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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Down & out


    Just set up the Sharesight link. That's a neat little addition Oliver. Thank you.

  2. #62
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2001
    Auckland, , New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by TideMan View Post
    Excellent. Works really well.
    I registered before the facility to have a moniker was available.
    How can I do that now?
    My no is 598958 (which is a very nice number) and I'd like that to be TideMan.
    Same here Oliver, I think I pm'd you but the change has not be made
    No. is 598963 and I'd like that to be Jay

  3. #63
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    I haven't entered (due to a lack of recent focus on NZX stocks) but would be keen to see the picks if that's possible please??? (to guide to some NZX stocks to look into)

  4. #64
    Join Date
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    list of picks ranked by popularity would be interesting, cheers
    if not you now who when..

  5. #65
    Speedy Az winner69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clips View Post
    list of picks ranked by popularity would be interesting, cheers
    Ferg did this a few posts back ...good effort by Ferg

    ATM the most popular by far
    ”When investors are euphoric, they are incapable of recognising euphoria itself “

  6. #66
    Speedy Az winner69's Avatar
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    Jun 2001
    , , .


    Quote Originally Posted by Ferg View Post
    Thanks for setting this up. Some quick and dirty stats:

    352 entrants
    125 unique stock picks

    Top 5 picks:

    • ATM 137 including 12 as backup
    • OCA 117 including 8 as backup
    • PEB 92 including 5 as backup
    • PX1 82 including 8 as backup
    • MFT 77 including 10 as a backup

    Top 5 make up 24% of all picks, top 10 is 39%, top 15 48%, top 20 55% and top 25 is 61%. We aren't quite getting the 80/20 Pareto principle given 25 is 20% of 125 unique stocks picked.

    New listings did not fare well:
    • RUA 2 picks
    • HMY 7 picks (ranked 74th equal)
    • NZL and RAD each had 1 pick

    Top 10 entities by market capitalisation did not fare well either, other than ATM and FPH which made the top 10:
    • WBC ranked 35th with 17 picks
    • ANZ 36th= with 16
    • TLS 111st= (1 pick)
    • MEL 54th= with 11
    • FPH 10th with 58
    • AIA 18th= with 31
    • AFI = nil
    • MCY 46th= with 13
    • ATM 1st with 137
    • SPK 21st= with 28
    • FCT = nil
    • RYM 21st= with 28

    That is 12 but I added 2 given AFI and FCT have zero picks.

    Most popular of the 2020 underperformers:
    • SKT with 60 picks (ranked 9th)
    • SML & VGL 24 picks each
    • KMD 22 picks
    • GTK 12 picks
    Just For clips
    Last edited by winner69; 07-01-2021 at 02:21 PM.
    ”When investors are euphoric, they are incapable of recognising euphoria itself “

  7. #67
    Senior Member
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    May 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by winner69 View Post
    Ferg did this a few posts back ...good effort by Ferg

    ATM the most popular by far
    It can't possibly go lower can it?
    Safe pick for the competition.
    Put my own money on it .... lets just see how this month pans out.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Jul 2020


    Thanks winner Here is the full list. Picks is total picks 1 to 6. Backups is the number of times that stock code was pick #6.

