  1. #11011
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    The budget was only last month….how could Treasury get it so horribly wrong?! These forecasts are not worth the paper they are written on, and the public have effectively been lied to as far as I can see; we are only in early June and already there is this clear fiscal hole due to rubbish ‘forecasts’. Incompetence seems to be the norm in all tiers of our government.

    Adrian ORR-SOME probably uses the same miserable excuses for ratcheting up more pain on Kiwi's

    Wonder how his Recession planning is going now on lower tax takes ?

    A sure sign that things are not as right as these twits previously relayed

    It wouldn't have taken any ordinary Joe Bloggs going for a short walk to determine what had been missed
    and what the real state of things was ..
    Last edited by nztx; 08-06-2023 at 03:19 PM.

  2. #11012
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    Dec 2009


    Michael Wood sells problematic Auckland Airport shares, faces pecuniary interest inquiry

    The under-fire minister has now sold his shares in Auckland Airport and he will donate the money to charity.

    It emerged in Parliament today that Ardern’s office was told at least three times about the shareholding - and was once wrongly told he had sold the shares.

    Wood said he could not recall Ardern ever speaking to him about the shares.

    Lier Lier Pants on Fire - Woody Woodpecker ?

    No credibility left whatsoever .. should be sacked and kicked into the nearest Pot Hole immediately

    “If [Hipkins] doesn’t sack him today, he is lowering the standard of conduct expected of ministers in New Zealand in a way that will be damaging, not just to him personally but to the perception of our Government and its ethics,” she said.

    “It is wrong for ministers to conduct themselves this way. The Prime Minister must set a standard. He must be strong, he must act,” she said.
    Last edited by nztx; 08-06-2023 at 03:29 PM.

  3. #11013
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    Dec 2009


    Auckland traffic chaos: Man parks car on Southern Motorway centre lane, meditates on roof

    A Labour follower meditating for Woody Woodpecker's wellbeing ?

    The long passage on the confusing Saga over the lost AIA shares ?

    Or a Secondary School teacher meditating for his next pay rise ?
    Last edited by nztx; 08-06-2023 at 04:04 PM.

  4. #11014
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    Dec 2009


    Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei offers Wayne Brown an alternative to massive rates rise or Auckland Airport share sell-off

    Had to be expected didn't it ? .. Trot out "Some pr!ck stole our waterfront land 200 or so years ago" line

  5. #11015
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    Dec 2009


    Minister stood down every 6.5 weeks: Will blunders cost Labour the election?

    The Front Page: Will Michael Wood and Jan Tinetti blunders cost Labour the election in 2023?

    The Labour Party has endured a challenging six months since Chris Hipkins took over as Prime Minister.

    NZ Herald deputy political editor and host of the On The Tiles podcast, Thomas Coughlan tells The Front Page that Hipkins has now stood down a minister every six and half weeks since he took office.

    This has happened amid a series of Ministerial mishaps that have all attracted negative headlines, some more serious than others.

    Transport Minister Michael Wood, Education Minister Jan Tinetti, Police Minister Stuart Nash and Justice Minister Kiri Allan are just some of the Labour Ministers to have caused headaches for the Prime Minister recently. And on top of this, he’d also had the defection of Meka Whaitiri to Te Pāti Māori.

    “It certainly looks bad,” says Coughlan.

  6. #11016
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    Dec 2009


    Tainui makes an audacious play for Auckland Council’s Airport shares - as Ngāti Whātua puts port deal on the table

    Cashed up iwi Waikato-Tainui wants the Government to buy all Auckland Airport shares that are put up for sale as Auckland Council looks to balance its books to meet the future needs of its ratepayers.

    Tainui executive chair Tukoroirangi Morgan says Waikato Tainui have outstanding Treaty of Waitangi claims in the Auckland region particularly around Māngere.

    This latest sell-off proposal he says, “presents a significant opportunity for the Government to purchase the shares and utilise them to settle our remaining claims in the area.

    Let's shuffle things about for some more "Something for Free" for the 16% ?

    Why not Auckland Council sell all the AIA shares at discounted prices by way of entitlement to Auckland Ratepayers instead ?

    but that might rip someone's XL size grundies properly ..

    After all Labour as a Government have gone out to prove themselves more & more grossly untrustworthy as each week goes by

    Who are the reciprients by far of large scale Govt Welfare handouts courtesy of a document that keeps on giving to a minority of the population, and then mostly into hands of probably a band of disconnected greedy activists at the top of the receiving structures, which then pay little or no tax ?
    Last edited by nztx; 09-06-2023 at 12:31 AM.

  7. #11017
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    Dec 2009


    Sir Roger Douglas on why he’s lost faith in politicians:

    Sir Roger Douglas, former Labour Finance Minister and co-founder of the Act Party, is unimpressed with modern politics.

    “Look at the last 20 years, you tell me anyone, any government that’s done anything,” he says.

    Douglas, now 86, probably has more right than most to make that claim, having been the key driver of an economic revolution in his four years as Finance Minister, from 1984 to 1988.

    To many Kiwis it was a revolution that saved the country from bankruptcy, pulling it out of a spiral of debt and depression.

    But others see the reforms - “Rogernomics”, they were dubbed - as a right-wing coup which sought to dismantle the welfare state.

    Actually, Douglas wouldn’t argue with the second part of that statement.

    He still advocates what some would describe as radical reform of the welfare system.

    But Douglas says that back in the 80s, there was never a grand plan that he and his Labour colleagues were following.

    “I think it was more organic,” he tells the Money Talks podcast. “We were faced with a problem, we needed to fix it. Had I been tribal in the sense of Labour right or wrong, I don’t think we would have necessarily done it.”

    So where did the term Rogernomics come from? He laughs: “From one of you guys! The media.”

  8. #11018
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    Dame Jacinda Ardern set to sign record book deal, publishing industry abuzz after ‘bidding war’

    A book of what ?

    When does the date for a Book Burning bomb fire get announced ?

    All we need now are Before and After images of the disaster zone that the abandoned Labour
    Front bench has descended to
    Last edited by nztx; 09-06-2023 at 03:43 PM.

  9. #11019
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Wellington, New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by nztx View Post

    Tainui makes an audacious play for Auckland Council’s Airport shares - as Ngāti Whātua puts port deal on the table

    Let's shuffle things about for some more "Something for Free" for the 16% ?

    Why not Auckland Council sell all the AIA shares at discounted prices by way of entitlement to Auckland Ratepayers instead ?

    but that might rip someone's XL size grundies properly ..

    After all Labour as a Government have gone out to prove themselves more & more grossly untrustworthy as each week goes by

    Who are the reciprients by far of large scale Govt Welfare handouts courtesy of a document that keeps on giving to a minority of the population, and then mostly into hands of probably a band of disconnected greedy activists at the top of the receiving structures, which then pay little or no tax ?
    In fact, why not distribute the shares in-specie to Auckland rate payers. After all they are the ones who really own these shares. That way people can themselves make a decision whether they want to sell the shares or hold for future dividends.

  10. #11020
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    Dec 2009


    Matthew Hooton: End of the line for lethally arrogant Labour — and Auckland light rail plans

    The jettisoned Fools that Ardern abandoned in the swirling currents seem to be just doing very well trying to drown themselves

    No number of different Clown Faces & opening the legs for leap in the air can apparently save them from themselves

    Unfortunately there weren't many takers in the bidding war for the Leader seat Ardern abandoned in a hurry .. what is being seen now on the poorly executed excuses for multiple trainwrecks may be a reason why
    Last edited by nztx; 09-06-2023 at 03:27 PM.


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