 08:49 AM.

  5. #255
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    There used to be a bloke on here telling me how inflation was only transitory and NZ property was going to keep going bananas. Amazing how things change isn’t it…people adamant that something will never, ever happen….then you wake up one morning and find interest rates and inflation are the only thing ‘going bananas’.
    ‘A magical thinker caught up in a mass delusion’ is how I would describe that bloke who used to tell me I was in fact the one who was deluded. The cold hard reality is that The Fed in the US is set to hike by another 75 bps, and where they go we follow. Already sob stories are appearing in our media about people who bought at the peak of the market, are on modest incomes, and find themselves in negative equity. I was assured there was no ‘subprime’ situation in NZ, so how did people in this parlous situation get a mortgage? Lots of pain to come for the NZ Property Ponzi Scheme, and we are going to find out exactly how much irresponsible lending has been going on - my feeling is is that it is not going to be a pretty situation. The very worst case scenario will play out if NZ goes into a recession next year and the US doesn’t. This country will then find out exactly why you should not put all your eggs in the property basket and manufacture a bubble with its foundations built solely on an unprecedented credit binge by a populace caught up in a speculative frenzy.
    Yes heard much the same over the last few years ... NZ property would continue to double every 10yrs etc .... so many couldn't understand our last decades insane growth in values come about from every lower costs of lending and inflation in costs to build ..

    I see over Aussie not only can you buy great properties at much better prices but lending is lower and you can still get well below 5% for 1yr fixed terms...
    and higher wages for the same job ... NZ run into the ground by the socialists ..why would any nurse or any skilled worker want to move to NZ???
    "With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future." — Carlos Slim Helu

  6. #256
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by JBmurc View Post
    Yes heard much the same over the last few years ... NZ property would continue to double every 10yrs etc .... so many couldn't understand our last decades insane growth in values come about from every lower costs of lending and inflation in costs to build ..

    I see over Aussie not only can you buy great properties at much better prices but lending is lower and you can still get well below 5% for 1yr fixed terms...
    and higher wages for the same job ... NZ run into the ground by the socialists ..why would any nurse or any skilled worker want to move to NZ???
    The problem NZ has is that although NZ house prices are falling and interest rates are rising, house prices here are still far too high, along with rents. We therefore have a deep structural problem which will see badly needed skilled workers and younger people going elsewhere. The only way to correct this imbalance is via further steep falls in house prices. And these falls must be very steep indeed at this point.

  7. #257
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    Apr 2008
    Sth Island. New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    The problem NZ has is that although NZ house prices are falling and interest rates are rising, house prices here are still far too high, along with rents. We therefore have a deep structural problem which will see badly needed skilled workers and younger people going elsewhere. The only way to correct this imbalance is via further steep falls in house prices. And these falls must be very steep indeed at this point.
    ...and there are only two things that can bring that about ,,,lower demand, or increased supply.

  8. #258
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by fungus pudding View Post
    ...and there are only two things that can bring that about ,,,lower demand, or increased supply.
    And both if those are happening.

  9. #259
    Join Date
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    Sth Island. New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    And both if those are happening.
    What does that mean? Both what?

  10. #260
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2020


    "What does that mean? Both what?"

    Increased supply of homes and less people wanting to buy lol


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