    Code Picks BackUps Rank
    ATM 137 12 1
    OCA 117 8 2
    PEB 92 5 3
    PX1 82 8 4
    MFT 77 10 5
    HGH 70 10 6
    EBO 66 12 7
    IFT 64 10 8
    SKT 60 3 9
    FPH 58 6 10
    AIR 43 14 11
    HLG 38 8 12
    STU 35 4 13
    ZEL 35 8 13
    PPH 33 4 15
    FBU 32 7 16
    IKE 32 3 16
    AIA 31 6 18
    ARV 31 7 18
    SKO 30 6 20
    BLT 28 7 21
    RYM 28 3 21
    SPK 28 8 21
    AFT 26 11 24
    KPG 25 5 25
    ERD 24 4 26
    SML 24 5 26
    VGL 24 3 26
    FRE 22 3 29
    KMD 22 6 29
    THL 22 6 29
    APL 20 1 32
    SUM 19 4 33
    TWR 19 3 33
    WBC 17 4 35
    ANZ 16 7 36
    CVT 16 2 36
    SAN 16 3 36
    SKC 16 2 36
    GNE 15 7 40
    MPG 15 3 40
    NZO 15 1 40
    POT 15 5 40
    SKL 15 8 40
    CDI 14 3 45
    ALF 13 2 46
    MCY 13 3 46
    EVO 12 2 48
    GTK 12 1 48
    MCK 12 2 48
    RAK 12 1 48
    TLT 12 2 48
    WHS 12 2 48
    MEL 11 2 54
    SCL 11 4 54
    TRU 11 0 54
    WDT 11 0 54
    ARB 10 2 58
    BRM 10 2 58
    MHJ 10 1 58
    NWF 10 2 58
    SCT 10 2 58
    BOT 9 0 63
    CAV 9 1 63
    CEN 9 2 63
    MLN 9 2 63
    BGP 8 2 67
    CBD 8 2 67
    CNU 8 1 67
    FNZ 8 4 67
    NZR 8 1 67
    TRA 8 4 67
    VTL 8 1 67
    ARG 7 1 74
    GEN 7 0 74
    HMY 7 0 74
    NTL 7 1 74
    GXH 6 1 78
    MEE 6 1 78
    PGW 6 1 78
    TLL 6 2 78
    DGL 5 4 82
    FSF 5 2 82
    MOA 5 0 82
    NPH 5 2 82
    NZX 5 1 82
    QEX 5 0 82
    SPY 5 0 82
    MMH 4 0 89
    RBD 4 1 89
    SDL 4 0 89
    SEK 4 1 89
    TNZ 4 1 89
    AMP 3 2 94
    DIV 3 2 94
    JLG 3 1 94
    MHM 3 0 94
    NZK 3 1 94
    PIL 3 1 94
    PYS 3 1 94
    USG 3 1 94
    ASF 2 1 102
    ENS 2 0 102
    FWL 2 0 102
    OZY 2 1 102
    PFI 2 0 102
    PLX 2 2 102
    RUA 2 0 102
    TWF 2 0 102
    USF 2 0 102
    AGL 1 0 111
    CGF 1 0 111
    CMO 1 1 111
    FCG 1 1 111
    KFL 1 1 111
    MDZ 1 0 111
    MZY 1 0 111
    NPF 1 0 111
    NZL 1 0 111
    NZM 1 0 111
    PCT 1 0 111
    RAD 1 0 111
    SPN 1 0 111
    TLS 1 1 111
    VCT 1 1 111

    If anyone is interested, here is the VBA code used to analyse the data published for the competition and to output the picks into a list.

    Option Explicit
    Dim MyPicks(500) As MyStock         'Export array for all picks
    Dim StkCount As Long                'Counter to record number of unique picks
    Sub GetStats()
    Dim LC As Long                'Loop
    Dim AllPicks() As Variant                   'Import array
    AllPicks = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B2:B353").Value
    StkCount = 1
    MyPicks(1).Code = Left$(AllPicks(1, 1), 3)
    For LC = 1 To 352
        Call ProcessPick(Left$(AllPicks(LC, 1), 3))
        Call ProcessPick(Mid$(AllPicks(LC, 1), 5, 3))
        Call ProcessPick(Mid$(AllPicks(LC, 1), 9, 3))
        Call ProcessPick(Mid$(AllPicks(LC, 1), 13, 3))
        Call ProcessPick(Mid$(AllPicks(LC, 1), 17, 3))
        Call ProcessPick(Right$(AllPicks(LC, 1), 3), True)
    Next LC
    With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
        For LC = 1 To StkCount
            .Range("A" & LC).Value = MyPicks(LC).Code
            .Range("B" & LC).Value = MyPicks(LC).Count
            .Range("C" & LC).Value = MyPicks(LC).BackUp
        Next LC
    End With
    MsgBox "Finished processing picks", vbInformation, "Done"
    End Sub
    Sub ProcessPick(NewPick As String, Optional IsBackUp As Boolean)
    Dim NewStk As Long
        NewStk = CheckNew(NewPick)
        If NewStk = 0 Then
            StkCount = StkCount + 1
            MyPicks(StkCount).Code = NewPick
            MyPicks(StkCount).Count = 1
            NewStk = StkCount
            MyPicks(NewStk).Count = MyPicks(NewStk).Count + 1
        End If
        If IsBackUp Then MyPicks(NewStk).BackUp = MyPicks(NewStk).BackUp + 1
    End Sub
    Function CheckNew(CodeToCheck As String) As Long
    Dim IL As Long
    CheckNew = 0
    For IL = 1 To StkCount
        If MyPicks(IL).Code = CodeToCheck Then
            CheckNew = IL
            Exit For
        End If
    Next IL
    End Function
    Also in a separate module:
    Option Explicit
    Public Type MyStock
        Code As String
        Count As Long
        BackUp As Long
    End Type

