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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland

    Default 2021 yearly stock picking competition

    e o 8th i wonder if our competition was the problem?

    1 younga 105.3 % { KTE FRX CLT WBT MGT 100 290.91 50 14.17 71.43 }
    2 troyvdh 95.87 % { LRS CHK LPD ADO AGY 54.55 90.48 170 66.67 97.67 }
    3 Aotea 79.44 % { TLG BRN SPQ RNU HMX -7.98 23.26 33.33 200 148.57 }
    4 Timesurfer 51.02 % { AL3 ID8 MYQ VUL WHK 1.39 -18.18 9.35 225.27 37.29 }
    5 clearasmud 43.64 % { FYI JRL OXX MHJ MYR 35.42 115.19 56.25 -0.74 12.07 }
    6 freebee 39.42 % { AVZ CHK WWI CCZ LTR 11.43 90.48 1.35 75 18.84 }
    7 JBmurc 38.86 % { CHK WWI LRS POD MEU 90.48 1.35 54.55 50 -2.08 }
    8 Paddie 36.54 % { CHK EXR GEV MEU STX 90.48 26.92 56.25 -2.08 11.11 }
    9 bohemian 36.33 % { LYC PNV COB BRN TGN 31.25 -35.05 108.33 23.26 53.85 }
    10 Stumpynuts 33.24 % { ADN HMX MEP NVA WWI 16.36 148.57 2.94 -3.03 1.35 }
    11 jennym 29.07 % { TMZ EXR PEC KFM EX1 39.13 26.92 49.06 -2.04 32.26 }
    12 Ballr 26.44 % { PGC APV SOR HCD FEX 19.57 -19.23 135.71 -3.85 0 }
    13 TTongster 25.76 % { PBH CHK ICI TLG BBN 33.64 90.48 -11.54 -7.98 24.21 }
    14 JeremyALD 20.47 % { LBY A2M SKT MYR Z1P 3.07 -11.04 13.33 12.07 84.91 }
    15 polglase 20.42 % { CNI WEB TWE IAG CHK -2.3 2.99 6.27 4.66 90.48 }
    16 gmatt 20.34 % { BDC CNB HMX OBM MEU -2.35 -39.24 148.57 -3.17 -2.08 }
    17 denpal 16.43 % { PEK PM8 ORR LYC SVL 66.67 -20.51 -1.53 31.25 6.25 }
    18 percy 15.66 % { ACF AFL PTB PTG SES 1.33 6.67 -2.14 2.44 70 }
    19 silverblizzard888 11.95 % { DW8 ARX AUZ A2M LBY 6.98 7.83 52.94 -11.04 3.07 }
    20 Norwest 11.43 % { AVZ BMN EM2 GRL NYR 11.43 27.66 -29.03 4.26 42.86 }
    21 Cadalac123 10.66 % { DUB AVA TNT VMT NXL 5.07 11.21 -1.47 18.18 20.31 }
    22 Rabbi 10.29 % { BPT SXY BRU BLU WPL 3.89 11.11 24 0 12.43 }
    23 t.rexjr 10.19 % { HUM IKE NZS SCL WWI 13.72 -0.5 52.17 -15.79 1.35 }
    24 trader jackson 8.56 % { BRL HUM PGC ZNO AVA 23.68 13.72 19.57 -25.38 11.21 }
    25 '777 8.02 % { A2M BNO CWX OBM SXY -11.04 51.72 -8.51 -3.17 11.11 }
    26 wizAlvin 7.96 % { AVE AVZ BMN NMR VKA -3.57 11.43 27.66 -38.55 42.86 }
    27 apostle 95 7.6 % { PAN HUM ADV CUE MMJ 14.81 13.72 27.78 -14.29 -4 }
    28 bermuda 6.97 % { EXR BLU SXY CUE STX 26.92 0 11.11 -14.29 11.11 }
    29 DarkHorse 6.39 % { AFL COO DSK PTG SSG 6.67 -5.32 23.44 2.44 4.72 }
    30 RRR 6.09 % { CSL IRE IVC SHL PME -2.68 -4.4 6.11 5.59 25.83 }
    31 whirly 5.65 % { BNL CR1 EX1 SDV WAT -8.7 4.76 32.26 -5.63 5.57 }
    32 5.52 % { DTL WBT NXT XRO BRN -0.35 14.17 2.62 -12.1 23.26 }
    33 Nigel 4.7 % { BCI K2F EVS CGF BTH 0 18.06 -13.16 13.17 5.45 }
    34 rocketmannz 4.4 % { ARR EXR FEX NVA TSO 13.64 26.92 0 -3.03 -15.52 }
    35 Joshuatree 4.36 % { BTH EAS JAN KNO ORE 5.45 -0.88 -0.85 9.37 8.69 }
    36 10Bagger 4.06 % { LEG TON BGL PDN MEI 0 9.43 -7.14 25.93 -7.89 }
    37 lissica 2.75 % { ANZ BSA DTL CCP MAQ 11.6 -10.81 -0.35 15.14 -1.83 }
    38 Crash Test Dummy 2.58 % { EM2 EMH EMR EX1 PAB -29.03 -3.72 -7.43 32.26 20.83 }
