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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Portfolio of IFT (60% of P/F)& FPH(35.5 %of P/F) + PLX(2.3% of P/F bought recently after saw Hoops buy in & so ran ruler over it for myself) + cash (2% of P/F from dribs & drabs sold beginning Feb when thought China was in the S*#*T big time) now up 5% from previous ATH on 20-2-20
    The drop in IFT did make my eyes water for a bit but rationlized that the company will come out of it fine & if I sold at any stage it would likely bounce big time straight after I sold.In hindsight my thoughts are that I would have been better off at least selling 10% when it had dropped 10 % from all time high of around $5.50
    My "portfolio" is one I would happily leave a my will as an inheritance with instructions to never sell if I ever I kicked the bucket
    SBQ ? is dead wrong about it being hard to make sqillions out of NZ share market.Just need time,patience conviction,compounding returns.I have used a bit of leverage to enhance the returns over the 40 years of investing in the share market.Always good to have a bit of RC available for forward expenses for at least a year is my rule.
    I have held IFT since it first floated.Sold them all when IFT warrants came along & reinvested all proceeds in the warrants then converted them to head shares.I brought FPH when it first floated.Half at $4 then doubled down when it dropped to $3.50.Have accumulated more since from DRIP.Sold 2000 last August at $16 when I was looking to pay down a bit of R/C,aaagh!But still no regrets.I am looking to keep the rest.Yes SP might drop in the short term but over long term growing earnings at 15% compounding so happy to leave in my kick the bucket portfolio for the long term.
    My investing philosophy is chose the sector/s to invest in then chose the best company in the sector
    PS I don't aim to kick the bucket for many years yet
    I "retired" 15 years before any of my colleagues & try to not make investing a full time job.It is more just a hobby.My share portfolio is now just the more liquid part of a bigger portfolio of Managed funds,farm syndicates & property(not commercial so sleep pretty easy).
    Last edited by kiora; 05-06-2020 at 02:48 AM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Maori land


    Well folks!!!!! Surprise ...surprise ...ehh

    My journey is different with u all!

    Out of market I built a new home...needed the cash and market was too high n kept getting high....kicking myself...sold my ATM but that was okay as new house is more important.

    September 2019.... convinced my boss...asked a bit of fund to go back to the market. At the time could not find any bargains. Saw master Beagle on SUM and MET. Decided to follow him... portfolio gained 10%,scored the jackpot.

    Then my VGL crashed...loosing all my 10% gain....In Feb...... sold and cut loss all portfolio! pissed off...n decided to hedge BBOZ. Gained back 10%

    March...all Master Beagle and heaps of veterans here sold out and hold cash.

    But bought a bit back a week before lockdown! Damm itttt! My balls were arshe was dripping....whole body was smelling on 23rd initial was to buy and bought on the day like that....but didn't buy any...too scared!!?? My hands was shaking as I looked at the market! wtf!!!!!!

    A week after that...after spoke to TJ..back to market..on n off...still very cautious! Will lock in the gain if share gained more than 10%

    So far since Sep 2020....gained 30% currently

    It could gain stomach could not handle it! Lose a lot of sleep

    My kiwisaver already on conservative since I saw the market is too high. On 26th March .. switch it to growth fund..4 weeks later gained 10%....decided to switch back to conservative. Not too bad ehh....Will see end of year

    That is my story... should write a book about

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2015


    Interesting exercise. Chose to look at returns this calendar year. Overall my portfolio is up 3.08% (including dividends).

    I exited the following shares on 2 March - AIR, ARV, HGH, OCA, SUM. Could I have exited earlier, yes, but only really kicking myself about AIR and even then only slightly. I had made good returns on all those shares including the losses from peaks that I crystalised by selling them.

    I retained the following shares - ATM, CEN, EBO, IFT, PIL (don't ask, although haven't lost on it during Covid as it was a dog well prior), POT, SCL. The one I sweated on the most was POT with concerns over export volumes through the port. I also retained the following etf's IEM.LSE, SMT.LSE, WWH.LSE

    I bought back in a fortnight ago to - OCA, MET, HGH.

    Still have about 15% cash which I can see me holding back for a couple of months and I guess in 2 months time a NZ election looms followed shortly after by a US election so in reality this could be held back all year.
    Last edited by Rossimarnz; 05-06-2020 at 08:28 AM.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    I'm 7.7% up on calendar year and 23% up since last June.
    In Jan, I cashed up half my HGH shares and bought a new car.
    Everytime I walked past it in the garage during lockdown when HGH dropped below $1, I couldn't help smiling.

    Most of my portfolio has accumulated from investing my National Super payments over the last 8 years.
    Every month I buy a few more, mainly on the basis of comments by the gurus on this forum.
    I'm really grateful to you guys.

  5. #25
    Veteran novice
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    , , .


    Quote Originally Posted by kiora View Post
    That is a VETERAN portfolio.I suggest the novice part of the name can be dropped well & truely Mr McD
    Thanks for the suggestion, kiora, but in my experience it's generally dangerous to consider oneself anything but a novice at this game! As the old Scots saying goes when the weather's good, "we'll pay for it, we'll pay for it!"

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2017


    I'm back 24.75% since 1 April 2020. I think a good company is a good company - much like form is temporary class is permanent type argument. OCA as an example I sold for $1.023 on March 9. Have bought back 70% more than my original holdings for the same amount of capital and I'm now sitting at a 40% return. A sort of cancelled export order on shares - all must go - 2 for 1 sale - free ginsu knives. I did realise how emotionally invested I can become with my holdings. I got to a really really bad place before I pushed the sell button then sold nearly everything in about 15 mins. A few thousand in brokerage is like an insurance premium in the end.

  7. #27
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2020


    Relatively new to investing myself but I'm up 34.11% in the ~18 months I've been active of which 20.21% is this calendar year.

    I decided not to exit at all but took advantage of low prices to bring my average buy down in existing holdings. BLT & PLX are my hero holdings and also my initial investments.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Maori land


    Yes JT capital increases 30% since Sep gain so far 30%

    U might think I am bluffing eh....

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Floating Anchor Shoals


    Still doesnt make sense you crazy nutcase. We havnt got to sep 2020 yet, you mean Sep 2019?

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Maori land


    Oh yeah ..last year...sep bad...too much tui eh


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