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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Maori land


    Whats wrong with skilled workers from china...india or least they show up to bull****s....while our own kind...happy to stay home and don't want to go back to work because the labour will pay everything....

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by hogie View Post
    Not sure if things are going to be as bad as people think ... the government has borrowed ~$50,000,000,000 from future generations to pay for the "now" ... the next government in 2023 and beyond are going to have massive issues going forward ...
    If Greens have their way the tax rates are all going to increase excessively which will likely mean a brain drain to Australia and other lower tax countries ... we will lose any competitive advantage we had and will have to import skilled workers from India, China, Philippines ... all we will hear "they are stealing our jobs" so the locals will get more handouts.

    All a horror story .. I really hope this all doesn't come to pass

    I don't see much upside for the stock market in the next 3 years ... goodluck to all!
    For me the election result was as good as could be expected -Greens no longer can force stupid hypocritical policies .
    Hope Jacinda can see the need this country has for natural gas and start encouraging exploration.
    I feel she has a good world profile that will attract investment here .
    On Friday I discussed investments with a Broker-fixed interest versus equities -his impression was that older investors are asking the same question and cannot easily find good yield outside the sharemarket.
    I deduced from this that the market may rise further this year-tomorrow will be interesting!

  3. #43
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    Not much about this has been said by the Media......In reality Labour has shifted slightly towards the right to dominate "Centre Ground"...and has stolen Centre Ground from National ..With the Greens out of the equation and the strange silence from the Unionist fraction to influence Labour back towards the left, National is going to have a hard time regaining its Centre leaning voters.

    Monday morning will be Business as normal (new-normal)
    Last edited by Hoop; 18-10-2020 at 10:01 PM.

  4. #44
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    Peters stated "The Election has been bought by Covid-19" or something similar ?

    As much as it may be good or bad to see NZ First wiped off the Political Spectrum for the time being
    there seems to be some truth to what he said..

    Where was Labour's indepth on the Fiscals ? Was there any or are the Forward Financials looking far to bad
    that they didn't want too much mention of these to draw attention off their focus on "a Crisis breed of Politics" ?

    Labour's focus on Covid-19 as if there is currently a Crisis appears to be the case.
    The Crisis is well insulated on the other side of Border Controls & controlled / contained is it not ..
    Is there even still a Covid-19 crisis in NZ now ?

    Have we not seen "Invent a continuation of Covid-19" Crisis and milk it for all it's worth
    to exclusion & very scant coverage of Economic aspects to the extreme ?

    The blind public at large of course bought the Crisis stance hook line & sinker whilst conveniently
    ignoring the grave financial consequences lurking, which will sooner or later catch up
    with many in near to medium future..
    Last edited by nztx; 18-10-2020 at 11:18 PM.

  5. #45
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    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by nztx View Post
    Peters stated "The Election has been bought by Covid-19" or something similar ?

    As much as it may be good or bad to see NZ First wiped off the Political Spectrum for the time being
    there seems to be some truth to what he said..

    Where was Labour's indepth on the Fiscals ? Was there any or are the Forward Financials looking far to bad
    that they didn't want too much mention of these to draw attention off their focus on "a Crisis breed of Politics" ?

    Labour's focus on Covid-19 as if there is currently a Crisis appears to be the case.
    The Crisis is well insulated on the other side of Border Controls & controlled / contained is it not ..
    Is there even still a Covid-19 crisis in NZ now ?

    Have we not seen "Invent a continuation of Covid-19" Crisis and milk it for all it's worth
    to exclusion & very scant coverage of Economic aspects to the extreme ?

    The blind public at large of course bought the Crisis stance hook line & sinker whilst conveniently
    ignoring the grave financial consequences lurking, which will sooner or later catch up
    with many in near to medium future..
    Yes the truth is Shane Jones was in charge of the provincial growth fund . Spent a lot of money in northland and still placed 3 rd on the ballot ... Shane Jones has never won a seat least the public has seen straight through him .

  6. #46
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    Jul 2020


    I read somewhere Labour has promised a big infrastructure building programme, will Fletchers benefit from this?

  7. #47
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    The worrying part is that the current & continuing "Populist Party of Socialist Ideals" could on it's own lead the
    Country badly down the garden path, with their scant understandings of Financial & Economic matters

    Frankly - would you trust some of the resident talent even with an empty Lolly packet ?
    Last edited by nztx; 19-10-2020 at 12:06 AM.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by mylovelyday View Post
    I read somewhere Labour has promised a big infrastructure building programme, will Fletchers benefit from this?

    As we have seen elsewhere .. the likely scenario is

    1. "We have Major Project X and are ready to go"
    2. "Ooops we now find grave absence of eager talent & skills needed for job"
    3. "We now try to import foreign Contractors especially to do Project"

    seen this before ?

    Let's face it fruit on trees rotting for lack of local talent, foreign fisheries workers & Dairy workers preferred..
    while the usual quotient of our local lazy bums sleep soundly (on Govt Life Support until midday) not wanting to know
    or lift a finger ..

    Similar variants seen in Twyford's failed Kiwi House building scheme too - "No local skillsets for jobs available or even remotely interested - so we import them in from elsewhere" .. remember that during Twyford's KiwiFail days ?

    How does that synopsis look .. based on the Labor Govt's recent past record on projects ?
    Last edited by nztx; 18-10-2020 at 11:46 PM. Reason: add more

  9. #49
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    Jan 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by couta1 View Post
    As I've said elsewhere we got the lesser evil with Cindy being able to govern alone, besides how is the truth bagging the PM, she will be off to the UN in due course. PS-40% of voters is still a big minority.
    That was the argument in the office on Friday. Was it better to vote National and risk the winners being Labour and the loons or to vote Labour and hope they can get in without the loons. Time will tell as to what she decides.

  10. #50
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    NZ$ up - markets hate uncertainty so the clear election win by Cindy (whether you like or dislike her) is a major positive.


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