    39 greater fool 1.07 % { ADT E25 NSB PYC TLX -3.42 9.46 -11.76 -3.33 14.4 }
    40 bullfrog 0.68 % { ARR AL3 PX1 IKE JAN 13.64 1.39 -10.26 -0.5 -0.85 }
    41 Snow Leopard 0.29 % { ARX ASM BTH EVO M7T 7.83 -21.27 5.45 -7 16.47 }
    42 Jay 0.29 % { A2M AVZ SXY LPE STO -11.04 11.43 11.11 -21.43 11.39 }
    43 stoploss -1.39 % { AHY FMG GSS MIN RMC -1.47 0.04 -5.88 -5.11 5.45 }
    44 duncan22 -1.5 % { LPE MAH EHL FLC SMN -21.43 0 8.3 4.44 1.18 }
    45 Taijon -1.52 % { EOS DOW CUE CDA STO -13.23 0.92 -14.29 7.59 11.39 }
    46 Beetle -2.32 % { ARX NAN XRO VHT PX1 7.83 -8.09 -12.1 11.03 -10.26 }
    47 Toulouse-Luzern -3.25 % { APT PNV FMG NXT XRO 28.23 -35.05 0.04 2.62 -12.1 }
    48 Aaron -3.91 % { OBM RXL CWX BHP WPL -3.17 -25.49 -8.51 5.18 12.43 }
    49 amalgam -4.03 % { PRO NXT AFL ARX ASM -15.97 2.62 6.67 7.83 -21.27 }
    50 hoyinma -4.4 % { GOR A2M EVN KTD WBC -10.53 -11.04 -9.68 -6.12 15.36 }
    51 shasta -5.56 % { DEG GOR LVT JAT NIC -13.73 -10.53 2.04 -16 10.41 }
    52 airedale -5.65 % { AZS CZL GOR PAN RXL -2.88 -4.17 -10.53 14.81 -25.49 }
    53 NOCASH -8.48 % { PM8 MEL HSC IXC CNB -20.51 10.71 3.13 3.52 -39.24 }
    54 Xerof -8.49 % { AVZ CAY MYL SVY VRX 11.43 4.76 -27.84 -15 -15.79 }
    Top Loosers 31st Dec 2020 114.94 % { GPS AUQ RMP NGY AQC 2.44 -5.56 -5.56 609.09 -25.71 }
    Top Gainers 31st Dec 2020 59.74 % { CXO KTE RVS SNS RNE 85.29 100 28.17 25.71 59.52 }
    Timesurfer Guest 45.2 % { BRN EXR IKE MNB POD 23.26 26.92 -0.5 126.32 50 }
    HotCopper most Discussed 32.85 % { BRN MSB AVZ EXR CXO 23.26 17.33 11.43 26.92 85.29 }
    Top Five Ticker 3 28.77 % { AVZ CHK EXR BRN CUE 11.43 90.48 26.92 23.26 -8.24 }
    Top Five Ticker 1 28.21 % { AVZ CHK EXR A2M BRN 11.43 90.48 26.92 -11.04 23.26 }
    Top Five Ticker 2 21.91 % { AVZ CHK EXR A2M CUE 11.43 90.48 26.92 -11.04 -8.24 }
    jennym Guest 14.42 % { DVL 1AD BLZ AGE CRO -14.63 7.69 -22.58 33.33 68.29 }
    ASX All Ords Worst 2020 11.8 % { DCN SXL RAP BRL MOZ 12.2 6.67 -16.47 23.68 32.92 }
    '777 Guest 10.98 % { ANZ BOQ CBA NAB WBC 11.6 8.25 7.77 11.91 15.36 }
    wizAlvin Guest 10.19 % { BMN AVZ BDM FMS NMR 27.66 11.43 14.29 36.14 -38.55 }
    ASX All Ords Best 2020 8.09 % { DEG CHN RBL TPW APT -13.73 9.75 19.82 -3.64 28.23 }
    percy Guest 7.27 % { FGR IVZ SWK UBN UCM 20.41 25 -21.95 16 -3.13 }
    Top 5 Shorted 6.09 % { WEB TGR MSB FLT MYR 2.99 1.47 17.33 -3.42 12.07 }
    Biggest 5 Stocks 4.45 % { CBA CSL BHP NAB FMG 7.77 -2.68 5.18 11.91 0.04 }
    gmatt Guest 3.56 % { IKE MNRS M7T SKO WWI -0.5 -2.72 16.47 3.2 1.35 }
    DarkHorse Guest 2.57 % { AVA EPY MSV PTB XRF 11.21 5.41 0 -2.14 -1.64 }
    penn Guest -1.07 % { RVR SGC CUE RDN LOM -30.77 35.48 -8.24 -32.35 30.51 }
    ShareTrader most Discussed -2.41 % { XRO CUE BPT CDY PGC -12.1 -14.29 3.89 -9.09 19.57 }
    stoploss Guest -2.55 % { CTE DUB IFT MSV SEQ -12.66 5.07 1.88 0 -7.07 }
    Joshuatree Guest -2.99 % { QFE HUM VRX SKF ZNO 7.5 13.72 -15.79 5 -25.38 }
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    Gulp! our history is gone.
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2018


