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  1. #6591
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    Oranga Tamariki oversight: Minister Carmel Sepuloni defends changes amid widespread opposition

    And yet another disaster in the making

    Apparently with as much Opposition all round to it, as Mahuta's Tragic THREE WATERS Bulls Up

  2. #6592
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nztx View Post

    PM stands by Nanaia Mahuta after Nats say Government contracts to family show 'pattern of perceived conflicts'

    Well - of course she would - all in the name of protecting her own face & Leadership

    Put simply - No Mahuta - No Maori Support base - No Ardern - No Labour -- and after 2023 No more

    Most can see that will follow on from such incompetent inept performances coming from portfolios where
    Ardern has deliberately sought not to stir up the growing swarm of hornets residing within ; )

    The Public however are very likely to see things from a totally different viewpoint in 2023 to get rid of these "PM protected hopeless poor performing empires" which she has proven totally gutless in reigning in or maintaining any control over.
    Mahuta Whanau sure are making hay while Ardern blows smoke up the Maori Cabal’s arses.
    Last edited by Balance; 22-06-2022 at 09:16 AM.

  3. #6593
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Skies View Post
    I think you have to keep some perspective on this, Charlotte Bellis was splashing her personal details widely all over the media at the time, so some would see it a bit rich to rush to outrage over this pretty minor transgression in this specific case. Context is everything in my view.
    Minor transgression, wrote Blue Skies.


    We now know Hipkins not only went out of his way to disparage Charlotte Bellis, he doubled down to try & totally discredit her.

    Be Kind, says Ardern but just don’t anyone dare to criticise anything about the ‘good time’ spin mistress because she & her ministers will then show their nasty side.

    Last edited by Balance; 22-06-2022 at 09:29 AM.

  4. #6594
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    And it has taken Charlotte Bellis months of legal action and battle to extract the apology from Chris Hipkins and this Ardern government.

  5. #6595
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    Nothing but bad karma following the spin mistress Ardern these days even as she heads off overseas (again) to avoid all the negative results of her misdeeds from over promising and overwhelming under delivery.


    During the peak of the Covid pandemic, Ardern could justifiably boast that New Zealand was "the envy of the world".

    But now the EIU has knocked Auckland off its top slot in "the world's most liveable cities" rankings. Not just a peg or two - but a complete nosedive from first place to 34th. Wellington has also been slammed down from fourth place to 50th.

    These Ardern trade and business missions are big on PR compared to former Prime Minister Sir John Key, whose missions had a strong transactional component.

  6. #6596
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    And it has taken Charlotte Bellis months of legal action and battle to extract the apology from Chris Hipkins and this Ardern government.
    As insincere and cynical as it gets with Hipkins apology to Bellis.

    He waited for Ardern to move him from the COVID response ministerial position before issuing the public apology.

    Otherwise, precedent & ministerial protocol determine Hipkins has to resign for such an outrageous, disgusting and totally unjustifiable act as he did with Bellis.

    Most transparent government - kiss my arse.

  7. #6597
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    As insincere and cynical as it gets with Hipkins apology to Bellis.

    He waited for Ardern to move him from the COVID response ministerial position before issuing the public apology.

    Otherwise, precedent & ministerial protocol determine Hipkins has to resign for such an outrageous, disgusting and totally unjustifiable act as he did with Bellis.

    Most transparent government - kiss my arse.
    Incredible really, going from goddess to pariah in such a short time. This government has given us so much material to doubt that they'll ever achieve anything significant except humungous debt, failed policy implementations across all sectors and societies on NZ, and soon an economic inflation driven recession or worse. History seems destined to reflect unkindly on this government, perhaps the most ruinous most will recall.

  8. #6598
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    Govt Revenue Creep on (Addended: NOT ON) Bracket Creep:

    Fortunately come along 2023 might see a different sort of Creep dealt back to this sort of hopeless talent

    In the mean time the most successful aspirations appear to be in digging the hole deeper around himself

    Must be fairly stupid to boot to even consider attempting a further try .. after his last blundering releases.

    Don't worry - the prancing Head Parrot away busy squawking 'Look at Me's' in Europe wont have missed it - could be demotion to the cheaper seats for naughty Socialists on return - Little Master Nosy Parker

    And as for what's missed - it is surprising Govt missed putting the unfortunate poor performing Parker on the recent list of stand in portfolio warming talent swiftly upended off their portfolios back into irrelevance

    Perhaps a more capable suitable monkey couldn't be found at Wellington Zoo in time for the changes
    or all the potential Zoo candidates were strangely enough named Trevor
    Last edited by nztx; 25-06-2022 at 11:22 PM.

  9. #6599
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    Ram raiders: Group arrested while fleeing raid on empty Auckland dairy

    New Govt Initiative - To catch more ram raiders - patrol empty shops that look like they are not empty

    Seems to be working - doesn't it ? .. how much was thrown at revising the enforcement plan ?

    Perhaps the intelligence of those left uncaught is now lower than that of the average Govt Minister ?

    (for a short while until the wet bus passes and be good pats on the head are dished out, to see more
    of the same)

  10. #6600
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    Health system beyond crisis point - thanks to Ardern & Little.

    And in the midst of this healthcare disaster, Little is disbanding the existing DHB system for ????

    Staff shortages have left health workers in a situation “beyond a crisis”, according to a front line staff member from the Waikato DHB.

    “Actually we’re beyond a crisis, we’re broken.

    “The Minister and the Prime Minister, they’re not acknowledging it.”


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