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  1. #351
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post

    Meanwhile, we have Mahuta in her first foray as Foreign Minister telling the Chinese exactly where NZ stands - with a declining empire against our biggest trading partner.

    Watch this space!
    Interesting article but I believe China has far bigger fish to fry than insignificant New Zealand, even as a part of Five Eyes.
    Foreign Minister Mahuta's reply was very mild in comparison to China's Foreign Ministry's aggressive rhetoric, and the Prime Minister referred to "our mature relationship" almost apologetically...

    I mean let's face it, NZ is a joke - pretending to have its own sovereign foreign policy, when it can't even defend its share of the necessary defence partnership load with Australia, let alone interact credibly with the US as a non-ally. (Despite excellent progress by Ron Mark as MOD).

    We need an ANZUS II and we need to credibly re-arm (including a new air-strike wing) and prepare for whats coming
    from an increasingly aggressive President Xi in the future...(or wait until the China moderates force him out - see previous page "The Weakness of President Xi within China, the bungled handling of the Covid virus and a plan to deal to his hardline faction").

    New-Zealand's Dangerous Strategic Apathy in an Uncertain Age
    Last edited by Davexl; 25-11-2020 at 10:19 AM.
    All science is either Physics or stamp collecting - Ernest Rutherford

  2. #352
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    Oct 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Davexl View Post
    Interesting article but I believe China has far bigger fish to fry than insignificant New Zealand, even as a part of Five Eyes.

    I mean let's face it, NZ is a joke - pretending to have its own sovereign foreign policy, when it can't even defend its share of the necessary partnership load with Australia, let alone interact credibly with the US as a non-ally.

    We need an ANZUS II and we need to credibly re-arm (including a new air-strike wing) and prepare for whats coming from an aggressive President Xi in the future...
    BS, we need to work with China and face the fact they're not going away. They're too big and important to be adversaries. That doesn't mean we should be weak but rather play the game how nz has been to date.

    Nz will never credibley rearm as you call it. Simply too small. A few fighter planes wont make any difference. Nz is far from a joke, is actually a great little country.

  3. #353
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunner View Post
    BS, we need to work with China and face the fact they're not going away. They're too big and important to be adversaries. That doesn't mean we should be weak but rather play the game how nz has been to date.

    Nz will never credibley rearm as you call it. Simply too small. A few fighter planes wont make any difference. Nz is far from a joke, is actually a great little country.

    I love this country more than you can possibly imagine, just before WWII, NZ was completely defenceless and hadn't taken out an insurance policy against aggression by a foreign power. Wake UP!! History is repeating itself. As long as President Xi remains in power, things will get progressively worse...(or wait until the China moderates force him out - see previous page "The Weakness of President Xi within China, the bungled handling of the Covid virus and a plan to deal to his hardline faction").
    Last edited by Davexl; 25-11-2020 at 10:14 AM.
    All science is either Physics or stamp collecting - Ernest Rutherford

  4. #354
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    Biden Welcomes National Security Team, Says ‘America Is Back’
    All science is either Physics or stamp collecting - Ernest Rutherford

  5. #355
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    No America is not back. I've traveled the highways and byways of America many times and it's a country in decline. Clapped out infrastructure and no middle class. The sun is setting on the US and rising in other lands. As it has always done. The American Century is over. Going to war isn't going to work next time and hasn't worked since the 1960s.
    Telling the world you're taking the top seat at the table merely implies another futile arms race.

  6. #356
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    Japan and Australia put aside wartime baggage to counter China’s rise


    "While both Suga and Morrison reject claims that their cooperation targets China, both countries’ defense ministries identify Beijing as a principle cause of regional instability and call for enhanced capabilities to keep the peace. The two leaders’ joint statement notes “serious concerns” about “coercive or unilateral attempts to change the status quo” that “increase tensions in the region.” From my vantage point — and I am not alone — the particulars in the statement point to one country, even if the two leaders don’t want to say its name out loud. Dealing with it requires more than symbolic efforts. They are underway."
    Last edited by Davexl; 25-11-2020 at 01:07 PM.
    All science is either Physics or stamp collecting - Ernest Rutherford

  7. #357
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    Quote Originally Posted by SPC View Post
    No America is not back. I've traveled the highways and byways of America many times and it's a country in decline. Clapped out infrastructure and no middle class. The sun is setting on the US and rising in other lands. As it has always done. The American Century is over. Going to war isn't going to work next time and hasn't worked since the 1960s.
    Telling the world you're taking the top seat at the table merely implies another futile arms race.
    You may well be right, but what is the alternative - give into China's aggression and be rolled over by the CCP?

    Perhaps Biden can moderate the situation between the US and China by sharing other work with multilateral institutions.
    I have also been to the US and have seen their decline, but I still have faith in their ability to re-invigorate themselves
    and their values which we in the West share.

    Trump has caused immense damage, and it will take time to heal the divisions but at least with Biden, the world is in a better place...
    Last edited by Davexl; 25-11-2020 at 01:03 PM.
    All science is either Physics or stamp collecting - Ernest Rutherford

  8. #358
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    Why are you spouting all this pro-America stuff on share traders forum?
    The connection with the capital markets is....what?
    Write to Mahuta with your theories.
    Tell us some share tales instead. That's what the folks here want.

  9. #359
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    Quote Originally Posted by SPC View Post
    Why are you spouting all this pro-America stuff on share traders forum?
    The connection with the capital markets is....what?
    Write to Mahuta with your theories.
    Tell us some share tales instead. That's what the folks here want.

    1. The title of this forum is Geo-Political-Risk - look up what it means, and think about how it might affect your shares. eg China and Australia ATM
    2. Whether you appreciate it or not, America's nuclear shield and global alliances have kept the world safe from a major conflagration for some 75 years.

    We owe a debt to America for saving NZ and Australia from the Japanese in WWII and our generation has never had to fight a war under conscription.

    I personally find this anti-Americanism attitude extremely distasteful, it clearly stems from ignorance. Read some history.
    Fortunately we are lead by leaders in NZ who are not either of these things. And our past Minister of Defence was possibly the best MOD in 40 years.

    Unlike the last appalling 4 years of President Trump...
    Last edited by Davexl; 25-11-2020 at 08:04 PM.
    All science is either Physics or stamp collecting - Ernest Rutherford

  10. #360
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    US-China detente hopes rising in SE Asia

    "ASEAN’s preference, in a pithy phrase, would be for the US to show up but not to speak up.
    Nor does the region want a return of America’s “benign neglect” of the 1990s, preferring instead something akin to “engaged indifference.”"
    Last edited by Davexl; 30-11-2020 at 12:50 PM.
    All science is either Physics or stamp collecting - Ernest Rutherford

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