    It has been a hot one!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    i have asked the moderator about our history who has passed this on to the appropriate person. i only have what i have generated from postings so if i have made any mistakes they are locked in as i cannot review the threads history.
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  5. #5
    Antiquated & irrational t.rexjr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Under the sycamore tree


    Quote Originally Posted by wizAlvin View Post
    i have asked the moderator about our history who has passed this on to the appropriate person. i only have what i have generated from postings so if i have made any mistakes they are locked in as i cannot review the threads history.
    Hey ya Wiz

    at about 12:04 on the first trading day of the year i put in my guest pics. Seems they were missed of the list.

    They were: DOU, FYI, SGC, SKO, XST

    When DOU finally started trading last week it's first trade was at 0.15. Not sure on the others

    But yeah If it's all too hard or lost don't trouble yourself and just leave it out...

    Thanks for doing a great job all the same!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    Quote Originally Posted by t.rexjr View Post
    hey ya wiz

    at about 12:04 on the first trading day of the year i put in my guest pics. Seems they were missed of the list.

    They were: Dou, fyi, sgc, sko, xst

    when dou finally started trading last week it's first trade was at 0.15. Not sure on the others

    but yeah if it's all too hard or lost don't trouble yourself and just leave it out...

    Thanks for doing a great job all the same!

    easy enough to place in a guest pic. Thanks for the notice - i cannot atm check anythin before yesterday
    Last edited by wizAlvin; 10-02-2021 at 01:01 PM. Reason: add comments
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    e o 9th

