So how’s it going for you? I dumped a few shares once it became obvious that a serious drop was going to happen, literally in only a few days. What a fast crash It was eh!

So that cash I held aside and topped up building a cash reserve to about 50% of total portfolio now. Some of it I deployed into averaging down some holdings when it became obvious that the bounce had legs.

Today my holdings with their lower cost average hit the black again (still well down from previous highs), this is including dividends. And I’ve got that 50% cash sitting waiting to move when I’m convinced there isn’t second wave or another crash coming, happy even if that wait is quite a while.

I’m feeling pretty chuffed actually to have done a few things at least, be back in the black and have plenty of upside to previous highs, and a stash to deploy where I think it’s safer to do so.

How about you? Got any good news stories how you’ve navigated the rout and in a better position for the future?