Quote Originally Posted by mistaTea View Post
Let’s see how much support he can gather.

Let’s not forget that it is entirely his fault that the socialist, virtue-signalling Left have been in power since 2017. He was sulking because his pension overpayment was released, blamed National and decided to put Labour in power as an “up yours”.

So, though I agree with a lot of the points he has raised, I would like to see him acknowledge his part in this before any talk of a ‘come back’.

But of course, Winnie is far too slimy for that.

National still a joke. Seymour seems to be the Leader of the Opposition.

Not just government departments being ‘woke’, a lot of business jumping on the bandwagon too so that they can’t be accused of being bigoted.

For example, during homosexual week the banks fall all over each other to see who can make the most poofy looking ATM. Doesn’t actually achieve anything for the homosexual community, but makes the banks look like they really care!

I could go on.

God help us all.
Couldn't agree more, but I could tolerate a truckload of slime more than I could tolerate a name change for New Zealand.