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  1. #151
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    e o 12th

    1 Aotea: 24.87 % { RNU BRN TLG CNB SPQ 37.5 67.61 1.23 -17 35 } cash = 0 div = 0
    2 Scrunch: 23.82 % { CXO ESS EGR E25 MAH 31.67 70.73 2.22 19.75 -5.26 } cash = 0 div = 0
    3 nomis: 22.19 % { AVZ BRN CBA IHL PNV 23.42 67.61 -0.41 2.31 18.01 } cash = 0 div = 0
    4 RupertBear: 15.51 % { ADA AVZ BRN DUB VMS 0.39 23.42 67.61 -18.41 4.55 } cash = 0 div = 0
    5 bohemian: 12.54 % { CNB BSX BRN COB CHN -17 28.32 67.61 -4.95 -11.28 } cash = 0 div = 0
    6 msgoldenhair: 12.48 % { BRN DEG IFL MP1 WBC 67.61 -4.18 -1.63 -0.16 0.79 } cash = 0 div = 0
    7 10Bagger: 11.42 % { VAL PDN RNU LEG MNS 15.38 0.55 37.5 10.53 -6.84 } cash = 0 div = 0
    8 10.45 % { BRN GMG PLS NDQ NXT 67.61 -10.53 8.81 -3.66 -10 } cash = 0 div = 0
    9 shasta: 8.56 % { DEG NIC POD REE ZNC -4.18 6.9 28.36 -2 13.73 } cash = 0 div = 0
    10 Brut: 8.18 % { DRE DW8 GLN RNU STM -2.44 -6 -1.54 37.5 13.4 } cash = 0 div = 0
    11 blockhead: 7.61 % { RNU NWE STX SYR CRL 37.5 -7.41 0 7.94 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    12 rocketmannz: 6.86 % { EXR FFX GL1 RNU VR1 -17.5 -12.92 30.65 37.5 -3.45 } cash = 0 div = 0
    13 JBmurc: 6.75 % { CNB LRS MAY WWI POD -17 20.69 -4.55 6.25 28.36 } cash = 0 div = 0
    14 freebee: 6.43 % { ADN CHK CNB HRZ WWI 16.22 26.67 -17 0 6.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    15 stumpynuts: 6.21 % { ADN LCY NVA PIL WWI 16.22 9.09 -8.19 7.69 6.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    16 Joshuatree: 5.42 % { WPL HZN EWC STO OOO 9.78 4.4 -2.25 8.22 6.94 } cash = 0 div = 0
    17 Jay: 5.23 % { ACF AVZ QPM LPE SXY 0 23.42 2.94 0 -0.22 } cash = 0 div = 0
    18 denpal: 4.77 % { ORR PEK PRU RNU SVM -3.11 1.78 -4.29 37.5 -8.04 } cash = 0 div = 0
    19 traineeinvestor: 4.55 % { ACF CCG BOL KLL NTD 0 0 10.53 0 12.24 } cash = 0 div = 0
    20 younga: 4.41 % { ADD NWE RLC WWI MAY 16.33 -7.41 11.43 6.25 -4.55 } cash = 0 div = 0
    21 Rokko: 4.04 % { ADO ATX AVZ IHL WBT -11.48 0 23.42 2.31 5.94 } cash = 0 div = 0
    22 bermuda: 3.99 % { NWE STX EXR BLU GAS -7.41 0 -17.5 27.91 16.95 } cash = 0 div = 0
    23 nztx: 3.87 % { AVZ CNB LMG SMI STM 23.42 -17 1.01 -1.47 13.4 } cash = 0 div = 0
    24 Ballr: 3.73 % { EMD GGE EVZ OEL JAV 8.64 -4 -3.85 -7.14 25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    25 stoploss: 3.35 % { DUB EVO MSV RFT SPQ -18.41 -6.98 -5.06 12.2 35 } cash = 0 div = 0
    26 Xerof: 3.05 % { AVZ CAY ICG NWE STM 23.42 -10 -4.17 -7.41 13.4 } cash = 0 div = 0
    27 apostle95: 2.87 % { ADV CZN HUM HLX PAN 9.09 -2.63 1.63 6.25 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    28 percy: 2.8 % { ACF ADA AER AFL PTB 0 0.39 3.45 8.75 1.4 } cash = 0 div = 0
    29 clearasmud: 2.52 % { FYI JRL MYR MHJ VR8 7.79 19.09 -8.89 -2.76 -2.63 } cash = 0 div = 0
    30 greater fool: 2.06 % { A4N E25 SVM RFX TLX -9.02 19.75 -8.04 0 7.62 } cash = 0 div = 0
    31 NOCASH: 1.81 % { MEL AGH AMP EGR IOU 0 -2.22 -3.47 2.22 12.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    32 jennym: 1.23 % { FRX KRM EGL EM2 EXR 11.36 4.76 1.67 5.88 -17.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    33 Ferg: 0.96 % { FMG HVN OCA RRL WBC 8.07 -3.8 0 -0.26 0.79 } cash = 0 div = 0
    34 bullfrog: 0.36 % { ACW AL3 ARR CTE PX1 -6.06 0 8.82 -4.17 3.19 } cash = 0 div = 0
    35 Oldiron: 0.11 % { ALK ASM CAI LCK SYA -1.63 -12.78 19.05 -11.76 7.69 } cash = 0 div = 0
    36 airedale: -0.09 % { AZS MCR NXM PAN RXL 5.26 5.37 -5.68 0 -5.41 } cash = 0 div = 0
    37 Nigel: -0.74 % { ADO BCI EVS IIQ PAA -11.48 0 2.27 -4.51 10 } cash = 0 div = 0
