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  1. #21
    Senior Member TeslaGod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoploss View Post
    It was only a few posts back that you told us "As in past historical pandemics deflation follows for the following 20 years."
    Have you changed your mind already ?
    No ,that's we're lower interest rates or negative interest play there part.

    Over time that is.

  2. #22
    Senior Member TeslaGod's Avatar
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    Short term inflation follows pandemics.

    This doesn't last long then deflation follows.

    Interest rates are then lowered, your purchasing power erodes

    And so does your debt.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by TeslaGod View Post
    Short term inflation follows pandemics.

    This doesn't last long then deflation follows.

    Interest rates are then lowered, your purchasing power erodes

    And so does your debt.
    Sounds like you a making up a narrative to suit yourself, while inserting an element of truth in the fact that we now have mounting inflation.

    If you think that benevolent NZ businesses will give everyone a whopping pay-rise each year to keep pace with inflation, I think you are mistaken. My feeling is they will look to economise.

    Good luck paying off a million dollar mortgage while trying to pay for rising food & petrol prices....and then add a possible job loss in the mix.

    Anyway, the 'all-in on property' people have it all covered: deflation will be great for them apparently, inflation will be great for them apparently.....if they have it all figured out, why do they always need to have the Government and Reserve Bank step in every time in looks like prices might fall? Let the market fuction as a market I say. If prices fall, so be it.

  4. #24
    Senior Member TeslaGod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    Sounds like you a making up a narrative to suit yourself, while inserting an element of truth in the fact that we now have mounting inflation.

    If you think that benevolent NZ businesses will give everyone a whopping pay-rise each year to keep pace with inflation, I think you are mistaken. My feeling is they will look to economise.

    Good luck paying off a million dollar mortgage while trying to pay for rising food & petrol prices....and then add a possible job loss in the mix.

    Anyway, the 'all-in on property' people have it all covered: deflation will be great for them apparently, inflation will be great for them apparently.....if they have it all figured out, why do they always need to have the Government and Reserve Bank step in every time in looks like prices might fall? Let the market fuction as a market I say. If prices fall, so be it.
    -I don't write the narrative, the narrative writes itself

    -I can easily pay off a million dollar mortgage in 5 to 7 year's by re-investing it's equity and capital growth.

    -I totally agree that the housing market should fall I have access to liquidity and would love to pay cash for property on discount but I agree it's not going to happen.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by TeslaGod View Post
    -I don't write the narrative, the narrative writes itself

    -I can easily pay off a million dollar mortgage in 5 to 7 year's by re-investing it's equity and capital growth.

    -I totally agree that the housing market should fall I have access to liquidity and would love to pay cash for property on discount but I agree it's not going to happen.
    I want to see interest rates start to rise, and then rise. The pot is on the element and we are starting to see some bubbles drifting up through the water. So we shall see what we will see. I want to see all these people who talk about happy they are happy to take on risk & deserve all the capital gains that are coming to them....I want to see if they truly are happy to take on risk & how they deal with capital losses. It's all very well to crow about how well you are doing & how it's all richly deserved and stuff the renters, 'bludgers', savers, and the young ("they just need to scrimp and save like we did and they will be in a million dollar house in no time") but how will these "I'm all right Jack" types perform when the squeeze comes on? Will they manfully face the consequences of their own decisions, or squeal for the government to save them?

  6. #26
    Senior Member TeslaGod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    I want to see interest rates start to rise, and then rise. The pot is on the element and we are starting to see some bubbles drifting up through the water. So we shall see what we will see. I want to see all these people who talk about happy they are happy to take on risk & deserve all the capital gains that are coming to them....I want to see if they truly are happy to take on risk & how they deal with capital losses. It's all very well to crow about how well you are doing & how it's all richly deserved and stuff the renters, 'bludgers', savers, and the young ("they just need to scrimp and save like we did and they will be in a million dollar house in no time") but how will these "I'm all right Jack" types perform when the squeeze comes on? Will they manfully face the consequences of their own decisions, or squeal for the government to save them?
    This post tells me alot


    I believe the narrative is I'm supposed to be Im the greedy evil landlord?

    Not really,I'm the capitalist who coaches my kids sports teams,the capitalist who donates to my preferred charity and sports organisation, the capitalist that doesn't have any anger ,hate or ill will towards others.

    I guess it's how one chooses to see the world.
    Last edited by TeslaGod; 04-08-2021 at 04:02 PM.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by TeslaGod View Post
    This post tells me alot


    I believe the narrative is I'm supposed to be Im the greedy evil landlord?

    Not really,I'm the capitalist who coaches my kids sports teams,the capitalist who donates to my preferred charity and sports organisation, the capitalist that doesn't have any anger ,hate or ill will towards others.

    I guess it's how one chooses to see the world.
    Are you really a 'capitalist' though? You claim to be, but do you want the Government and Reserve Bank to go 'hands off' with the housing market and let the 'free market' sort it out?

    I want the Government and Reserve Bank to go 'hands off' with the housing market and let the 'free market' sort it out. No more interest rate suppression, no more money printing, no more deposit grants, no more landlord subsidies. That is capitalism!!

    I class myself as much more of a capitalist than you. You are more like a profiteer who has joined with a group of your fellows to try and hold the country to ransom.

  8. #28
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    Stage 3 of a Bubble -

    During this phase, caution is thrown to the wind, as asset prices skyrocket. Valuations reach extreme levels during this phase as new valuation measures and metrics are touted to justify the relentless rise, and the "greater fool" theory—the idea that no matter how prices go, there will always be a market of buyers willing to pay more—plays out everywhere.

    For example, at the peak of the Japanese real estate bubble in 1989, prime office space in Tokyo sold for as much as $139,000 per square foot. Similarly, at the height of the Internet bubble in March 2000, the combined value of all technology stocks on the Nasdaq was higher than the GDP of most nations.


  9. #29
    Senior Member TeslaGod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    Are you really a 'capitalist' though? You claim to be, but do you want the Government and Reserve Bank to go 'hands off' with the housing market and let the 'free market' sort it out?

    I want the Government and Reserve Bank to go 'hands off' with the housing market and let the 'free market' sort it out. No more interest rate suppression, no more money printing, no more deposit grants, no more landlord subsidies. That is capitalism!!

    I class myself as much more of a capitalist than you. You are more like a profiteer who has joined with a group of your fellows to try and hold the country to ransom.
    Yes capitalism is profiteering so I'm not sure of your statement.

    And I do hope the housing market crashes unfortunately for you, individuals and companies like myself would most likely price you out, sorry about that.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by TeslaGod View Post
    Yes capitalism is profiteering so I'm not sure of your statement.

    And I do hope the housing market crashes unfortunately for you, individuals and companies like myself would most likely price you out, sorry about that.
    You seem to think that people are incapable of building wealth outside of the socially and economically destructive housing rort.

    If you think that profiteering = capitalism, then that explains a lot about your attitude.


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