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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonu View Post
    Does anyone other than Ardern have confidence in Mahuta as Minister of Foreign Affairs?

    Interesting to see Little gone from Justice, which is some small relief.

    As for the rightly demoted Twyford....what on earth was he doing at No.4 on the list? What dirt does he have?
    It sure was the surprise of the day !!

  2. #32
    Aspiring to be an Awesome Bear
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    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    It sure was the surprise of the day !!
    I agree. Nor did I see Andrew Little for Health Minister
    Last edited by RupertBear; 02-11-2020 at 08:53 PM. Reason: Bad gramar

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    PM's portfolio & who's doing what
    Ardern will be Minister for Child Poverty Reduction, and Arts Culture and Heritage will go to Carmel Sepuloni.

    Grant Robertson has been named as deputy Prime Minister and Andrew Little as Health Minister.

    After later term's KiwiBuild fiasco, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern demoted Phil Twyford - who will be a minister outside Cabinet, with the disarmament portfolio.

    Ardern revealed that Robertson will also keep the Finance portfolio and to be given Infrastructure so he can oversee the roll out of the $12 billion NZ upgrade programme and the $3 billion shovel-ready fund.

    Chris Hipkins will be Minister for Covid-19 Response, which will include many facets including testing, managed isolation, and border management. He will keep Education and Leader of the House.

    Little will be in charge of the health sector reforms, and be assisted by Associate Health Ministers including Peeni Henare, who will also be Defence Minister.

    Henare moves into Cabinet as does newcomer Ayesha Verrall, who will be Associate Health Minister, Minister for Seniors and Minister for Food Safety.

    Kelvin Davis remains the party's deputy leader.

    Davis revealed this morning that he didn't want the deputy prime ministership.

    Davis will keep Crown Maori relations and take on Minister for Children with responsibility for Oranga Tamariki. He retains Associate Education and Corrections.

    Megan Woods keeps Housing and Energy and Resources and Science and Innovation, and she picks up Associate Finance.

    David Parker keeps Environment and picks up Revenue, as well as a new portfolio of Oceans and Fisheries.

    Stuart Nash will have Economic and Regional Development, Tourism, and Forestry, and he will keep Small Businesses.

    Damien O'Connor picks up Trade and Export Growth as well as keeping Agriculture.

    Sepuloni will keep Social Development, and Employment will be rolled into this.

    Nanaia Mahuta will be Foreign Affairs Minister. She is New Zealand's first female Foreign Affairs Minister.

    Poto Williams will be Police Minister and move into Cabinet.

    Kris Faafoi retains Immigration and Broadcasting, and also becomes Justice Minister.

    Willie Jackson will be in Cabinet and have Maori Development.

    Jan Tinetti will have Women and Internal Affairs and Associate Education.

    Michael Wood will be Employment Relations Minister, while Kiri Allen will be Minister of Conservation.

    Commerce and Consumer Affairs and Statistics will be David Clark's portfolios, who returns to Cabinet.

    Meka Whaitiri will be a minister again, including responsibility for animal welfare.

    Rino Tirikatene will be Oceans under-secretary, and Deborah Russell will be under-secretary for Revenue.
    Great choices in my opinion - Andrew Little for Health. I am very impressed with the cabinet line-up. Good to see Ayesha Verrall straight into cabinet. I am glad I didn’t have to make the decisions.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    Not a good start for the PM. Making another Captain's call last week saying the Deputy PM would be the Leader of the Labour Party, only to be undermined by Kelvin Davis who wants to stay on a Labour Deputy Leader but not Deputy PM :-)
    I don’t see it as undermining, that wording puts a negative slant on the decision. It shows the PM can be flexible and adapt when the situation changes. Rules are not fixed in concrete. Great of Kelvin Davis to acknowledge that the job of Deputy PM could be done better by someone else, rather than being on an ego trip and staying in the position. It’s a bit like when Andrew Little stepped aside as PM for Jacinda and that has worked out well. It would be good if Sir Tim Shadbolt also saw the light and realised someone else could do his job better, and moved on -“Let’s keep moving.”

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by moka View Post
    Great choices in my opinion - Andrew Little for Health. I am very impressed with the cabinet line-up. Good to see Ayesha Verrall straight into cabinet. I am glad I didn’t have to make the decisions.
    You are seriously deluded, or joking. Deluded is my guess.

  6. #36
    Guru justakiwi's Avatar
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    And you are just downright rude sometimes. Maybe try to look at things from a different perspective once in a while, or at the very least, respect the fact that others can

    Quote Originally Posted by fungus pudding View Post
    You are seriously deluded, or joking. Deluded is my guess.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by fungus pudding View Post
    You are seriously deluded, or joking. Deluded is my guess.
    Very arrogant of you to assume that I am deluded just because I have a different opinion from yours. Who says your opinion is right? The majority of people voted for Labour so they have confidence in the government, or at least more confidence in Labour than in National in running the country.

  8. #38
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    Jacinda Ardern has unveiled a cabinet line-up with plenty of surprises, and a fair bit of history-making.

    Following what she deemed the Covid election, Jacinda Ardern has appointed her Covid cabinet. The group contains a number of firsts, including what could be the world’s first cabinet minister dedicated to beating Covid-19.

    The new cabinet, built around a health team to battle the coronavirus and an economic team to rebuild from it, will represent a substantial change in the character of the country’s government after Labour’s resounding victory last month.
    Labour deputy leader Kelvin Davis had been offered the role of deputy prime minister, twice, but turned it down. He’s now the top ranked Māori voice in cabinet, responsible for corrections, children, oranga tamariki and Māori crown relations. “I think Jacinda and Grant are the dream team,” he told reporters today.

    Nanaia Mahuta is the unexpected pick to take over as New Zealand’s first female foreign affairs minister. The country’s face around the world will now be a wahine Māori wearing a moko kauae.
    Following three years of New Zealand First leader Winston Peters as foreign minister, she’ll have big shoes to fill. Peters had an impressive contact list and involved the country in big conversations well above what its small size would suggest. Mahuta will also hold the very non-foreign job of local government minister.

    Little lost the justice portfolio to Kris Faafoi. Nearly all the judicial ministries are now in the hands of Māori MPs.
    David Parker is one of the few of Ardern’s inner circle not to pick up a new job. He’s still attorney general and environment minister. However, he’s been given the momentous new task of scrapping the resource management act and designing new rules to govern how nearly everything is planned and built in New Zealand.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by moka View Post
    Very arrogant of you to assume that I am deluded just because I have a different opinion from yours. Who says your opinion is right? The majority of people voted for Labour so they have confidence in the government, or at least more confidence in Labour than in National in running the country.
    Maybe I'm wrong but I assumed you were looking for a bite. I thought it was a wind-up. I fully expected to see Twyford listed in the same post. I very much doubt that you expected anyone to agree with you

  10. #40
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    A momentous day for Māoriwith five Māori in cabinet and another three Māori MPs in the wider executive - at the cabinet table as never before.

    Labour’s new cabinet gives more power to more Māori ministers across a whole range of areas than we have ever seen before. No longer are Māori only given Māori-specific roles. Māori are at the table, in numbers, in every major policy area including education, health, and housing.

    We have the first wahine minister of foreign affairs, recognising Nanaia Mahuta’s achievements as a consensus-builder. That is an immense honour and a display of belief in her from Jacinda Ardern.

    We saw some good progress for Māori in Labour’s first term – like fees free apprenticeships and training, higher wages and benefits, Best Start and Winter Energy Payments, Healthy Homes Guarantee and more state housing, as well as the creation of the minister for Māori-Crown relations. But there’s lots more to do.


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