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  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2015
    Norf Eyelynd


    Quote Originally Posted by smpl View Post
    Couldn't agree with you more!

    Although I don't agree with this for the stock market :-)

    Also try Independent Reserve ( lowest fees - as low as 0.05% )

    >> <<
    Last edited by Saamee; 18-04-2020 at 11:32 AM. Reason: Reply to previous post that got Removed \ Deleted!

  2. #12
    Advanced Member Valuegrowth's Avatar
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    Jun 2013


    How value investors buy and sell stocks

    When to sell growth stocks?
    When they stop growing or growth begins to slow, it might be the best time to sell. It is also better to sell When they over extended.
    Exception: Multibagger stocks (companies) with strong balance sheets. Never sell them unless for an emergency.

  3. #13
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2020


    Whats your lifestyle objective. We as humans are perpetually greedy so there is no "when should I" it is merely a case of what kind of lifestyle do I want. Oversea's holiday for the family business class to Europe skiiing is a different proposition to "an annual holiday to Kosomui economy class for the family at 5 star resort". What kind of car do you want to drive? Assume you replace it every three years? Masarati? Toyota Hilux? Kia Carnaval? Where do you want to live? Beach side, 15 minutes from the beach on an acreage, in a major city? All these considerations have a big impact on what cash you need and when. Here's a tip... NO ONE does this level of analysis yet they spend a lot of time trying to out perform the market. Get clear on what YOU want from a lifestyle. I know a number of wealthy business execs that dropped dead trying to beat their mate up a hill on a push bike... none of the dreams came true... including beating their mate. Answer those questions and then the answer is easy... take what I need when I need it regardless of what the market is doing. Don't be greedy and you will be fine.


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