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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    All good for me thank you.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Auckland, , New Zealand.


    I'm sure mine are all wrong - I'm sure I picked the ones the top five have

    All good winz, thanks again for a job well done

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    e o 11th

    1 troyvdh 105.68 % { LRS CHK LPD ADO AGY 93.94 85.71 150.00 95.24 103.49 }
    2 Aotea 85.03 % { TLG BRN SPQ RNU HMX -2.45 20.93 25.00 241.67 140.00 }
    3 younga 76.28 % { KTE FRX CLT WBT MGT 55.26 195.45 43.75 1.21 85.71 }
    4 clearasmud 57.01 % { FYI JRL OXX MHJ MYR 100.00 112.03 56.25 2.96 13.79 }
    5 JBmurc 47.83 % { CHK WWI LRS POD MEU 85.71 -1.35 93.94 65.00 -4.17 }
    6 Timesurfer 42.06 % { AL3 ID8 MYQ VUL WHK 2.78 -21.21 42.68 160.65 25.42 }
    7 freebee 34.67 % { AVZ CHK WWI CCZ LTR 17.14 85.71 -1.35 47.22 24.64 }
    8 bohemian 33.31 % { LYC PNV COB BRN TGN 25.25 -34.54 97.22 20.93 57.69 }
    9 Paddie 33.18 % { CHK EXR GEV MEU STX 85.71 26.92 50.00 -4.17 7.41 }
    10 Stumpynuts 28.25 % { ADN HMX MEP NVA WWI 14.55 140.00 -5.88 -6.06 -1.35 }
    11 jennym 28.18 % { TMZ EXR PEC KFM EX1 21.74 26.92 83.02 -6.12 15.32 }
    12 Ballr 26.86 % { PGC APV SOR HCD FEX 17.39 -15.38 135.71 -7.69 4.26 }
    13 TTongster 25.07 % { PBH CHK ICI TLG BBN 39.15 85.71 -15.38 -2.45 18.32 }
    14 JeremyALD 23.89 % { LBY A2M SKT MYR Z1P 1.53 -12.61 13.33 13.79 103.40 }
    15 polglase 19.55 % { CNI WEB TWE IAG CHK -6.13 -3.78 8.61 13.35 85.71 }
    16 Norwest 18.00 % { AVZ BMN EM2 GRL NYR 17.14 38.30 -22.58 0.00 57.14 }
    17 denpal 17.62 % { PEK PM8 ORR LYC SVL 66.67 -13.08 -5.34 25.25 14.58 }
    18 gmatt 16.55 % { BDC CNB HMX OBM MEU -5.88 -39.24 140.00 -7.94 -4.17 }
    19 percy 14.06 % { ACF AFL PTB PTG SES -2.67 11.11 -5.71 -2.44 70.00 }
    20 '777 11.95 % { A2M BNO CWX OBM SXY -12.61 72.41 -6.38 -7.94 14.29 }
    21 wizAlvin 10.27 % { AVE AVZ BMN NMR VKA -7.14 17.14 38.30 -43.37 46.43 }
    22 Rabbi 8.80 % { BPT SXY BRU BLU WPL -1.11 14.29 20.00 0.00 10.81 }
    23 silverblizzard888 8.44 % { DW8 ARX AUZ A2M LBY 2.33 3.91 47.06 -12.61 1.53 }
    24 apostle 95 8.10 % { PAN HUM ADV CUE MMJ 14.81 10.62 16.67 -17.58 16.00 }
    25 Cadalac123 7.31 % { DUB AVA TNT VMT NXL 4.48 1.72 0.00 22.73 7.62 }
    26 DarkHorse 6.89 % { AFL COO DSK PTG SSG 11.11 -4.26 22.01 -2.44 8.02 }
    27 bermuda 6.21 % { EXR BLU SXY CUE STX 26.92 0.00 14.29 -17.58 7.41 }
    28 10Bagger 4.88 % { LEG TON BGL PDN MEI 4.35 9.43 -8.48 29.63 -10.53 }
    29 RRR 4.29 % { CSL IRE IVC SHL PME -2.81 -7.30 -1.66 4.16 29.09 }
    30 greater fool 3.93 % { ADT E25 NSB PYC TLX 2.99 20.50 -7.84 -3.33 7.33 }
    31 trader jackson 3.72 % { BRL HUM PGC ZNO AVA 21.05 10.62 17.39 -32.20 1.72 }
    32 3.22 % { DTL WBT NXT XRO BRN 3.01 1.21 3.03 -12.08 20.93 }
    33 Nigel 2.95 % { BCI K2F EVS CGF BTH 14.75 15.28 -15.79 1.41 -0.91 }
    34 rocketmannz 2.70 % { ARR EXR FEX NVA TSO 9.09 26.92 4.26 -6.06 -20.69 }
    35 t.rexjr 2.24 % { HUM IKE NZS SCL WWI 10.62 -4.00 21.74 -15.79 -1.35 }
    36 Joshuatree 1.55 % { BTH EAS JAN KNO ORE -0.91 -1.77 -4.27 6.25 8.46 }
    37 Crash Test Dummy 1.18 % { EM2 EMH EMR EX1 PAB -22.58 15.70 -10.86 15.32 8.33 }
    38 lissica 1.10 % { ANZ BSA DTL CCP MAQ 9.36 -14.86 3.01 8.48 -0.49 }