    38 amalgam: -0.79 % { CAA CGO GAP NEU ADA 2.53 9.37 -9.86 -6.41 0.39 } cash = 0 div = 0
    39 wizAlvin: -0.82 % { PFG PLS PTB AGN LIN -2.56 8.81 1.4 -1.75 -10 } cash = 0 div = 0
    40 duncan22: -1.34 % { FLC LPE EYE CCG SMN 3.23 0 -2.94 0 -6.98 } cash = 0 div = 0
    41 micket: -1.57 % { DDT EQR ALC ICG VML 0 1.67 -1.72 -4.17 -3.64 } cash = 0 div = 0
    42 t.rexjr: -1.7 % { BRL IKE HUM SKO WWI 8.16 -12.92 1.63 -11.62 6.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    43 lissica: -2.49 % { ANZ DTL BSA CCP MAQ 1.08 -0.85 -4 -0.75 -7.92 } cash = 0 div = 0
    44 hamish: -2.64 % { CSL NAN TNT EVS GEV -1.88 -6.32 -2.94 2.27 -4.35 } cash = 0 div = 0
    45 777: -3.15 % { A2M BNO DEG SXY VSL -0.36 -9.09 -4.18 -0.22 -1.88 } cash = 0 div = 0
    46 Arbitrage: -3.43 % { APA BOQ GMG IVC WBC -1.48 0.24 -10.53 -6.17 0.79 } cash = 0 div = 0
    47 Timesurfer: -3.79 % { AL3 KNI ONE PRL VUL 0 -8.86 0 -3.45 -6.65 } cash = 0 div = 0
    48 Paddie: -4.96 % { NWE EXR MAY MEU MEK -7.41 -17.5 -4.55 4.65 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    49 Fiordland Moose: -5.5 % { ACF RBL APX LOV DSK 0 -4.86 -6.09 -8.75 -7.81 } cash = 0 div = 0
    50 whirly: -5.5 % { CYP ESK GSN HNR NGI 0.92 -8.89 -14.49 7.14 -12.16 } cash = 0 div = 0
    51 TFA: -7.69 % { VUL EXR ONE EYE FBR -6.65 -17.5 0 -2.94 -11.36 } cash = 0 div = 0
    52 gmatt: -8.45 % { BDC CNB GBR HMX IKE -4 -17 10.71 -19.05 -12.92 } cash = 0 div = 0
    53 RRR: -8.52 % { IVC SHL OFX PME LOV -6.17 -5.59 -2.95 -19.15 -8.75 } cash = 0 div = 0
    clearasmud Guest2: 10.22 % { CPV MNB NWH TMT FBU 47.83 0 -3.07 8.62 -2.29 } cash = 0 div = 0
    wizAlvin Guest2: 2.5 % { ASQ CLT EGL SPQ API 0 -12.05 1.67 35 -12.14 } cash = 0 div = 0
    clearasmud Guest: 0.03 % { ALY SMI SFR HMY OXX 0 -1.47 5.09 -7.63 4.17 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Joshuatree Guest: -1.34 % { AMP PTM PVL MFG AMC -3.47 -5.11 4.17 -4.16 1.87 } cash = 0 div = 0
    DarkHorse Guest: -1.64 % { ACF DSK EPY PTG SEQ 0 -7.81 -1.15 -5.94 6.72 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Timesurfer Guest: -1.83 % { EXR GTR MNB PUR TMR -17.5 8.33 0 0 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    jennym Guest: -2.01 % { LER SMN NYR NXM EX1 0 -6.98 8.33 -5.68 -5.71 } cash = 0 div = 0
    wizAlvin Guest1: -2.52 % { MLX XRG PGC HFR AXE -4.39 -1.69 4.17 -2.22 -8.44 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Panda-NZ Guest: -2.78 % { CSL COH NXT EGL BBOZ -1.88 -4.88 -10 1.67 1.21 } cash = 0 div = 0
    '777 Guest: -3.84 % { CAY KNI LPE RBL VMS -10 -8.86 0 -4.86 4.55 } cash = 0 div = 0
    percy Guest: -4.27 % { IVZ KNO MSL SEQ SSG -8 -12.5 -5.88 6.72 -1.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Joshuatree Guest2: -5.54 % { ALC BMT JAN PTG PPL -1.72 -1.01 -3.14 -5.94 -15.87 } cash = 0 div = 0
    nxtx Guest: -10.11 % { BRU LYC VSL DCX CNB -8.51 5.4 -1.88 -28.57 -17 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  2. #152
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Aotea View Post
    Hi Darkhorse
    The irony of my selections doing well now actually sits with the phrase DYOR. Once i stopped listening to anyone else and started forming my own opinion my success in my families investments have been in fire. Short answer is no one knows, even those we all respect. My criteria are
    1. Critical minerals for a green economy and electrification
    2. Sovereign risk and central government support (that meant selling PEK which may have been a mistake).
    3. Shallow and/or high grade resources
    4. Reduced supply or life of existing mines for each commodity
    5. Management who actively seeks to enhance share value whilst minimising dilution.