  9. #69
    Reincarnated Panthera Snow Leopard's Avatar
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    Jul 2004
    Private Universe


    Quote Originally Posted by Ferg View Post
    ....If anyone is interested, here is the VBA code used to analyse the data published for the competition and to output the picks into a list.

    Option Explicit
    Dim MyPicks(500) As MyStock         'Export array for all picks
    Dim StkCount As Long                'Counter to record number of unique picks
    Sub GetStats()
    Dim LC As Long                'Loop
    Dim AllPicks() As Variant                   'Import array
    AllPicks = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B2:B353").Value
    StkCount = 1
    MyPicks(1).Code = Left$(AllPicks(1, 1), 3)
    For LC = 1 To 352
        Call ProcessPick(Left$(AllPicks(LC, 1), 3))
        Call ProcessPick(Mid$(AllPicks(LC, 1), 5, 3))
        Call ProcessPick(Mid$(AllPicks(LC, 1), 9, 3))
        Call ProcessPick(Mid$(AllPicks(LC, 1), 13, 3))
        Call ProcessPick(Mid$(AllPicks(LC, 1), 17, 3))
        Call ProcessPick(Right$(AllPicks(LC, 1), 3), True)
    Next LC
    With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
        For LC = 1 To StkCount
            .Range("A" & LC).Value = MyPicks(LC).Code
            .Range("B" & LC).Value = MyPicks(LC).Count
            .Range("C" & LC).Value = MyPicks(LC).BackUp
        Next LC
    End With
    MsgBox "Finished processing picks", vbInformation, "Done"
    End Sub
    Sub ProcessPick(NewPick As String, Optional IsBackUp As Boolean)
    Dim NewStk As Long
        NewStk = CheckNew(NewPick)
        If NewStk = 0 Then
            StkCount = StkCount + 1
            MyPicks(StkCount).Code = NewPick
            MyPicks(StkCount).Count = 1
            NewStk = StkCount
            MyPicks(NewStk).Count = MyPicks(NewStk).Count + 1
        End If
        If IsBackUp Then MyPicks(NewStk).BackUp = MyPicks(NewStk).BackUp + 1
    End Sub
    Function CheckNew(CodeToCheck As String) As Long
    Dim IL As Long
    CheckNew = 0
    For IL = 1 To StkCount
        If MyPicks(IL).Code = CodeToCheck Then
            CheckNew = IL
            Exit For
        End If
    Next IL
    End Function
    Also in a separate module:
    Option Explicit
    Public Type MyStock
        Code As String
        Count As Long
        BackUp As Long
    End Type
    Don't let Waltzing ?Matilda? see that.
    om mani peme hum

  10. #70
    CEO, NZ Shareholders Association
    Join Date
    May 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by 777 View Post
    What is this entry trying to tell us?

    I know about this...left it in there on purpose, shall be revealed later!


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