    39 Jay 0.66 % { A2M AVZ SXY LPE STO -12.61 17.14 14.29 -25.00 9.49 }
    40 whirly -0.06 % { BNL CR1 EX1 SDV WAT -10.87 -1.59 15.32 -8.75 5.57 }
    41 Snow Leopard -1.44 % { ARX ASM BTH EVO M7T 3.91 -20.96 -0.91 -9.73 20.48 }
    42 bullfrog -1.67 % { ARR AL3 PX1 IKE JAN 9.09 2.78 -11.97 -4.00 -4.27 }
    43 shasta -2.26 % { DEG GOR LVT JAT NIC -13.24 -7.89 6.12 -4.00 7.69 }
    44 Taijon -2.74 % { EOS DOW CUE CDA STO -13.40 0.00 -17.58 7.77 9.49 }
    45 stoploss -2.75 % { AHY FMG GSS MIN RMC -2.57 -0.08 -11.76 -5.68 6.36 }
    46 Toulouse-Luzern -2.86 % { APT PNV FMG NXT XRO 29.35 -34.54 -0.08 3.03 -12.08 }
    47 hoyinma -3.80 % { GOR A2M EVN KTD WBC -7.89 -12.61 -6.92 -6.12 14.54 }
    48 Aaron -4.07 % { OBM RXL CWX BHP WPL -7.94 -23.53 -6.38 6.69 10.81 }
    49 amalgam -4.61 % { PRO NXT AFL ARX ASM -20.14 3.03 11.11 3.91 -20.96 }
    50 NOCASH -4.78 % { PM8 MEL HSC IXC CNB -13.08 10.71 -6.25 23.94 -39.24 }
    51 Beetle -5.52 % { ARX NAN XRO VHT PX1 3.91 -15.07 -12.08 7.59 -11.97 }
    52 Xerof -5.80 % { AVZ CAY MYL SVY VRX 17.14 14.29 -27.84 -18.13 -14.47 }
    53 duncan22 -6.24 % { LPE MAH EHL FLC SMN -25.00 -7.55 -0.44 0.00 1.76 }
    54 airedale -8.29 % { AZS CZL GOR PAN RXL -14.42 -10.42 -7.89 14.81 -23.53 }
    t.rexjr Guest 72.87 % { DOU FYI SGC SKO XST 0.00 100.00 47.54 -3.20 220.00 }
    Top Loosers 31st Dec 2020 64.67 % { GPS AUQ RMP NGY AQC 2.44 -16.67 -5.56 354.55 -11.43 }
    Timesurfer Guest 49.14 % { BRN EXR IKE MNB POD 20.93 26.92 -4.00 136.84 65.00 }
    Top Gainers 31st Dec 2020 43.93 % { CXO KTE RVS SNS RNE 55.88 55.26 38.03 22.86 47.62 }
    Top Five Ticker 3 27.79 % { AVZ CHK EXR BRN CUE 17.14 85.71 26.92 20.93 -11.76 }
    Top Five Ticker 1 27.62 % { AVZ CHK EXR A2M BRN 17.14 85.71 26.92 -12.61 20.93 }
    HotCopper most Discussed 27.29 % { BRN MSB AVZ EXR CXO 20.93 15.56 17.14 26.92 55.88 }
    Top Five Ticker 2 21.08 % { AVZ CHK EXR A2M CUE 17.14 85.71 26.92 -12.61 -11.76 }
    wizAlvin Guest 12.62 % { BMN AVZ BDM FMS NMR 38.30 17.14 11.43 39.60 -43.37 }
    percy Guest 12.52 % { FGR IVZ SWK UBN UCM 28.57 37.50 -24.39 14.67 6.25 }
    jennym Guest 12.49 % { DVL 1AD BLZ AGE CRO -19.51 26.92 -22.58 16.67 60.98 }
    ASX All Ords Worst 2020 9.93 % { DCN SXL RAP BRL MOZ 14.63 5.33 -21.18 21.05 29.81 }
    ASX All Ords Best 2020 9.30 % { DEG CHN RBL TPW APT -13.24 13.75 18.57 -1.95 29.35 }
    '777 Guest 9.24 % { ANZ BOQ CBA NAB WBC 9.36 6.31 5.86 10.11 14.54 }
    Biggest 5 Stocks 3.95 % { CBA CSL BHP NAB FMG 5.86 -2.81 6.69 10.11 -0.08 }
    Top 5 Shorted 3.36 % { WEB TGR MSB FLT MYR -3.78 -0.88 15.56 -7.86 13.79 }
    DarkHorse Guest 2.38 % { AVA EPY MSV PTB XRF 1.72 5.41 5.56 -5.71 4.92 }
    gmatt Guest 2.14 % { IKE MNRS M7T SKO WWI -4.00 -1.21 20.48 -3.20 -1.35 }
    penn Guest 0.28 % { RVR SGC CUE RDN LOM -29.23 45.16 -11.76 -26.47 23.73 }
    stoploss Guest -2.33 % { CTE DUB IFT MSV SEQ -20.25 4.48 1.59 5.56 -3.03 }
    ShareTrader most Discussed -3.58 % { XRO CUE BPT CDY PGC -12.08 -17.58 -1.11 -4.55 17.39 }
    Joshuatree Guest -4.71 % { QFE HUM VRX SKF ZNO 10.00 10.62 -14.47 2.50 -32.20 }
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    it would seem a shame if the competition had to move to a more secure site
    Last edited by wizAlvin; 12-02-2021 at 07:56 PM.
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    , Christchurch , NZ .