    That's it. Although some stocks outside my expertise are simply too exceptional i.e Brainchip not to hold long. Hardly rocket science, however my portfolio is loving the new model.
    Thank you for sharing Aotea, valuable insights and much appreciated.
    I agree with you about forming your own opinion. I do use picks from DMX and few other microcap managers as a starting point (I know they're smarter than me and apply similar criteria). But you need to understand the business and its market and economics to feel comfortable and react astutely to company announcements, market movements etc. That's what leads to high weighting in the best stocks as their prospects become greater and more certain - and a few very profitable multibaggers along the way; and flexibility to prune the true non-performers but keep the temporarily unfashionable.

    On that note I probably should focus on the industrials which have given me a 5X return over 10 years... Although I have done well out of the odd resources stock when there was a lot of director buying - kind of vicarious understanding. Does that apply to any ST favourites atm?
    Last edited by DarkHorse; 14-01-2022 at 08:10 PM.

  3. #153
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Central Otago


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkHorse View Post
    Congratulations on your success over the last 2 years Aotea.
    If you don't mind sharing, I'd be interested to know if you have any tips for picking resources stocks - would also be keen to hear from Troyvdh, Clearasmud and JB Murc on that score.
    I noticed some of you were well in the red with 2018 and 2019 picks, before doing brilliantly for the last 2 years. I'd be fascinated to know if you think the turnaround is mainly due to learning from experience - and what those lessons were - or more about the machinations of the market/sector/luck/constraints of frozen picks and timing.
    Heaps of DYOR is a big one so yes experience .... I've been a Resources/O&G nut since early 2000's ... did well early cocky ...then held & traded very HIGH risk futures CFDs during the bad years in the Resources sector 2012-15 ..lost many 100's K ... as they say you learn more from your losses than profits ... I think we will continue to see Resources Energy do very well this decade ..

    some very basics one should know in the resources sector ....

    CASH Balance is the lifeblood of any spec company ....DEBT is a killer..

    -Exploration isn't as risky as ramp up production
    -History of mgmt. can predict future outcomes
    -Never BUY with knowing the basic T/A - Supertrends ,Volumes ,support levels
    -Peer review what makes this company better than others doing the exact same exploration etc for the same value >>
    -Get a good understanding of both the Macro and Micro factors that could affect your company ...
    "With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future." — Carlos Slim Helu

