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  1. #911
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Feb 2003


    Trevor Mallard - using Parliamentary privilege to change his story and make further accusations.

    This is the sort of person Cindy lives to have by her side - a most hypocritical disgusting repugnant despicable woman.

  2. #912
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Hastings, , New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by dobby41 View Post
    Meanwhile the Nats just keep trying to play the race card.
    Dobby, the race card IS being played in NZ, by the Labour govt.

    Its what you get when a young PM was barely born in 1981, and didnt see the protest & riots in the streets, that made seabed & foreshore look like a nice day out in the park.
    As for Chloe, Greens, it would never show up on her Google parameters

    Who trusts Peeni & Willie Jackson?.

    Who watches Maori TV, or Marae, and sees the 2 faced answers, the one you see there is different to the one on TV1 or 3, or the hard questions are just ignored. to avoid exposing the racist agenda.

    Cant blame Judith Collins for what is happening, she is trying to tell you, but its an inconvenient truth to many.

  3. #913
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    May 2006
    , , .


    Quote Originally Posted by Getty View Post
    Dobby, the race card IS being played in NZ, by the Labour govt.

    Its what you get when a young PM was barely born in 1981, and didnt see the protest & riots in the streets, that made seabed & foreshore look like a nice day out in the park.
    As for Chloe, Greens, it would never show up on her Google parameters

    Who trusts Peeni & Willie Jackson?.

    Who watches Maori TV, or Marae, and sees the 2 faced answers, the one you see there is different to the one on TV1 or 3, or the hard questions are just ignored. to avoid exposing the racist agenda.

    Cant blame Judith Collins for what is happening, she is trying to tell you, but its an inconvenient truth to many.
    You do know about the Treaty of Waitangi?
    It is an inconvenient truth to many.

  4. #914
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Auckland, , New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by dobby41 View Post
    You do know about the Treaty of Waitangi?
    It is an inconvenient truth to many.
    Like the bible.It can be interpreted in many ways.

  5. #915
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    Aug 2012


    Three more years of squeezing some of the non-retired middle class? In effect this government is now freezing the pay of public servants earning more than $60,000. Having introduced policies that have resulted in the continued surge in house prices, this government seems determined to rule out the ability to save for home ownership for its own employees in many parts of the country. Inheriting money may the way for many to secure the deposit for a house, if they are lucky enough.

  6. #916
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by 777 View Post
    Like the bible.It can be interpreted in many ways.
    Unllike the bible though, Was The Treaty written with a forked tongue?

  7. #917
    Join Date
    Apr 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post

    Trevor Mallard - using Parliamentary privilege to change his story and make further accusations.

    This is the sort of person Cindy lives to have by her side - a most hypocritical disgusting repugnant despicable woman.
    If only Mallard could fly... right over a Maimai during the opening weekend of this year's duck hunting season.

  8. #918
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    Mar 2010
    Down & out


    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Ten View Post
    If only Mallard could fly... right over a Maimai during the opening weekend of this year's duck hunting season.
    This bully has stooped to new lows. Using parliamentary privilege to once again attack the guy who's reputation he has already destroyed with straight out lies, at a cost of $330k for us tax payers. When asked to repeat his statement outside of parliament, he declined saying that would be in breach of the confidential settlement that was made with this poor guy last year. But Mallard thinks it's OK to go against of the intent of that agreement by hiding behind parliamentary privilege. What an utter scumbag and this is the Speaker of our parliament. A total disgrace.

  9. #919
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Hipkins is here effectively saying Mallard's behaviour in the House was unacceptable (along with others) and in the next breath saying Mallard still enjoys Labour's confidence.

    What are bunch of self serving hypocrites.

    Labour holds the electorate in contempt. The longer they leave Mallard in place, the more their loathsome character is exposed.

  10. #920
    Join Date
    Apr 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by jonu View Post
    Hipkins is here effectively saying Mallard's behaviour in the House was unacceptable (along with others) and in the next breath saying Mallard still enjoys Labour's confidence.

    What are bunch of self serving hypocrites.

    Labour holds the electorate in contempt. The longer they leave Mallard in place, the more their loathsome character is exposed.
    They're losers.

    Plenty of other pejorative ways to describe them, but I think "losers" pretty much sums it up. They're kind of like those kids at school... you know the ones, the ones that everyone else thinks are dickheads, but through some monumental amount of naivety or ignorance they continue to push forward thinking they're doing a good job (with no sense of obligation or consequence), resolute that if they make a mistake, they should be applauded for "at least trying"... with parents in the background threatening to call you as a racist, bigot, sexist, elitist, etc. if you even dare question them.

    The biggest issue in my view is that public service doesn't lend itself to attracting the best or the brightest... it's just a bunch of journeymen... maybe Joseph Parker should run? I digress. The sooner we recognise that Government is effectively a large business with an over-inflated ESG team, the better. We should be trying to make being a politician an attractive proposition to candidates who have something to genuinely add... rather than just those who have been there for a long-time and can drum up enough donations to get their mug on a few billboards every three years.

    I'm immensely frustrated with this current government (mainly around their "over-promise, under-deliver" mantra and the contempt they show us when things don't pan out, and not necessarily for reasons beyond their control) but, to be fair to them (and all past governments), I think it is just a function of the system and parameters they work within.

    I think the government should operate more like a business. One that carries both risk and reward. At the moment, there is a moderate amount of upside/financial reward, but a massive amount of downside protection - ILG, David Parker, Trevor Mallard, the list is long (and fairly extends to the National government past).

    I don't profess to know how or what KPIs you could/should/would set these jokers, but at a fundamental level I think there are currently very limited consequences for failure, which doesn't align with the rest of society's economic and social expectations and norms - i.e. if I'm employed by Company ABC and I say I am going to do X to achieve Y, and Y ends up being Y-1,000,000, then I would expect a negative personal/professionl/financial outcome.

    I think if you start paying these people a lot more (say, $1-2m p.a.) and they fail to deliver, voters should/would apply a higher level of scrutiny around actual performance. And by the way, I'd prefer the $1-2m to be split say 30:70 or 50:50 based on performance. I get it, defining "performance" in politics is hard as it is so emotive and ambiguous, but that shouldn't prevent smarter folk than I asking the question should it? Or maybe they already have and it's all too hard and I should just go back to the NZX thread and continue picking up ****ty over-priced stocks?

    At the end of the day, it's all about incentives. And at the moment, the incentives don't align well with voter needs.


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