    1 troyvdh 97.84 % { LRS CHK LPD ADO AGY 48.48 85.71 160.00 85.71 109.30 }
    2 younga 90.90 % { KTE FRX CLT WBT MGT 105.26 181.82 50.00 17.41 100.00 }
    3 Aotea 82.03 % { TLG BRN SPQ RNU HMX 1.84 20.93 41.67 200.00 145.71 }
    4 clearasmud 53.09 % { FYI JRL OXX MHJ MYR 58.33 140.51 56.25 0.00 10.34 }
    5 Timesurfer 50.05 % { AL3 ID8 MYQ VUL WHK 8.33 -15.15 13.01 205.05 38.98 }
    6 freebee 40.07 % { AVZ CHK WWI CCZ LTR 8.57 85.71 9.46 77.78 18.84 }
    7 JBmurc 36.90 % { CHK WWI LRS POD MEU 85.71 9.46 48.48 45.00 -4.17 }
    8 bohemian 36.68 % { LYC PNV COB BRN TGN 30.25 -32.73 111.11 20.93 53.85 }
    9 Paddie 35.17 % { CHK EXR GEV MEU STX 85.71 26.92 56.25 -4.17 11.11 }
    10 Stumpynuts 31.56 % { ADN HMX MEP NVA WWI 14.55 145.71 -5.88 -6.06 9.46 }
    11 jennym 26.86 % { TMZ EXR PEC KFM EX1 43.48 26.92 49.06 -6.12 20.97 }
    12 TTongster 26.25 % { PBH CHK ICI TLG BBN 35.00 85.71 -11.54 1.84 20.21 }
    13 Ballr 24.11 % { PGC APV SOR HCD FEX 19.57 -15.38 126.19 -7.69 -2.13 }
    14 denpal 20.49 % { PEK PM8 ORR LYC SVL 74.24 -14.87 -3.82 30.25 16.67 }
    15 JeremyALD 19.67 % { LBY A2M SKT MYR Z1P 1.15 -9.83 16.67 10.34 80.00 }
    16 polglase 19.03 % { CNI WEB TWE IAG CHK -4.98 0.40 6.80 7.20 85.71 }
    17 gmatt 18.72 % { BDC CNB HMX OBM MEU -2.35 -39.24 145.71 -6.35 -4.17 }
    18 percy 13.92 % { ACF AFL PTB PTG SES 1.33 11.11 -2.86 0.00 60.00 }
    19 Norwest 12.28 % { AVZ BMN EM2 GRL NYR 8.57 27.66 -32.26 6.38 51.02 }
    20 Rabbi 10.17 % { BPT SXY BRU BLU WPL 1.39 12.70 24.00 1.16 11.60 }
    21 apostle 95 10.14 % { PAN HUM ADV CUE MMJ 25.93 12.39 27.78 -15.38 0.00 }
    22 '777 10.02 % { A2M BNO CWX OBM SXY -9.83 62.07 -8.51 -6.35 12.70 }
    23 silverblizzard888 9.24 % { DW8 ARX AUZ A2M LBY 0.00 7.83 47.06 -9.83 1.15 }
    24 t.rexjr 8.22 % { HUM IKE NZS SCL WWI 12.39 -5.00 34.78 -10.53 9.46 }
    25 DarkHorse 7.74 % { AFL COO DSK PTG SSG 11.11 -5.32 24.40 0.00 8.49 }
    26 bermuda 7.30 % { EXR BLU SXY CUE STX 26.92 1.16 12.70 -15.38 11.11 }
    27 Cadalac123 7.15 % { DUB AVA TNT VMT NXL 3.88 5.17 -2.94 14.77 14.87 }
    28 wizAlvin 6.67 % { AVE AVZ BMN NMR VKA -3.57 8.57 27.66 -42.17 42.86 }
    29 greater fool 5.89 % { ADT E25 NSB PYC TLX 5.98 20.82 -5.88 -6.67 15.18 }
    30 5.64 % { DTL WBT NXT XRO BRN -0.89 17.41 3.35 -12.61 20.93 }
    31 trader jackson 5.51 % { BRL HUM PGC ZNO AVA 15.79 12.39 19.57 -25.38 5.17 }
    32 RRR 4.83 % { CSL IRE IVC SHL PME -3.91 -6.27 4.28 4.68 25.37 }
    33 Crash Test Dummy 4.58 % { EM2 EMH EMR EX1 PAB -32.26 24.38 -6.86 20.97 16.67 }
    34 10Bagger 4.54 % { LEG TON BGL PDN MEI 0.00 11.32 -8.48 27.78 -7.89 }
    35 rocketmannz 4.16 % { ARR EXR FEX NVA TSO 19.32 26.92 -2.13 -6.06 -17.24 }
    36 whirly 3.65 % { BNL CR1 EX1 SDV WAT -10.87 6.35 20.97 -3.75 5.57 }
    37 Joshuatree 3.31 % { BTH EAS JAN KNO ORE 0.91 -2.21 0.00 9.37 8.46 }
    38 bullfrog 2.56 % { ARR AL3 PX1 IKE JAN 19.32 8.33 -9.83 -5.00 0.00 }
    39 lissica 0.27 % { ANZ BSA DTL CCP MAQ 9.53 -14.86 -0.89 9.59 -2.04 }
    40 Jay 0.22 % { A2M AVZ SXY LPE STO -9.83 8.57 12.70 -21.43 11.08 }
    41 Nigel 0.14 % { BCI K2F EVS CGF BTH 6.56 15.28 -18.42 -3.61 0.91 }
    42 Snow Leopard 0.01 % { ARX ASM BTH EVO M7T 7.83 -18.17 0.91 -7.39 16.87 }
    43 stoploss -1.05 % { AHY FMG GSS MIN RMC -1.10 0.76 -5.39 -4.96 5.45 }
    44 Beetle -2.21 % { ARX NAN XRO VHT PX1 7.83 -8.84 -12.61 12.41 -9.83 }