  4. #154
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    e o week

    1 Aotea: 41.89 % { RNU BRN TLG CNB SPQ 46.88 111.27 5.83 8 37.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    2 Scrunch: 38.07 % { CXO ESS EGR E25 MAH 50 124.39 -0.74 19.34 -2.63 } cash = 0 div = 0
    3 bohemian: 28.03 % { CNB BSX BRN COB CHN 8 30.97 111.27 0 -10.12 } cash = 0 div = 0
    4 nomis: 25.68 % { AVZ BRN CBA IHL PNV 17.09 111.27 -1.13 -0.77 1.93 } cash = 0 div = 0
    5 RupertBear: 22.89 % { ADA AVZ BRN DUB VMS -1.57 17.09 111.27 -19.13 6.82 } cash = 0 div = 0
    6 msgoldenhair: 22.28 % { BRN DEG IFL MP1 WBC 111.27 7.11 -3.8 -2.93 -0.23 } cash = 0 div = 0
    7 10Bagger: 19.62 % { VAL PDN RNU LEG MNS 15.38 -3.83 46.88 47.37 -7.69 } cash = 0 div = 0
    8 18.59 % { BRN GMG PLS NDQ NXT 111.27 -12.45 13.07 -6.6 -12.34 } cash = 0 div = 0
    9 shasta: 16.22 % { DEG NIC POD REE ZNC 7.11 11.38 25.37 -2 39.22 } cash = 0 div = 0
    10 younga: 15.74 % { ADD NWE RLC WWI MAY 40.82 11.11 14.29 12.5 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    11 blockhead: 15.7 % { RNU NWE STX SYR CRL 46.88 11.11 -2.44 7.94 15 } cash = 0 div = 0
    12 rocketmannz: 14.06 % { EXR FFX GL1 RNU VR1 -15 -16.85 55.28 46.88 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    13 JBmurc: 14 % { CNB LRS MAY WWI POD 8 24.14 0 12.5 25.37 } cash = 0 div = 0
    14 nztx: 12.51 % { AVZ CNB LMG SMI STM 17.09 8 26.26 2.94 8.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    15 Brut: 11.96 % { DRE DW8 GLN RNU STM 0 8 -3.34 46.88 8.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    16 Rokko: 9.96 % { ADO ATX AVZ IHL WBT 4.92 12.5 17.09 -0.77 16.08 } cash = 0 div = 0
    17 denpal: 9.19 % { ORR PEK PRU RNU SVM 2.48 4.14 -3.07 46.88 -4.46 } cash = 0 div = 0
    18 NOCASH: 9.03 % { MEL AGH AMP EGR IOU 3.57 -2.22 -5.45 -0.74 50 } cash = 0 div = 0
    19 freebee: 8.68 % { ADN CHK CNB HRZ WWI 16.22 6.67 8 0 12.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    20 Jay: 8.47 % { ACF AVZ QPM LPE SXY -2.15 17.09 17.65 10 -0.22 } cash = 0 div = 0
    21 jennym: 7.42 % { FRX KRM EGL EM2 EXR 18.18 7.14 13.33 13.45 -15 } cash = 0 div = 0
    22 greater fool: 7.42 % { A4N E25 SVM RFX TLX 8.2 19.34 -4.46 2 12.02 } cash = 0 div = 0
    23 bermuda: 7.37 % { NWE STX EXR BLU GAS 11.11 -2.44 -15 27.91 15.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    24 Joshuatree: 6.5 % { WPL HZN EWC STO OOO 11.9 7.69 -3.37 8.37 7.9 } cash = 0 div = 0
    25 clearasmud: 4.93 % { FYI JRL MYR MHJ VR8 7.79 26.82 -12.22 -0.34 2.63 } cash = 0 div = 0
    26 stumpynuts: 4.79 % { ADN LCY NVA PIL WWI 16.22 0 -4.74 0 12.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    27 Xerof: 4.62 % { AVZ CAY ICG NWE STM 17.09 -5 -8.33 11.11 8.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    28 apostle95: 4.1 % { ADV CZN HUM HLX PAN 9.09 0 -1.09 12.5 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    29 Nigel: 3.37 % { ADO BCI EVS IIQ PAA 4.92 0 -2.27 -0.82 15 } cash = 0 div = 0
    30 Ballr: 3.24 % { EMD GGE EVZ OEL JAV 6.17 -4 -3.85 -7.14 25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    31 traineeinvestor: 2.62 % { ACF CCG BOL KLL NTD -2.15 0 7.89 -3.85 11.19 } cash = 0 div = 0
    32 Ferg: 2.35 % { FMG HVN OCA RRL WBC 10.61 -2 0 3.37 -0.23 } cash = 0 div = 0
    33 stoploss: 2.28 % { DUB EVO MSV RFT SPQ -19.13 -10.47 -3.8 7.32 37.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    34 duncan22: 2.21 % { FLC LPE EYE CCG SMN 6.45 10 0 0 -5.43 } cash = 0 div = 0
    35 wizAlvin: 2.04 % { PFG PLS PTB AGN LIN -5.13 13.07 2.34 9.94 -10 } cash = 0 div = 0
    36 Oldiron: 1.1 % { ALK ASM CAI LCK SYA -3.8 -12.59 18.25 -11.76 15.38 } cash = 0 div = 0
    37 Paddie: 1.09 % { NWE EXR MAY MEU MEK 11.11 -15 0 6.98 2.38 } cash = 0 div = 0
    38 bullfrog: 0.93 % { ACW AL3 ARR CTE PX1 -9.09 0 14.71 -4.17 3.19 } cash = 0 div = 0
    39 percy: 0.53 % { ACF ADA AER AFL PTB -2.15 -1.57 -3.45 7.5 2.34 } cash = 0 div = 0
    40 airedale: 0.51 % { AZS MCR NXM PAN RXL 7.89 4.8 -3.41 0 -6.76 } cash = 0 div = 0
    41 Timesurfer: -0.45 % { AL3 KNI ONE PRL VUL 0 -10.55 19.23 -3.45 -7.49 } cash = 0 div = 0
    42 gmatt: -0.5 % { BDC CNB GBR HMX IKE -5 8 14.29 1.59 -21.35 } cash = 0 div = 0
    43 777: -0.68 % { A2M BNO DEG SXY VSL -3.96 -4.55 7.11 -0.22 -1.77 } cash = 0 div = 0
    44 whirly: -1.24 % { CYP ESK GSN HNR NGI 4.59 -4.44 -5.8 11.9 -12.43 } cash = 0 div = 0
    45 t.rexjr: -1.46 % { BRL IKE HUM SKO WWI 11.56 -21.35 -1.09 -8.95 12.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    46 amalgam: -2.34 % { CAA CGO GAP NEU ADA 2.95 6.25 -9.86 -9.49 -1.57 } cash = 0 div = 0
    47 TFA: -2.47 % { VUL EXR ONE EYE FBR -7.49 -15 19.23 0 -9.09 } cash = 0 div = 0
    48 lissica: -2.83 % { ANZ DTL BSA CCP MAQ 2.38 -4.58 -4 1.17 -9.13 } cash = 0 div = 0
    49 micket: -3.67 % { DDT EQR ALC ICG VML -4.55 3.33 -5.17 -8.33 -3.64 } cash = 0 div = 0
    50 Arbitrage: -3.9 % { APA BOQ GMG IVC WBC -0.89 0.49 -12.45 -6.42 -0.23 } cash = 0 div = 0
    51 hamish: -5.97 % { CSL NAN TNT EVS GEV -4.35 -13.11 2.94 -2.27 -13.04 } cash = 0 div = 0
    52 Fiordland Moose: -9.01 % { ACF RBL APX LOV DSK -2.15 -10.64 -10.73 -9.95 -11.56 } cash = 0 div = 0
    53 RRR: -11.39 % { IVC SHL OFX PME LOV -6.42 -11.92 -3.38 -25.26 -9.95 } cash = 0 div = 0
    clearasmud Guest2: 25.44 % { CPV MNB NWH TMT FBU 108.7 8 0 13.79 -3.29 } cash = 0 div = 0
    wizAlvin Guest2: 7.79 % { ASQ CLT EGL SPQ API 17.39 -16.87 13.33 37.5 -12.43 } cash = 0 div = 0
    wizAlvin Guest1: 0.1 % { MLX XRG PGC HFR AXE -3.51 -11.86 5.56 -8.33 18.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    clearasmud Guest: -0.57 % { ALY SMI SFR HMY OXX 0 2.94 5.99 -7.63 -4.17 } cash = 0 div = 0
    jennym Guest: -0.98 % { LER SMN NYR NXM EX1 0 -5.43 12.5 -3.41 -8.57 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Timesurfer Guest: -1.31 % { EXR GTR MNB PUR TMR -15 4.17 8 -3.7 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Panda-NZ Guest: -1.77 % { CSL COH NXT EGL BBOZ -4.35 -7.92 -12.34 13.33 2.43 } cash = 0 div = 0
    DarkHorse Guest: -1.79 % { ACF DSK EPY PTG SEQ -2.15 -11.56 0 -3.47 8.21 } cash = 0 div = 0
    '777 Guest: -1.87 % { CAY KNI LPE RBL VMS -5 -10.55 10 -10.64 6.82 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Joshuatree Guest: -1.91 % { AMP PTM PVL MFG AMC -5.45 -5.47 8.33 -9.2 2.24 } cash = 0 div = 0
    nxtx Guest: -2.46 % { BRU LYC VSL DCX CNB -2.13 5.02 -1.77 -21.43 8 } cash = 0 div = 0
    percy Guest: -2.74 % { IVZ KNO MSL SEQ SSG -8 -12.5 -3.92 8.21 2.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Joshuatree Guest2: -2.99 % { ALC BMT JAN PTG PPL -5.17 0 -1.57 -3.47 -4.76 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  5. #155
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    strewth you traders are good. been a hectic weekend.
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  6. #156
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2002
    ChCh, , .


