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  1. #1
    l'Excuse greater fool's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Labour ( + Greens ) creating the next major environmental disaster.

    "Buyers of low-emitting cars will be able to get a rebate from July 1, 2021, while buyers of high-emitting vehicles will have to pay a fee
    from January 1, 2022.
    The Government’s feebate scheme will apply to new and used vehicles that arrive in New Zealand. Fees and rebates
    won’t be applied to sales within the domestic second-hand market.
    The maximum fee will be $5175 for a new vehicle and $2875 for a used one.
    The maximum rebate will be $8625 for a new vehicle and $3450 for a used one.
    Rebates will be available for vehicles worth less than $80,000 that have at least a three-star safety rating."

    "But electric cars have their own dirty little secret: Every electric vehicle, and most hybrid vehicles, rely on large lithium-ion batteries
    weighing hundreds of pounds. One of the largest, the battery for the Mercedes-Benz EQC, comes in at 1,400 pounds. Typically made with cobalt,
    nickel, and manganese, among other components, these batteries cost thousands of dollars and come with an environmental burden: They require
    ingredients sourced from polluting mines and smelters around the world, and they can ultimately contaminate soil and water supplies if
    improperly disposed.

    In the rush to embrace this technology, auto companies are adopting the same pretense that has been embraced by the plastics industry:
    They are claiming that used batteries will be recycled
    . However, the truth is being swept under the rug. None of the lithium-ion batteries in electric
    vehicles are recyclable in the same sense that paper, glass, and lead car batteries are. Although efforts to improve recycling methods are
    underway, generally only around half the materials in these batteries is currently extracted and repurposed. And without the most valuable
    ingredients, there will be little economic incentive to invest in recycling technologies. The result, if nothing is done to tip the scales,
    could be a massive health and environmental crisis."

    "The electric-vehicle revolution, driven by the imperatives to decarbonize personal transportation in order to meet global targets for reductions
    in greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality in urban centres, is set to change the automotive industry radically. In 2017, sales of
    electric vehicles exceeded one million cars per year worldwide for the first time1. Making conservative assumptions of an average battery pack
    weight of 250 kg and volume of half a cubic metre, the resultant pack wastes would comprise around 250,000 tonnes and half a million cubic metres
    of unprocessed pack waste, when these vehicles reach the end of their lives.
    Although re-use and current recycling processes can divert some of
    these wastes from landfill, the cumulative burden of electric-vehicle waste is substantial given the growth trajectory of the electric-vehicle market.
    This waste presents a number of serious challenges of scale; in terms of storing batteries before repurposing or final disposal, in the manual
    testing and dismantling processes required for either, and in the chemical separation processes that recycling entails.

    Given that the environmental footprint of manufacturing electric vehicles is heavily affected by the extraction of raw materials and production of
    lithium ion batteries, the resulting waste streams will inevitably place different demands on end-of-life dismantling and recycling systems.

    In the waste management hierarchy, re-use is considered preferable to recycling (Fig. 1). Because considerable value is embedded in manufactured
    lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), it has been suggested that their use should be cascaded through a hierarchy of applications to optimize material use
    and life-cycle impacts2. Markets for energy storage are under development as energy regulators in various locations transition to cleaner energy
    sources. Energy storage is particularly sought-after in areas where weak grids require reinforcement, where high penetration of renewables requires
    supply to be balanced with demand, where there is an opportunity for trading energy with the grid and in off-grid applications. Second-use battery
    projects have started to develop in locations where there is regulatory and market alignment. However, large concentrations of waste—be it for
    refurbishment, re-manufacture, dismantling or final disposal—can create substantial challenges.
    A fire in stockpiled tyres in Powys, Wales, for
    example, smouldered for fifteen years from 1989 to 2004. Since the electrode materials in LIBs are far more reactive than tyre rubber3, without a
    proactive and economically sound waste-management strategy for LIBs there are potentially greater dangers associated with stockpiling of end-of-life
    LIBs. Already the number of fires being reported in metal-recovery facilities is increasing4, owing to the illicit or accidental concealment of
    (consumer) LIBs in the guise of, for example, lead–acid batteries. Among examples of recent major fires are those that took place in metal-recovery
    facilities in Shoreway, San Carlos, USA, in September 20165, Guernsey in August 2018 and Tacoma, Washington, USA, in September 2018."