    Quote Originally Posted by wizAlvin View Post
    to run the competition in the future - it would seem the early postings will need to be retained. i note all the competition rules are missing as are the original entries. nothing has been done to fix this so far.
    Surely the website designer/owner would/should have a backup they could run up offline somewhere and extract the missing info for you......

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    1 troyvdh 99.07 % { LRS CHK LPD ADO AGY 90.91 90.48 130.00 109.52 74.42 }
    2 Aotea 82.68 % { TLG BRN SPQ RNU HMX -7.36 27.91 16.67 233.33 142.86 }
    3 younga 78.26 % { KTE FRX CLT WBT MGT 42.11 186.36 68.75 1.21 92.86 }
    4 clearasmud 49.55 % { FYI JRL OXX MHJ MYR 93.75 89.87 56.25 -0.74 8.62 }
    5 JBmurc 49.03 % { CHK WWI LRS POD MEU 90.48 0.00 90.91 70.00 -6.25 }
    6 Timesurfer 43.69 % { AL3 ID8 MYQ VUL WHK 0.00 -24.24 51.22 166.06 25.42 }
    7 Paddie 35.70 % { CHK EXR GEV MEU STX 90.48 26.92 56.25 -6.25 11.11 }
    8 freebee 34.53 % { AVZ CHK WWI CCZ LTR 14.29 90.48 0.00 38.89 28.99 }
    9 bohemian 33.25 % { LYC PNV COB BRN TGN 25.75 -35.05 86.11 27.91 61.54 }
    10 jennym 28.59 % { TMZ EXR PEC KFM EX1 26.09 26.92 81.13 -4.08 12.90 }
    11 Ballr 27.33 % { PGC APV SOR HCD FEX 17.39 -15.38 138.10 -7.69 4.26 }
    12 Stumpynuts 25.61 % { ADN HMX MEP NVA WWI 9.09 142.86 -11.76 -12.12 0.00 }
    13 TTongster 24.17 % { PBH CHK ICI TLG BBN 38.73 90.48 -11.54 -7.36 10.53 }
    14 JeremyALD 23.63 % { LBY A2M SKT MYR Z1P 1.92 -13.39 16.67 8.62 104.34 }
    15 polglase 19.56 % { CNI WEB TWE IAG CHK -6.13 -7.57 7.86 13.14 90.48 }
    16 Norwest 18.34 % { AVZ BMN EM2 GRL NYR 14.29 43.62 -19.35 2.13 51.02 }
    17 gmatt 16.07 % { BDC CNB HMX OBM MEU -5.88 -39.24 142.86 -11.11 -6.25 }
    18 denpal 15.57 % { PEK PM8 ORR LYC SVL 66.67 -20.77 -8.40 25.75 14.58 }
    19 percy 13.42 % { ACF AFL PTB PTG SES -2.67 11.11 -6.43 -2.44 67.50 }
    20 wizAlvin 11.00 % { AVE AVZ BMN NMR VKA -10.71 14.29 43.62 -45.78 53.57 }
    21 '777 8.73 % { A2M BNO CWX OBM SXY -13.39 58.62 0.00 -11.11 9.52 }
    22 Cadalac123 7.88 % { DUB AVA TNT VMT NXL 2.69 8.62 4.41 17.05 6.65 }
    23 DarkHorse 7.37 % { AFL COO DSK PTG SSG 11.11 0.00 24.88 -2.44 3.30 }