    Wiz ...what have you been up to...are you still afloat ????

  7. #157
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    Quote Originally Posted by troyvdh View Post
    Wiz ...what have you been up to...are you still afloat ????
    ashore in Northland past 4 years having reluctantly "sold" our vessel.
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  8. #158
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    e o 18th strewth

    1 Aotea: 55.77 % { RNU BRN TLG CNB SPQ 68.75 161.97 6.44 16.67 25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    2 Scrunch: 43.55 % { CXO ESS EGR E25 MAH 53.33 156.1 -3.7 17.28 -5.26 } cash = 0 div = 0
    3 bohemian: 41.86 % { CNB BSX BRN COB CHN 16.67 25.66 161.97 15.84 -10.85 } cash = 0 div = 0
    4 msgoldenhair: 34.49 % { BRN DEG IFL MP1 WBC 161.97 15.9 -2.45 -2.56 -0.42 } cash = 0 div = 0
    5 nomis: 31.08 % { AVZ BRN CBA IHL PNV 1.27 161.97 -1.19 -5.38 -1.29 } cash = 0 div = 0
    6 29.37 % { BRN GMG PLS NDQ NXT 161.97 -13.21 17.33 -5.66 -13.59 } cash = 0 div = 0
    7 RupertBear: 29.34 % { ADA AVZ BRN DUB VMS -3.74 1.27 161.97 -17.33 4.55 } cash = 0 div = 0
    8 blockhead: 25.91 % { RNU NWE STX SYR CRL 68.75 11.11 14.63 10.05 25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    9 10Bagger: 25.57 % { VAL PDN RNU LEG MNS 15.38 -2.73 68.75 45.61 0.85 } cash = 0 div = 0
    10 shasta: 24.03 % { DEG NIC POD REE ZNC 15.9 11.03 31.34 5 56.86 } cash = 0 div = 0
    11 JBmurc: 20.31 % { CNB LRS MAY WWI POD 16.67 37.93 0 15.63 31.34 } cash = 0 div = 0
    12 apostle95: 17.42 % { ADV CZN HUM HLX PAN 63.64 13.16 -2.17 12.5 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    13 rocketmannz: 16.05 % { EXR FFX GL1 RNU VR1 -15 -17.42 54.27 68.75 -10.34 } cash = 0 div = 0
    14 younga: 16.04 % { ADD NWE RLC WWI MAY 30.61 11.11 22.86 15.63 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    15 Brut: 15.93 % { DRE DW8 GLN RNU STM 0 6 -3.34 68.75 8.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    16 NOCASH: 15.6 % { MEL AGH AMP EGR IOU 0 -4.44 -4.46 -3.7 90.63 } cash = 0 div = 0
    17 bullfrog: 13.5 % { ACW AL3 ARR CTE PX1 -15.15 7.14 76.47 -4.17 3.19 } cash = 0 div = 0
    18 freebee: 13.17 % { ADN CHK CNB HRZ WWI 16.22 13.33 16.67 4 15.63 } cash = 0 div = 0
    19 denpal: 11.08 % { ORR PEK PRU RNU SVM -0.62 2.96 -6.75 68.75 -8.93 } cash = 0 div = 0
    20 Joshuatree: 8.79 % { WPL HZN EWC STO OOO 13.62 8.79 0 9.61 11.94 } cash = 0 div = 0
    21 Ballr: 8.7 % { EMD GGE EVZ OEL JAV 11.11 28 11.54 -7.14 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    22 nztx: 8.6 % { AVZ CNB LMG SMI STM 1.27 16.67 21.21 -4.41 8.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    23 bermuda: 8.46 % { NWE STX EXR BLU GAS 11.11 14.63 -15 16.28 15.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    24 gmatt: 7.85 % { BDC CNB GBR HMX IKE -5 16.67 25 12.7 -10.11 } cash = 0 div = 0
    25 wizAlvin: 7.83 % { PFG PLS PTB AGN LIN -5.13 17.33 4.67 12.28 10 } cash = 0 div = 0
    26 stumpynuts: 7.01 % { ADN LCY NVA PIL WWI 16.22 4.55 -9.05 7.69 15.63 } cash = 0 div = 0
    27 greater fool: 5.93 % { A4N E25 SVM RFX TLX 8.2 17.28 -8.93 2 11.11 } cash = 0 div = 0
    28 clearasmud: 5.27 % { FYI JRL MYR MHJ VR8 6.49 34.09 -14.44 -2.41 2.63 } cash = 0 div = 0
    29 Jay: 4.49 % { ACF AVZ QPM LPE SXY -2.15 1.27 23.53 0 -0.22 } cash = 0 div = 0
    30 Nigel: 3.77 % { ADO BCI EVS IIQ PAA 1.64 -2.33 9.09 -2.05 12.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    31 Paddie: 3.43 % { NWE EXR MAY MEU MEK 11.11 -15 0 16.28 4.76 } cash = 0 div = 0
    32 Rokko: 3.34 % { ADO ATX AVZ IHL WBT 1.64 6.25 1.27 -5.38 12.94 } cash = 0 div = 0
    33 percy: 3.2 % { ACF ADA AER AFL PTB -2.15 -3.74 3.45 13.75 4.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    34 jennym: 2.87 % { FRX KRM EGL EM2 EXR 11.36 7.14 6.67 4.2 -15 } cash = 0 div = 0
