My PIR rate is 17.5%. Previously, a sizeable part of my portfolio was in growth companies that paid little, or no, dividends, Thus, the dividends were low enough to keep my basic income well below $49,000 enabling me to maintain a 17.5% PIR rate.

However, now a portion of my investment is in NZX listed PIE companies, as well as non PIE cos. . Another portion is still in two PIE Funds.

The IRD web site and the dividend advices inform me that I have the option of declaring, or, not declaring the PIE income.
This implies that I can "cherry pick" which PIE dividends I include on my IR3. I assume, however, that is not true once the $70,000 threshold is breached. I am not there yet, so, the 2021 IR3 was fine.

There may be some enlightening articles on the net, but I have not, as yet, located them.