A miserly $21m to extend breast cancer screening to save up to 65 lives a year but Ardern broke her 2017 promise to implement it.

She has plenty of money though to give 'cost of living' payments to overseas recipients (est $30m) and $56m to throw away at the abandoned cycle bridge for Auckland.


Excerpt :

"Andrea Dorn had been a faithful National Party supporter until 2017 when Labour promised to extend free breast cancer screening for women up to 74 years old.

Her mother, Audrey, was diagnosed with breast cancer later in life so when Jacinda Ardern's party committed to the extension that could save up to 65 lives a year, Andrea turned red and voted Labour.

"In 2016, the Breast Cancer Foundation NZ presented a 10,000-signature petition to Ardern to extend free screening and it was later included as one of five health priorities in the 2017 coalition document agreed by Labour and New Zealand First. Despite its priority status, the extension had not been implemented."