    24 silverblizzard888 7.27 % { DW8 ARX AUZ A2M LBY 2.33 4.35 41.18 -13.39 1.92 }
    25 apostle 95 7.13 % { PAN HUM ADV CUE MMJ 14.81 9.73 16.67 -17.58 12.00 }
    26 5.77 % { DTL WBT NXT XRO BRN 9.22 1.21 3.03 -12.51 27.91 }
    27 Rabbi 5.39 % { BPT SXY BRU BLU WPL -2.50 9.52 16.00 -5.81 9.75 }
    28 bermuda 4.83 % { EXR BLU SXY CUE STX 26.92 -5.81 9.52 -17.58 11.11 }
    29 RRR 3.91 % { CSL IRE IVC SHL PME -2.79 -7.30 -3.49 4.10 29.03 }
    30 trader jackson 3.72 % { BRL HUM PGC ZNO AVA 15.79 9.73 17.39 -32.95 8.62 }
    31 greater fool 2.84 % { ADT E25 NSB PYC TLX 0.00 16.72 -7.84 -3.33 8.64 }
    32 10Bagger 2.44 % { LEG TON BGL PDN MEI 4.35 9.43 -12.50 24.07 -13.16 }
    33 Nigel 1.52 % { BCI K2F EVS CGF BTH 11.48 12.50 -13.16 -0.47 -2.73 }
    34 t.rexjr 1.47 % { HUM IKE NZS SCL WWI 9.73 -4.00 17.39 -15.79 0.00 }
    35 Joshuatree 1.37 % { BTH EAS JAN KNO ORE -2.73 -0.88 -4.27 6.25 8.46 }
    36 rocketmannz 1.26 % { ARR EXR FEX NVA TSO 11.36 26.92 4.26 -12.12 -24.14 }
    37 lissica 0.95 % { ANZ BSA DTL CCP MAQ 9.05 -14.86 9.22 5.08 -3.73 }
    38 whirly -0.16 % { BNL CR1 EX1 SDV WAT -10.87 1.59 12.90 -10.00 5.57 }
    39 Snow Leopard -0.76 % { ARX ASM BTH EVO M7T 4.35 -18.17 -2.73 -9.73 22.49 }
    40 Crash Test Dummy -1.31 % { EM2 EMH EMR EX1 PAB -19.35 4.13 -12.57 12.90 8.33 }
    41 Jay -1.37 % { A2M AVZ SXY LPE STO -13.39 14.29 9.52 -25.00 7.75 }
    42 bullfrog -1.95 % { ARR AL3 PX1 IKE JAN 11.36 0.00 -12.82 -4.00 -4.27 }
    43 Taijon -2.65 % { EOS DOW CUE CDA STO -12.90 0.18 -17.58 9.29 7.75 }
    44 shasta -2.70 % { DEG GOR LVT JAT NIC -13.24 -10.53 6.12 -4.00 8.14 }
    45 Toulouse-Luzern -3.45 % { APT PNV FMG NXT XRO 26.79 -35.05 0.51 3.03 -12.51 }
    46 stoploss -3.58 % { AHY FMG GSS MIN RMC -4.04 0.51 -11.76 -7.60 5.00 }
    47 amalgam -3.96 % { PRO NXT AFL ARX ASM -20.14 3.03 11.11 4.35 -18.17 }
    48 Aaron -4.00 % { OBM RXL CWX BHP WPL -11.11 -23.53 0.00 4.90 9.75 }
    49 Beetle -5.29 % { ARX NAN XRO VHT PX1 4.35 -14.45 -12.51 8.97 -12.82 }
    50 hoyinma -5.40 % { GOR A2M EVN KTD WBC -10.53 -13.39 -8.70 -8.16 13.77 }
    51 duncan22 -6.41 % { LPE MAH EHL FLC SMN -25.00 -5.66 -4.80 2.22 1.18 }
    52 Xerof -8.15 % { AVZ CAY MYL SVY VRX 14.29 4.76 -27.84 -17.50 -14.47 }
