In the midst of writing financial plan for a family trust (as both trustee and beneficiary), it is an important topic. I'm unclear who writes these things, but an essential part of running a trust. As is not uncommon, the plan has to deal with demands on both assets for capital growth (younger beneficiaries) and yield (older beneficiaries), and may provide a bit of a nexus for a strategy. Plan until now has been set for capital growth, basically consolidation. But then debt came along, which is like investing someone else's money twice, once on property and then with interest-only terms, use of the money for investment. Dealing with debt great for capital growth, but poor for yield (needed within ten years). There will be a crossover (somewhere), between max growth for min debt. Accountant said reduce by 50% in five years.

Feeling a bit isolated, so reaching out for comments on dealing with this topic.