    35 stoploss: 2.23 % { DUB EVO MSV RFT SPQ -17.33 -8.72 0 12.2 25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    36 traineeinvestor: 2.16 % { ACF CCG BOL KLL NTD -2.15 0 5.26 -3.85 11.54 } cash = 0 div = 0
    37 777: 2.03 % { A2M BNO DEG SXY VSL -2.7 0 15.9 -0.22 -2.81 } cash = 0 div = 0
    38 Oldiron: 1.51 % { ALK ASM CAI LCK SYA -6.52 -14.93 25.4 -11.76 15.38 } cash = 0 div = 0
    39 lissica: 1.09 % { ANZ DTL BSA CCP MAQ 3.68 12.71 -6 5.17 -10.1 } cash = 0 div = 0
    40 whirly: 0.97 % { CYP ESK GSN HNR NGI 0.92 -13.33 -8.7 35.71 -9.73 } cash = 0 div = 0
    41 Ferg: 0.96 % { FMG HVN OCA RRL WBC 7.4 1 -7.34 4.15 -0.42 } cash = 0 div = 0
    42 Xerof: 0.79 % { AVZ CAY ICG NWE STM 1.27 0 -16.67 11.11 8.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    43 t.rexjr: 0.49 % { BRL IKE HUM SKO WWI 8.84 -10.11 -2.17 -9.73 15.63 } cash = 0 div = 0
    44 airedale: 0.29 % { AZS MCR NXM PAN RXL 5.26 -1.13 0 0 -2.7 } cash = 0 div = 0
    45 duncan22: -1 % { FLC LPE EYE CCG SMN 6.45 0 -2.94 0 -8.53 } cash = 0 div = 0
    46 Timesurfer: -1.03 % { AL3 KNI ONE PRL VUL 7.14 -10.55 7.69 0 -9.43 } cash = 0 div = 0
    47 amalgam: -1.85 % { CAA CGO GAP NEU ADA 0.42 6.64 -8.45 -4.1 -3.74 } cash = 0 div = 0
    48 hamish: -2.11 % { CSL NAN TNT EVS GEV -5.14 -13.11 2.94 9.09 -4.35 } cash = 0 div = 0
    49 micket: -3.77 % { DDT EQR ALC ICG VML -9.09 8.33 -6.9 -16.67 5.45 } cash = 0 div = 0
    50 Arbitrage: -4.01 % { APA BOQ GMG IVC WBC -1.57 0.98 -13.21 -5.83 -0.42 } cash = 0 div = 0
    51 TFA: -6.66 % { VUL EXR ONE EYE FBR -9.43 -15 7.69 -2.94 -13.64 } cash = 0 div = 0
    52 RRR: -10.91 % { IVC SHL OFX PME LOV -5.83 -13.43 -2.53 -24.85 -7.9 } cash = 0 div = 0
    cash = 0 div = 0
    clearasmud Guest2: 20.33 % { CPV MNB NWH TMT FBU 73.91 0 0.84 31.03 -4.15 } cash = 0 div = 0
    wizAlvin Guest2: 3.08 % { ASQ CLT EGL SPQ API 13.04 -16.87 6.67 25 -12.43 } cash = 0 div = 0
    nxtx Guest: -0.94 % { BRU LYC VSL DCX CNB -2.13 5.02 -2.81 -21.43 16.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    DarkHorse Guest: -1.11 % { ACF DSK EPY PTG SEQ -2.15 -9.38 3.45 -4.95 7.46 } cash = 0 div = 0
    wizAlvin Guest1: -1.97 % { MLX XRG PGC HFR AXE -7.02 -18.64 9.72 -5 11.11 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Timesurfer Guest: -2.07 % { EXR GTR MNB PUR TMR -15 4.17 0 -3.7 4.17 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Joshuatree Guest: -2.25 % { AMP PTM PVL MFG AMC -4.46 -6.57 4.17 -7.67 3.26 } cash = 0 div = 0
    clearasmud Guest: -2.55 % { ALY SMI SFR HMY OXX 0 -4.41 6.44 -10.63 -4.17 } cash = 0 div = 0
    percy Guest: -2.84 % { IVZ KNO MSL SEQ SSG -4 -12.5 -3.92 7.46 -1.25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    jennym Guest: -2.97 % { LER SMN NYR NXM EX1 0 -8.53 4.17 0 -10.48 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Panda-NZ Guest: -3.59 % { CSL COH NXT EGL BBOZ -5.14 -8.04 -13.59 6.67 2.18 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Joshuatree Guest2: -4.12 % { ALC BMT JAN PTG PPL -6.9 -4.04 -4.71 -4.95 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    '777 Guest: -7.1 % { CAY KNI LPE RBL VMS 0 -10.55 0 -29.48 4.55 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Last edited by wizAlvin; 19-01-2022 at 02:18 PM.
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien

  9. #159
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by JBmurc View Post
    Heaps of DYOR is a big one so yes experience .... I've been a Resources/O&G nut since early 2000's ... did well early cocky ...then held & traded very HIGH risk futures CFDs during the bad years in the Resources sector 2012-15 ..lost many 100's K ... as they say you learn more from your losses than profits ... I think we will continue to see Resources Energy do very well this decade ..

    some very basics one should know in the resources sector ....

