  1. #11631
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Wealth tax 'would create compliance headaches, little gain'

    A wealth tax as proposed by the Government could have been expensive and complicated, for relatively limited benefit, tax experts say.

    Deloitte tax partner Robyn Walker said there were only three countries in the OECD that had a wealth tax – Norway, Spain and Switzerland. She said there was some evidence that when countries introduced a wealth tax, or extended one, it led to some high-net wealth individuals leaving.

    Dumb Idea, the Experts are saying - Robbo

    The Ideology seeking Labour & Green retards focused on much inwards navel gazing appear to have egg on their face yet again

    Of course Chumpie the Clown probably knew that the idea would see what few miserable chips he had left over would be well and truly burnt to a crisp

    Had to borrow that little play from the equally stupid Ardern past playbook so to weasel out of a potentially greater rejection disaster projectory
    Last edited by nztx; 14-07-2023 at 06:41 PM.

  2. #11632
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    Dec 2009


    Cabinet agrees to keep supermarket break-up option in back pocket

    The Cabinet has agreed to keep a break-up of supermarket groups Countdown and Foodstuffs “in reserve” while it monitors the impact of its existing reforms of the grocery sector.

    It could look more closely at the options and likely outcomes of forcing the supermarket chains to sell some of their stores to make way for new competitors “should it become clear that was needed to achieve a properly competitive grocery market”, Commerce Minister Duncan Webb advised fellow ministers.

    Sorry Boys & Girls - too hard .. Labour says you can all continue enjoying all the nice COL price spirals

    Not that Labour have slightest clue now, or in future on what some petty Supermarket meddling might bring

    After all, they have already most screwed up and trashed everything else they have laid eyes on so far ..

    Another disaster right on Election time might result in the Performing Clown getting catapulted off the high rope and disgracing himself in front of all before being laughed out bouncing down the road
    Last edited by nztx; 14-07-2023 at 06:51 PM.

  3. #11633
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by nztx View Post

    More than a third of Auckland’s bus network shut down indefinitely as talks collapse

    More Bus to nowhere around SuperSh!tty with all wheels fallen off ahead folks

    Govt too busy applying band aids elsewhere, and issuing instruction to count pot holes to see if they
    have multiplied while the Head Chipmonk was on holiday overseas giving out burned sausage rolls
    Several of your posts have nothing to do with central government including the building consents that were fraudulently approved.

    Both these issues are Council level issues nothing to do with the Labour Government.

    Your strategy of just firing mud hoping it sticks no matter how relevant just erodes your credibility. There are plenty of legitimate issues without blaming central government for irrelevant issues facing Wayne Brown etc.

  4. #11634
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    Several of your posts have nothing to do with central government including the building consents that were fraudulently approved.

    Both these issues are Council level issues nothing to do with the Labour Government.

    Your strategy of just firing mud hoping it sticks no matter how relevant just erodes your credibility. There are plenty of legitimate issues without blaming central government for irrelevant issues facing Wayne Brown etc.
    Militant unions and the Left wing agenda of pushing everyone in NZ onto public transport - that’s on Labour and their Green allies. I live in a city where there is a huge fleet of largely empty buses driving around constantly emitting untold amounts of noxious fumes, all for Left wing ideological reasons. The bus drivers here are the highest paid in the country, and all they do is drive around with 1 or 2 seats occupied per trip - if they are lucky. Make it make sense! Why are people buying electric cars and scooters when the plan is to herd us all onto buses and trains like so many sheep?

  5. #11635
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    Dec 2009


    Māori Party launches at Matariki, says Prime Minister and Labour won’t call the shots come election night

    A surging Te Pāti Māori is warning Prime Minister Chris Hipkins and Labour they won’t be calling the shots come election day in response to his ruling out a wealth and/or capital gains tax.

    The comments came as the party officially launched its election campaign at a Matariki festival Thursday evening in Henderson, West Auckland.

    Who's a pretty Puppet pulling Clown faces - Chumpkins ?