    53 NOCASH -8.58 % { PM8 MEL HSC IXC CNB -20.77 3.57 -12.50 26.06 -39.24 }
    54 airedale -8.62 % { AZS CZL GOR PAN RXL -13.46 -10.42 -10.53 14.81 -23.53 }
    t.rexjr Guest 91.59 % { DOU FYI SGC SKO XST 47.06 93.75 80.33 -3.20 240.00 }
    Top Loosers 31st Dec 2020 71.23 % { GPS AUQ RMP NGY AQC 2.44 -11.11 -5.56 381.82 -11.43 }
    Timesurfer Guest 56.80 % { BRN EXR IKE MNB POD 27.91 26.92 -4.00 163.16 70.00 }
    Top Gainers 31st Dec 2020 36.80 % { CXO KTE RVS SNS RNE 47.06 42.11 28.17 21.43 45.24 }
    Top Five Ticker 3 29.57 % { AVZ CHK EXR BRN CUE 14.29 90.48 26.92 27.91 -11.76 }
    Top Five Ticker 1 29.24 % { AVZ CHK EXR A2M BRN 14.29 90.48 26.92 -13.39 27.91 }
    HotCopper most Discussed 26.26 % { BRN MSB AVZ EXR CXO 27.91 15.11 14.29 26.92 47.06 }
    Top Five Ticker 2 21.31 % { AVZ CHK EXR A2M CUE 14.29 90.48 26.92 -13.39 -11.76 }
    wizAlvin Guest 17.07 % { BMN AVZ BDM FMS NMR 43.62 14.29 25.71 47.52 -45.78 }
    percy Guest 13.48 % { FGR IVZ SWK UBN UCM 22.45 50.00 -21.95 10.67 6.25 }
    jennym Guest 10.75 % { DVL 1AD BLZ AGE CRO -21.95 23.08 -22.58 16.67 58.54 }
    '777 Guest 8.64 % { ANZ BOQ CBA NAB WBC 9.05 5.15 5.64 9.58 13.77 }
    ASX All Ords Worst 2020 7.78 % { DCN SXL RAP BRL MOZ 8.54 5.33 -21.18 15.79 30.43 }
    ASX All Ords Best 2020 7.29 % { DEG CHN RBL TPW APT -13.24 12.00 12.86 -1.95 26.79 }
    penn Guest 6.62 % { RVR SGC CUE RDN LOM -27.69 77.42 -11.76 -23.53 18.64 }
    Biggest 5 Stocks 3.57 % { CBA CSL BHP NAB FMG 5.64 -2.79 4.90 9.58 0.51 }
    gmatt Guest 2.57 % { IKE MNRS M7T SKO WWI -4.00 -2.42 22.49 -3.20 0.00 }
    Top 5 Shorted 0.75 % { WEB TGR MSB FLT MYR -7.57 -2.06 15.11 -10.34 8.62 }
    DarkHorse Guest -0.59 % { AVA EPY MSV PTB XRF 8.62 4.05 -15.74 -6.43 6.56 }
    Joshuatree Guest -2.29 % { QFE HUM VRX SKF ZNO 21.25 9.73 -14.47 5.00 -32.95 }
    ShareTrader most Discussed -3.95 % { XRO CUE BPT CDY PGC -12.51 -17.58 -2.50 -4.55 17.39 }
    stoploss Guest -8.18 % { CTE DUB IFT MSV SEQ -27.85 2.69 1.01 -15.74 -1.01 }
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Surely the website designer/owner would/should have a backup they could run up offline somewhere and extract the missing info for you......