    45 Taijon -2.34 % { EOS DOW CUE CDA STO -14.07 -0.92 -15.38 7.59 11.08 }
    46 amalgam -2.79 % { PRO NXT AFL ARX ASM -18.06 3.35 11.11 7.83 -18.17 }
    47 Toulouse-Luzern -2.83 % { APT PNV FMG NXT XRO 27.09 -32.73 0.76 3.35 -12.61 }
    48 hoyinma -3.50 % { GOR A2M EVN KTD WBC -9.02 -9.83 -8.50 -4.08 13.93 }
    49 shasta -4.32 % { DEG GOR LVT JAT NIC -15.20 -9.02 2.04 -8.00 8.60 }
    50 airedale -4.38 % { AZS CZL GOR PAN RXL -2.88 -10.42 -9.02 25.93 -25.49 }
    51 Aaron -4.83 % { OBM RXL CWX BHP WPL -6.35 -25.49 -8.51 4.62 11.60 }
    52 duncan22 -5.57 % { LPE MAH EHL FLC SMN -21.43 -3.77 -0.44 -2.22 0.00 }
    53 NOCASH -8.12 % { PM8 MEL HSC IXC CNB -14.87 10.71 0.00 2.82 -39.24 }
    54 Xerof -9.47 % { AVZ CAY MYL SVY VRX 8.57 4.76 -27.84 -13.13 -19.74 }
    Top Loosers 31st Dec 2020 79.93 % { GPS AUQ RMP NGY AQC 2.44 -5.56 -5.56 445.45 -37.14 }
    t.rexjr Guest 75.06 % { DOU FYI SGC SKO XST 2.94 58.33 55.74 -1.69 260.00 }
    Top Gainers 31st Dec 2020 59.73 % { CXO KTE RVS SNS RNE 82.35 105.26 28.17 25.71 57.14 }
    Timesurfer Guest 39.15 % { BRN EXR IKE MNB POD 20.93 26.92 -5.00 107.89 45.00 }
    HotCopper most Discussed 30.51 % { BRN MSB AVZ EXR CXO 20.93 13.78 8.57 26.92 82.35 }
    Top Five Ticker 3 26.55 % { AVZ CHK EXR BRN CUE 8.57 85.71 26.92 20.93 -9.41 }
    Top Five Ticker 1 26.46 % { AVZ CHK EXR A2M BRN 8.57 85.71 26.92 -9.83 20.93 }
    Top Five Ticker 2 20.39 % { AVZ CHK EXR A2M CUE 8.57 85.71 26.92 -9.83 -9.41 }
    jennym Guest 13.96 % { DVL 1AD BLZ AGE CRO -14.63 15.38 -19.35 25.00 63.41 }
    percy Guest 11.29 % { FGR IVZ SWK UBN UCM 22.45 41.07 -24.39 17.33 0.00 }
    ASX All Ords Worst 2020 9.41 % { DCN SXL RAP BRL MOZ 14.63 4.89 -21.18 15.79 32.92 }
    '777 Guest 9.14 % { ANZ BOQ CBA NAB WBC 9.53 5.93 6.31 10.02 13.93 }
    wizAlvin Guest 8.80 % { BMN AVZ BDM FMS NMR 27.66 8.57 14.29 35.64 -42.17 }
    ASX All Ords Best 2020 8.09 % { DEG CHN RBL TPW APT -15.20 10.25 21.43 -3.11 27.09 }
    Top 5 Shorted 4.05 % { WEB TGR MSB FLT MYR 0.40 0.29 13.78 -4.57 10.34 }
    gmatt Guest 3.87 % { IKE MNRS M7T SKO WWI -5.00 -0.30 16.87 -1.69 9.46 }
    Biggest 5 Stocks 3.56 % { CBA CSL BHP NAB FMG 6.31 -3.91 4.62 10.02 0.76 }
    penn Guest 2.77 % { RVR SGC CUE RDN LOM -27.69 53.23 -9.41 -29.41 27.12 }
    DarkHorse Guest 2.24 % { AVA EPY MSV PTB XRF 5.17 5.41 1.85 -2.86 1.64 }
    stoploss Guest -2.56 % { CTE DUB IFT MSV SEQ -13.92 3.88 2.46 1.85 -7.07 }
    ShareTrader most Discussed -3.23 % { XRO CUE BPT CDY PGC -12.61 -15.38 1.39 -9.09 19.57 }
    Joshuatree Guest -5.55 % { QFE HUM VRX SKF ZNO 10.00 12.39 -19.74 -5.00 -25.38 }
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    please everyone check out that which you can as i am unsure why our history has been deleted. it may be due to the temporary backup was not liked. unknown. t.rexjr guest has been added. i now have nothing to refer to from before yesterday.
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2014


    Mine are good ....... and moving up the chart nicely ........ thanks Wiz

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    to run the competition in the future - it would seem the early postings will need to be retained. i note all the competition rules are missing as are the original entries. nothing has been done to fix this so far.
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien


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