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  1. #6621
    ShareTrader Legend
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    Dec 2009


    Dumkins on Ram Raids:

    Police Minister Chris Hipkins says ram raids spurred by 'made for TikTok' moments and notoriety

    Open your legs - Chris - they might all run away laughing

    Or should that be 'Minister needs to be Pepper sprayed to become more intelligent' ?
    Last edited by nztx; 30-06-2022 at 05:12 PM.

  2. #6622
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Panda-NZ- View Post
    Yeah but John effectively gave billions to the maori party to buy their votes.

    Though given there's almost zero chance of a national/act govt, how much would luxon throw at them?
    ‘Almost zero chance of a national/act govt’.

    I suppose that’s based on current polling is it. Polling that suggests Māori giving their party votes to Labour, and then in the special apartheid seats they give their votes to the Māori Party, giving them effectively two votes for every one that the NZ second class citizens (predominantly European / Asian / Pacific Island) get. So the Māori party get bugger all party votes but still end up determining who is the government.

    What a great democracy aye. Moving away from ‘First Past The Post’ was supposed to ensure that everyone’s vote counted, and now under MMP some people effectively get one vote, and others get two votes.

  3. #6623
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    Down & out


    The voting with our feet has already started and will get worse under the current hopeless management of the country

  4. #6624
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    ‘Almost zero chance of a national/act govt’.

    I suppose that’s based on current polling is it. Polling that suggests Māori giving their party votes to Labour, and then in the special apartheid seats they give their votes to the Māori Party, giving them effectively two votes for every one that the NZ second class citizens (predominantly European / Asian / Pacific Island) get. So the Māori party get bugger all party votes but still end up determining who is the government.

    What a great democracy aye. Moving away from ‘First Past The Post’ was supposed to ensure that everyone’s vote counted, and now under MMP some people effectively get one vote, and others get two votes.
    Pakeha can also do the same with ACT?

    Give their party votes to National but electoral votes to ACT.

    Interesting times ahead.

  5. #6625
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    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    The voting with our feet has already started and will get worse under the current hopeless management of the country

    I certainly couldn't argue with my son's reasoning when he announced he was leaving for Australia with three of his mates in March this year. It was the money and cheaper expenses, the opportunity to save a lot more, way better superannuation and salary bonuses. At only 19 years old he's really enjoying Melbourne, has a secure job earning a heck of a lot more than here for bascially the same job, with a hefty bonus coming and an eye watering pay rise coming later this year when he turns 20. He'll double his NZ income in a few months. How can you as a parent, press against that?

    So what did I say? I said, go for it mate, I love you and wish it was different and you'd find success here in NZ, and although you could live with us at home rent/board free, I completely understand why you're making this decision. The money difference is just too compelling. I hope you come home to NZ some day, but at least we can stay in touch on FaceTime. Which thankfully we do. I doubt that he will ever come back though, except maybe a xmas visit.

    It's so sad imo that our children do not have the opportunity to prosper in NZ anymore, they choose another country to live their lives and they're right, that here in NZ we do not offer any compelling reason to stay. Even more sadly, this doesn't just apply just to our children anymore, it is prevalent across many sectors, demographics, and age groups.

  6. #6626
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    I personally know 5 young doctors in their 30s and 40s (all specialists) who left for better opportunities and prospects in Australia in the last few years.

    Besides the better conditions and opportunities, they have all had a gutsful as well of all the woke PC BS racist divisive Ardern garbage while the healthcare system crumbles under Ardern & Little.

    They comprise of an anaesthetist, a blood specialist, a nuclear radiologist and two surgeons.

    The anaesthetist is currently on a skiing holiday in Queenstown. We caught up in Auckland before he flew down - he earns twice the money for half the work hours and lectures at a university there part time too. Why TF would he ever return to NZ - to learn to speak Maori to get a promotion?

    Who can blame them? In fact, matter of time before all the young doctors leave for Australia & overseas.

    PS. Make that 7 - I forgot to include the brother of the radiologist & his wife who graduated as doctors 2 years ago. They joined the radiologist in Sydney this year.
    Last edited by Balance; 30-06-2022 at 11:36 PM.

  7. #6627
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    Good to see even right wing commentator Mathew Hooton grudgingly admitting "fairs fair, this is a fantastic achievement Jacinda Adern" .

    A $1.8 Billion trade deal with EU which most people thought would not happen.
    Adern's global leadership & star power helping us get across the finish line after negotiations had stalled & were deadlocked.

    Say what you like ( & I know this will infuriate some here,) but Adern is seen as a global leader overseas & is enormously respected, admired & liked by the leaders of many western nations.

  8. #6628
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    How long until we start to have ‘issues with paperwork’ at Chinese ports.

  9. #6629
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Skies View Post
    Good to see even right wing commentator Mathew Hooton grudgingly admitting "fairs fair, this is a fantastic achievement Jacinda Adern" .

    A $1.8 Billion trade deal with EU which most people thought would not happen.
    Adern's global leadership & star power helping us get across the finish line after negotiations had stalled & were deadlocked.

    Say what you like ( & I know this will infuriate some here,) but Adern is seen as a global leader overseas & is enormously respected, admired & liked by the leaders of many western nations.
    ‘EU trade deal falls flat with beef and lamb, dairy exporters

    The new free-trade agreement with the European Union has fallen flat with parts of the primary sector.

    Chief executive of the Meat Industry Association Sirma Karapeeva said the deal would provide only a 10,000-tonne allowance of New Zealand beef into a market that consumed 6.5 million tonnes of beef annually.

    “We are extremely disappointed that this agreement does not deliver commercially meaningful access for our exporters, in particular for beef,” Karapeeva said.‘

  10. #6630
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Looks like Labour have made a rod for their own backs by proceeding with ‘Health New Zealand’ changes at this time.
    We’ve have outbreaks of flu, RSV, and COVID underway, and the health system is already spluttering.
    Perception is everything, as we all know.


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