    i had written and asked twice - i suggest others could. there may be a benefit in volume. or does no one care that much?

    i could do with learning web design.
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  8. #18
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2002
    ChCh, , .


    If I knew what I was talking about technology wise I would have a yarn with him or her.Wiz there is definitely a dearth of opinions on this site.Thats sad.Im not sure if that is reflection of the character of the folk who are in this comp.Me as folk well know Im a basic opiniated loud mouth of mediocre knowledge who reads a bit and is having fun.My sympathies mate.cheers.In addition I wish more folk would acknowledge your efforts acumen and dedication.Go well mate and I sincerely hope life is going well.
    Last edited by troyvdh; 13-02-2021 at 09:31 PM.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    , Christchurch , NZ .


    Quote Originally Posted by wizAlvin View Post
    i had written and asked twice - i suggest others could. there may be a benefit in volume. or does no one care that much?

    i could do with learning web design.
    I have put in a request and hopefully others will do the same...

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by wizAlvin View Post
    i had written and asked twice - i suggest others could. there may be a benefit in volume. or does no one care that much?

    i could do with learning web design.
    I’ve had a snoop around the archive and this thread isn’t there at all. Weird. If I get a chance I’ll have a look at Google cache tomorrow, unless someone else wants to have a look there beforehand … use Google and search on the complete title of the thread, then click on the cache link.


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