    Looks like the minority splinter factions think they're taking turns on the job

    Give them an inch - they might want the lot .. No worries - likely bound to be an exemption
    for the wealth tax impost, on top of income tax for them, if it ever makes the grades ..
    for you know who .. all 16% of them - they're probably bigger stake holders in the local turf
    than churches & their satellite commercial operations now .. by billions of taxpayer compo

    Vote for Labour - you know you can Trust Labour to take it from any coalition minority
    knobs who want to jump in the queue to have a go

    The same Labour who have already proven that they're drifting lost in outer space, have produced
    little of any real value to majority of Kiwi's across 5.5 years - apart from deluding themselves
    & emptying the tin plus a huge amount borrowed more, all frittered and squandered away ..

    Who needs Labour when the fractionised factions think they can soon do it alone without having to
    drag around the cumbersome carcase of a soon to be extinct Labour dinosaur tossed away as soon
    as the bones become of no use along with a few desperate expendable cling-ons still attached ?

    Nothing like a little cannabalising the Labour target from the inside out .. waiting for things to implode
    then all jumping overboard while Head Clown is fast asleep dreaming pink fuzziies, completely
    unaware of the trojans hard at work within

    and of course certain factions are all for Wealth Taxes (and of course Income Tax) ... just so long as it doesn't apply to them, being privileged factions exempted ; and everyone else winds up on the paying end
    Last edited by nztx; 14-07-2023 at 11:30 PM.

  6. #11636
    Senior Member
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    Wellington, , New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    Militant unions and the Left wing agenda of pushing everyone in NZ onto public transport - that’s on Labour and their Green allies. I live in a city where there is a huge fleet of largely empty buses driving around constantly emitting untold amounts of noxious fumes, all for Left wing ideological reasons. The bus drivers here are the highest paid in the country, and all they do is drive around with 1 or 2 seats occupied per trip - if they are lucky. Make it make sense! Why are people buying electric cars and scooters when the plan is to herd us all onto buses and trains like so many sheep?
    Public transport aye.Guess who pays.

  7. #11637
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    Militant unions and the Left wing agenda of pushing everyone in NZ onto public transport - that’s on Labour and their Green allies. I live in a city where there is a huge fleet of largely empty buses driving around constantly emitting untold amounts of noxious fumes, all for Left wing ideological reasons. The bus drivers here are the highest paid in the country, and all they do is drive around with 1 or 2 seats occupied per trip - if they are lucky. Make it make sense! Why are people buying electric cars and scooters when the plan is to herd us all onto buses and trains like so many sheep?
    I don't believe you. What city? What evidence?
    Empty or 1 or 2 seats occupied, I call BS.

    Please explain how this has anything to do with unions?

    As already stated the Council's run buses not the Government so if it is being run poorly that is on them.

    Hey but apparently Ardern is to blame for everything.

    So I repeat. No credibility between either of you.

  8. #11638
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    I don't believe you. What city? What evidence?
    Empty or 1 or 2 seats occupied, I call BS.

    Please explain how this has anything to do with unions?

    As already stated the Council's run buses not the Government so if it is being run poorly that is on them.

    Hey but apparently Ardern is to blame for everything.

    So I repeat. No credibility between either of you.

    Tell us again about the 12,000 new state houses you claimed have been built by this useless government!

  9. #11639
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    I don't believe you. What city? What evidence?
    Empty or 1 or 2 seats occupied, I call BS.

    Please explain how this has anything to do with unions?

    As already stated the Council's run buses not the Government so if it is being run poorly that is on them.

    Hey but apparently Ardern is to blame for everything.

    So I repeat. No credibility between either of you.
    You can call whatever you like: I see the evidence every day with my own two eyes.

  10. #11640
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    I don't believe you. What city? What evidence?
    Empty or 1 or 2 seats occupied, I call BS.

    Please explain how this has anything to do with unions?

    As already stated the Council's run buses not the Government so if it is being run poorly that is on them.

    Hey but apparently Ardern is to blame for everything.

    So I repeat. No credibility between either of you.
    Militant unions have been emboldened by this weak as water Left wing government, and councils and businesses will pay the price.


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