    CASH Balance is the lifeblood of any spec company ....DEBT is a killer..

    -Exploration isn't as risky as ramp up production
    -History of mgmt. can predict future outcomes
    -Never BUY with knowing the basic T/A - Supertrends ,Volumes ,support levels
    -Peer review what makes this company better than others doing the exact same exploration etc for the same value >>
    -Get a good understanding of both the Macro and Micro factors that could affect your company ...
    Sorry for the late reply JBM, been away on a trip... Thank you for sharing, great insights!

  10. #160
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    near Mangonui Northland


    e o 20th

    1 Aotea: 60.71 % { RNU BRN TLG CNB SPQ 68.75 179.58 7.06 5.67 42.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    2 Scrunch: 49.08 % { CXO ESS EGR E25 MAH 52.5 182.93 -2.22 14.81 -2.63 } cash = 0 div = 0
    3 bohemian: 47.44 % { CNB BSX BRN COB CHN 5.67 42.48 179.58 16.83 -7.38 } cash = 0 div = 0
    4 msgoldenhair: 35.4 % { BRN DEG IFL MP1 WBC 179.58 20.5 -3.8 -17.44 -1.81 } cash = 0 div = 0
    5 shasta: 32.7 % { DEG NIC POD REE ZNC 20.5 9.66 46.27 40 47.06 } cash = 0 div = 0
    6 RupertBear: 31.93 % { ADA AVZ BRN DUB VMS -6.69 1.27 179.58 -21.3 6.82 } cash = 0 div = 0
    7 nomis: 31.83 % { AVZ BRN CBA IHL PNV 1.27 179.58 -3.32 -13.85 -4.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    8 31.28 % { BRN GMG PLS NDQ NXT 179.58 -13.77 15.2 -8.25 -16.33 } cash = 0 div = 0
    9 blockhead: 29.55 % { RNU NWE STX SYR CRL 68.75 18.52 24.39 11.11 25 } cash = 0 div = 0
    10 bullfrog: 27.43 % { ACW AL3 ARR CTE PX1 -15.15 7.14 152.94 -9.9 2.13 } cash = 0 div = 0
    11 10Bagger: 26.39 % { VAL PDN RNU LEG MNS 23.08 -5.46 68.75 43.86 1.71 } cash = 0 div = 0
    12 JBmurc: 23.47 % { CNB LRS MAY WWI POD 5.67 31.03 0 34.38 46.27 } cash = 0 div = 0
    13 younga: 22.42 % { ADD NWE RLC WWI MAY 30.61 18.52 28.57 34.38 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    14 rocketmannz: 22.11 % { EXR FFX GL1 RNU VR1 -17.5 -11.24 80.9 68.75 -10.34 } cash = 0 div = 0
    15 apostle95: 20.99 % { ADV CZN HUM HLX PAN 72.73 5.26 -5.43 25 7.41 } cash = 0 div = 0
    16 freebee: 18.36 % { ADN CHK CNB HRZ WWI 32.43 13.33 5.67 6 34.38 } cash = 0 div = 0
    17 stumpynuts: 15.12 % { ADN LCY NVA PIL WWI 32.43 4.55 -3.45 7.69 34.38 } cash = 0 div = 0
    18 Brut: 14.58 % { DRE DW8 GLN RNU STM 2.44 4 -5.4 68.75 3.09 } cash = 0 div = 0
    19 airedale: 13.11 % { AZS MCR NXM PAN RXL 23.68 3.67 -5.68 7.41 36.49 } cash = 0 div = 0
    20 denpal: 13 % { ORR PEK PRU RNU SVM -0.62 7.69 -3.68 68.75 -7.14 } cash = 0 div = 0
    21 NOCASH: 12.69 % { MEL AGH AMP EGR IOU -3.57 4.44 -3.96 -2.22 68.75 } cash = 0 div = 0
    22 bermuda: 12.44 % { NWE STX EXR BLU GAS 18.52 24.39 -17.5 23.26 13.56 } cash = 0 div = 0
    23 Joshuatree: 10.54 % { WPL HZN EWC STO OOO 16.37 9.89 0 12.56 13.87 } cash = 0 div = 0
    24 Ballr: 10.05 % { EMD GGE EVZ OEL JAV 9.88 36 11.54 -7.14 0 } cash = 0 div = 0
    25 Rokko: 9.5 % { ADO ATX AVZ IHL WBT 21.31 9.37 1.27 -13.85 29.37 } cash = 0 div = 0
    26 nztx: 6.8 % { AVZ CNB LMG SMI STM 1.27 5.67 31.31 -7.35 3.09 } cash = 0 div = 0
    27 clearasmud: 6.17 % { FYI JRL MYR MHJ VR8 1.3 37.73 -13.33 -2.76 7.89 } cash = 0 div = 0
    28 Paddie: 5.81 % { NWE EXR MAY MEU MEK 18.52 -17.5 0 23.26 4.76 } cash = 0 div = 0
    29 greater fool: 5.39 % { A4N E25 SVM RFX TLX 14.75 14.81 -7.14 0 4.52 } cash = 0 div = 0
    30 Nigel: 4.91 % { ADO BCI EVS IIQ PAA 21.31 -1.16 2.27 -2.87 5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    31 Timesurfer: 4.13 % { AL3 KNI ONE PRL VUL 7.14 -5.06 19.23 6.9 -7.58 } cash = 0 div = 0