    "There are two main ways to deactivate lithium-ion batteries. The most common technique, called pyrometallurgy, involves burning them to remove unwanted
    organic materials and plastics
    . This method leaves the recycler with just a fraction of the original material—typically just the copper from current
    collectors and nickel or cobalt from the cathode. A common pyro method, called smelting, uses a furnace powered with fossil fuels, which isn’t great
    for the environment, and it loses a lot of aluminum and lithium in the process. But it is simple, and smelting factories that currently exist to process
    ore from the mining industry are already able to handle batteries. Of the small fraction of lithium-ion batteries that are recycled in the US—just 5
    percent of all spent cells—most of them end up in a smelting furnace.

    The other approach is called hydrometallurgy. A common form of this technique, called leaching, involves soaking lithium-ion cells in strong acids to
    dissolve the metals into a solution. More materials, including lithium, can be recovered this way. But leaching comes with its own challenges.
    must preprocess the cells to remove unwanted plastic casings and drain the charge on the battery, which increases cost and complexity. It’s part of the
    reason why spent lithium-ion batteries have been treated as waste ever since the first commercial cells hit the market in the early 1990s. It was often
    several times cheaper to mine new material, especially lithium, than recover it with leaching."

    Last edited by greater fool; 14-06-2021 at 01:00 PM.
    "There is something wrong with a regime that requires a pyramid of corpses every few years." George Orwell.

  2. #2
    l'Excuse greater fool's Avatar
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    Dec 2011


    Our government has an automotive industry player dominated study into how to dispose of Li batteries.
    They can shut it down now. Just charge a large fee to those dumping old Li batteries. Because, Li EV's
    are a sunset industry. The better technologies are coming on through.

    "Tesla’s confirmation that it will adopt lithium iron phosphate chemistry (LFP) batteries for its high volume, standard range Model 3
    and Model Y electric cars marks what could be a wider shift away from the more expensive nickel cobalt aluminium (NCA) chemistry.
    While LFP batteries were already in use for its cars made in China, its adoption outside of the world’s most populous country has been limited
    due to intellectual property restrictions.
    This relates to a series of key LFP patents managed by a consortium of universities and research institutions that reached an agreement
    with Chinese battery makers a decade ago, which excused them from pay a licensing fee — provided that the batteries were only used in China.
    These patents are due to expire in 2022, which neatly explains Tesla’s timing for its LFP moves.
    LFPs are cheaper than NCA or NCM (nickel manganese cobalt) cells — mainly because they don’t require scarce and price-volatile metals such as nickel or cobalt."
    "There is something wrong with a regime that requires a pyramid of corpses every few years." George Orwell.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Here's a good investment opportunity for you GF.

    A social media company where only "truth" is allowed.

  4. #4
    ShareTrader Legend
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Panda-NZ- View Post
    Here's a good investment opportunity for you GF.

    A social media company where only "truth" is allowed.

    Labour haven't banned investing in it yet ? .. what's gone wrong ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Nah they put in kiwisaver and the super fund. The alternatives want to cut both.

  6. #6
    ShareTrader Legend
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    Dec 2009


    An article on what is being seen as SHAW'S latest Dog's Breakfast:

    Please be kind to SHAW - if what's written is anywhere near correct - he could be the Green's next
    lot of Dog Tucker fairly soon

    Hopefully they decide they wont have enough & need his Co-Leader as well for the exercise

    Disaster averted
    Last edited by nztx; 18-05-2022 at 11:30 PM.


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