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Thread: Rookie mistakes

  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by justakiwi View Post
    Anyone regret anything they did or didn’t do, investment-wise, over the Covid/lockdown period? In hindsight, my one regret is that I stopped my regular weekly orders temporarily. It did mean I was able to pick up larger (for me) parcels of shares in a couple of holdings, but it also meant I missed out on the opportunity to add to my other holdings at very discounted prices. I should have kept my regular small orders going and used savings to buy the “extras”

    Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but yeah, a missed opportunity.

    Anyone else kicking yourself just a bit now?
    Curtis Faith in his book Inside the Mind of The Turtles says judge the quality of decisions based on their inception rather than their outcome.
    It would appear that you did not expect the market to recover so quickly and so you stopped your orders. With hindsight was it the right decision at the time based on the information and knowledge you had at the time, on your understanding of the market. As Birman Boy says at the time who was to know how quick the recovery would be. Mistakes are lessons.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by moka View Post
    Curtis Faith in his book Inside the Mind of The Turtles says judge the quality of decisions based on their inception rather than their outcome.
    It would appear that you did not expect the market to recover so quickly and so you stopped your orders. With hindsight was it the right decision at the time based on the information and knowledge you had at the time, on your understanding of the market. As Birman Boy says at the time who was to know how quick the recovery would be. Mistakes are lessons.
    It's not how long you stay out of the market but how long you stay invested in the market that counts. Believe me, there are MANY that went to 100% cash in Feb and are still waiting today - assuming there will be a bigger crash to come. Who would be right and who knows where prices will be next month, next year, or in 5 years time?

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by SBQ View Post
    It's not how long you stay out of the market but how long you stay invested in the market that counts. Believe me, there are MANY that went to 100% cash in Feb and are still waiting today - assuming there will be a bigger crash to come. Who would be right and who knows where prices will be next month, next year, or in 5 years time?
    That's somewhat where I am right now. I keep my (modest) monthly orders going through all of this, and one of them went through during the lowest point, but I have a bit of cash waiting in the wings that I haven't used, and I'm just not sure what to do with it.

    My internal dialogue tells me I have 3 options; 1. Keep the cash where it is and invest it all when (or if!) a crash comes. 2. Beef up my monthly orders and release it with dollar cost averaging over a longer period of time. 3. Invest it all into a long term hold in the near future and cast off my worries about volatility, as that's going to be the reality for the next little while.

  4. #24
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    I got excited and purchased shares in WHS when they announced (prematurely) that they would be open during lockdown. It was a complete departure from my plan (to invest monthly in ETFs this year), it wasn't a company I had any interest in before, but I was flustered and reading the news (I know, I know).

    Managed to break even selling a few weeks later, but learnt a swift lesson about not letting emotions drive purchasing.

    Other than that, I wish I had purchased some more A2M.

  5. #25
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    Relax, Ronnie. Wishing you'd purchased more of a winning stock may be a regret but it's not a mistake. And we've all had that particular regret!

    Other than that, I wish I had purchased some more A2M.

  6. #26
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    Jul 2020


    I agree, mistakes are lessons.

    While it is cheapest to learn from the mistakes of others, I have found that the many investment mistakes I have made myself are the ones I am most unlikely to repeat in future.

    Errors made early in ones investing timeline, when funds invested are minimal, can save a colossal and very costly major mistake a few decades later.

  7. #27
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    I reckon one of the hardest mistakes to learn is crystallising a loss. One has invested their funds and bought the story , back it up with biased(looked for only the pros no cons) research, searched and found others to support it and when the s/p keeps dropping throwing it in the bottom drawer in denial and hope it will come right one day. Been my biggest challenge anyways. Cut ones losses and move on is what i need to remind myself and my EGO.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie View Post
    I got excited and purchased shares in WHS when they announced (prematurely) that they would be open during lockdown. It was a complete departure from my plan (to invest monthly in ETFs this year), it wasn't a company I had any interest in before, but I was flustered and reading the news (I know, I know).

    Managed to break even selling a few weeks later, but learnt a swift lesson about not letting emotions drive purchasing.

    Other than that, I wish I had purchased some more A2M.
    Lol, this has aged well.....


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