    32 stoploss: 4.1 % { DUB EVO MSV RFT SPQ -21.3 -10.47 0 9.76 42.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    33 traineeinvestor: 3.74 % { ACF CCG BOL KLL NTD -2.15 4.76 5.26 0 10.84 } cash = 0 div = 0
    34 jennym: 3.73 % { FRX KRM EGL EM2 EXR 4.55 19.05 6.67 5.88 -17.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    35 gmatt: 3.56 % { BDC CNB GBR HMX IKE -4 5.67 21.43 12.7 -17.98 } cash = 0 div = 0
    36 Oldiron: 3.37 % { ALK ASM CAI LCK SYA -3.26 -17.54 34.92 -8.82 11.54 } cash = 0 div = 0
    37 Ferg: 2.86 % { FMG HVN OCA RRL WBC 10.71 1.2 -4.63 8.81 -1.81 } cash = 0 div = 0
    38 777: 2.69 % { A2M BNO DEG SXY VSL -3.78 0 20.5 -0.43 -2.81 } cash = 0 div = 0
    39 Jay: 2.52 % { ACF AVZ QPM LPE SXY -2.15 1.27 20.59 -6.67 -0.43 } cash = 0 div = 0
    40 Xerof: 2.24 % { AVZ CAY ICG NWE STM 1.27 5 -16.67 18.52 3.09 } cash = 0 div = 0
    41 wizAlvin: 1.93 % { PFG PLS PTB AGN LIN -7.69 15.2 6.07 -0.58 -3.33 } cash = 0 div = 0
    42 t.rexjr: 1.39 % { BRL IKE HUM SKO WWI 8.84 -17.98 -5.43 -12.87 34.38 } cash = 0 div = 0
    43 whirly: 0.9 % { CYP ESK GSN HNR NGI -0.92 -12.22 -7.25 35.71 -10.81 } cash = 0 div = 0
    44 percy: 0.82 % { ACF ADA AER AFL PTB -2.15 -6.69 -6.9 13.75 6.07 } cash = 0 div = 0
    45 duncan22: -1.3 % { FLC LPE EYE CCG SMN 9.68 -6.67 -8.82 4.76 -5.43 } cash = 0 div = 0
    46 lissica: -1.69 % { ANZ DTL BSA CCP MAQ 3.07 5.93 -8 2.93 -12.39 } cash = 0 div = 0
    47 micket: -2.71 % { DDT EQR ALC ICG VML -9.09 11.67 -10.34 -16.67 10.91 } cash = 0 div = 0
    48 amalgam: -3.17 % { CAA CGO GAP NEU ADA -3.27 7.81 -9.86 -3.85 -6.69 } cash = 0 div = 0
    49 Arbitrage: -5.2 % { APA BOQ GMG IVC WBC -2.85 -2.08 -13.77 -5.49 -1.81 } cash = 0 div = 0
    50 hamish: -5.45 % { CSL NAN TNT EVS GEV -6 -14.85 0 2.27 -8.7 } cash = 0 div = 0
    51 TFA: -6.12 % { VUL EXR ONE EYE FBR -7.58 -17.5 19.23 -8.82 -15.91 } cash = 0 div = 0
    52 RRR: -12.15 % { IVC SHL OFX PME LOV -5.49 -13.39 -5.49 -27.29 -9.1 } cash = 0 div = 0
    clearasmud Guest2: 20.22 % { CPV MNB NWH TMT FBU 65.22 12 0 29.31 -5.44 } cash = 0 div = 0
    wizAlvin Guest2: 8.62 % { ASQ CLT EGL SPQ API 21.74 -15.66 6.67 42.5 -12.14 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Timesurfer Guest: 3.71 % { EXR GTR MNB PUR TMR -17.5 4.17 12 7.41 12.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    wizAlvin Guest1: 1.66 % { MLX XRG PGC HFR AXE -0.88 -8.47 8.33 -2.22 11.56 } cash = 0 div = 0
    clearasmud Guest: -0.04 % { ALY SMI SFR HMY OXX 8.33 -7.35 10.33 -7.36 -4.17 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Joshuatree Guest: -2.06 % { AMP PTM PVL MFG AMC -3.96 -6.57 4.17 -7.58 3.63 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Joshuatree Guest2: -3.41 % { ALC BMT JAN PTG PPL -10.34 -10.1 -0.39 -8.91 12.7 } cash = 0 div = 0
    DarkHorse Guest: -3.45 % { ACF DSK EPY PTG SEQ -2.15 -15.63 3.45 -8.91 5.97 } cash = 0 div = 0
    percy Guest: -4.02 % { IVZ KNO MSL SEQ SSG -4 -15.63 -3.92 5.97 -2.5 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Panda-NZ Guest: -4.45 % { CSL COH NXT EGL BBOZ -6 -10.47 -16.33 6.67 3.88 } cash = 0 div = 0
    nxtx Guest: -4.71 % { BRU LYC VSL DCX CNB -10.64 5.68 -2.81 -21.43 5.67 } cash = 0 div = 0
    jennym Guest: -5.53 % { LER SMN NYR NXM EX1 0 -5.43 -4.17 -5.68 -12.38 } cash = 0 div = 0
    '777 Guest: -7.22 % { CAY KNI LPE RBL VMS 5 -5.06 -6.67 -36.17 6.82 } cash = 0 div = 0
    Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    that not forbidden is mandatory.
    Anyone but o'brien


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