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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by moka View Post
    Adern said a transformational government was one that brought about lasting changes rather than one that implemented radical changes.

    The rhetoric of transformation has been replaced by the language of recovery.

    The prime minister appeals less to conviction than to disposition. Her approach resonates with people for whom politics is fundamentally relational rather than ideological.
    It is Ardern’s poise under pressure, calmness and ability not to rise to anything faintly resembling bait that has deeply resonated.

    Ardern is no ideologue. She gives people who don’t agree with her party’s policies permission to vote for her. It’s the kind of leadership that can change what counts as political common sense, and it appeals to a lot of people in times of stress and uncertainty.
    I would translate this to mean she appeals to those who don't look too closely.....she has a shiny veneer without a substance that can stand serious scrutiny. This is why I view her as incredibly cynical. She knows exactly what she is doing in her manipulation of the masses who don't look at her too closely.

    Promise a lot and deliver bugger all.

    Ramp up the fear.

    Dominate the media space with daily briefings.

    Frame the narrative, combined with the fear and propaganda barrage.

    Tony Blair was once hugely popular in the UK. Now he is loathed. Ardern's worm will turn. The sooner the better.

  2. #12
    Aspiring to be an Awesome Bear
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    Quote Originally Posted by moka View Post
    Good question - deputy PM Grant Robertson?

    Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says Labour's deputy PM will be the deputy leader - but is that Kelvin Davis?
    This morning Ardern said she had no intention in moving Davis from the deputy leadership but ultimately that would be a caucus decision.
    Going into caucus this morning, Davis told reporters that he had had discussions with Ardern but would not reveal any details.
    Asked if he was up against Grant Robertson for the job, he said: "I'm not up against anybody."
    I would prefer Grant Robertson, Kelvin Davis hasnt impressed me at all.

    Medical people seem to think David Clarke has been a good Health Minister and he does a lot behind the scenes. Although he romped back in in his Dunedin electorate, in spite of his Covid Lockdown blunders, I dont think it would go down especially well if he was reinstated as Health Minister. I was wondering if Ayesha Verrall would be a starter? I confess I know very little about her

  3. #13
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RupertBear View Post
    Sooo any thoughts on who will be Deputy PM...? And what about Health Minister....surely it wont be David Clarke?!
    DPM will most likely be a Maori - Cindy owes them big time, especially now with the Maori Party getting back with a foothold in Parliament.

    As with most things about Cindy, it’s about appearance over substance.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    Yet another populist in other words - all talk and no substance & no delivery.

    The Queen of spin, says a lot but says nothing at all that actually has any real meaning.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by RupertBear View Post
    I would prefer Grant Robertson, Kelvin Davis hasnt impressed me at all.

    Medical people seem to think David Clarke has been a good Health Minister and he does a lot behind the scenes. Although he romped back in in his Dunedin electorate, in spite of his Covid Lockdown blunders, I dont think it would go down especially well if he was reinstated as Health Minister. I was wondering if Ayesha Verrall would be a starter? I confess I know very little about her
    What surveys show most people think Clarke has done a good job???? A bandycoot could win in Dunedin, as long as it was painted red. I think Chip seems to be doing well. I'd like to see him remain in that position, and get him as far away from education as possible.

  6. #16
    Aspiring to be an Awesome Bear
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    No surveys fungus just word amongst the medical professionals I know in Dunedin who have worked closely with him.

    I agree Chris Hipkins appears to be doing a good job and I would be happy for him to remain in that position

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by RupertBear View Post
    No surveys fungus just word amongst the medical professionals I know in Dunedin who have worked closely with him.

    I agree Chris Hipkins appears to be doing a good job and I would be happy for him to remain in that position

    Chris Hipkins is super bright, highly intelligent, absolutely run rings around most MP's & hense highly competent.
    But hasn't quite got the easy going relaxed & relatable charm of Grant Robertson who is also very bright & the obvious eventual future leader of the Labour Party.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Skies View Post
    Chris Hipkins is super bright, highly intelligent, absolutely run rings around most MP's & hense highly competent.
    But hasn't quite got the easy going relaxed & relatable charm of Grant Robertson who is also very bright & the obvious eventual future leader of the Labour Party.
    Hipkins does stuff all in his local electorate in which I live, big contrast to the electorate down in Hutt South where Chris Bishop is highly prominent and hard working at the coal face.

  9. #19
    Aspiring to be an Awesome Bear
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    Quote Originally Posted by couta1 View Post
    Hipkins does stuff all in his local electorate in which I live, big contrast to the electorate down in Hutt South where Chris Bishop is highly prominent and hard working at the coal face.
    Well to be fair Chris Hipkins has had a lot on his plate with all this Covid stuff.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by RupertBear View Post
    No surveys fungus just word amongst the medical professionals I know in Dunedin who have worked closely with him.
    I agree Chris Hipkins appears to be doing a good job and I would be happy for him to remain in that position
    Well, at least we agree on something.
    Last edited by fungus pudding; 26-10-2020 at 04:15 PM.


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