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Thread: Jarden Direct

  1. #61
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2001


    Ok just rang them and they don't run a stop loss,they told me that a new platform is coming out in 3-4 months that will support stop loss.So useless if your day trading unless you want to be glued to the screen all day.So does anyone know of an NZ broker that runs a stop loss on there platform ?.


  2. #62
    Antiquated & irrational t.rexjr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miner View Post
    Thanks for the reply, I was beginning to think no one wanted to talk to me.Will leave Shane to it as I am mainly looking at the ASX,found a few last week but not set up yet to trade,should be sorted this week.Can you run a stop loss with Jarden ?.

    If comparing Bank DIY platforms, Jardens platform is decent and has lots of useful information that ASB doesn't... but trades are painfully slow. Trades through ASB are almost always instant (which to me makes it better dispite the lack of intel). You can get the missing info elsewhere. If looking at lots of intel is more important than trade speed, then Jarden is ok

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.rexjr View Post
    If comparing Bank DIY platforms, Jardens platform is decent and has lots of useful information that ASB doesn't... but trades are painfully slow. Trades through ASB are almost always instant (which to me makes it better dispite the lack of intel). You can get the missing info elsewhere. If looking at lots of intel is more important than trade speed, then Jarden is ok
    Thanks I've only just opened an ASB account and the jarden platform as you say looks better,but at a glance it looks like you can run a stop loss on ASB.Tried to ring them about it but no one answered,jarden answer and are helpful .So looking like it's use jarden to watch stuff and trade on ASB.Hopefully jarden's new platform will be better and then I can use them to trade .

  4. #64
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    Just having a play with ASB and am I correct in thinking that you can only set a stop loss after the trade has gone through ?.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by miner View Post
    Thanks for the reply, I was beginning to think no one wanted to talk to me.Will leave Shane to it as I am mainly looking at the ASX,found a few last week but not set up yet to trade,should be sorted this week.Can you run a stop loss with Jarden ?.

    Can you join comsec?
    Orders are on Market instantly.
    $10 for up to $1000
    $20 "" $10k
    $30 "" $25K
    0.2% brokerage thereafter.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by clearasmud View Post
    Can you join comsec?
    Orders are on Market instantly.
    $10 for up to $1000
    $20 "" $10k
    $30 "" $25K
    0.2% brokerage thereafter.
    Had a look and you need to reside in ausy to join commsec,bugger .

  7. #67
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2014


    Dear xxxx

    This year, we’ll be moving your investments from Jarden Direct to Hatch. This is the investment platform owned by Jarden and FNZ. We’ll be sending you important updates throughout 2024. But for now, there’s nothing you need to do.

    What does moving mean for me?
    We’re building new financial products on Hatch to help you grow and manage your wealth. On the Hatch platform, we will:
    Manage and safeguard your transactions and holdings
    Inform you of corporate actions
    Look after your reporting and tax requirements
    And it’s not goodbye to your friendly Jarden Direct team either. They’re moving with you to Hatch. So you’ll know the people behind the platform, and they’ll continue to give you an exceptional experience.

    What happens next?
    We’ll give you plenty of time to understand what moving means for you before we make any requests. In the coming months, we’ll ask for the following:
    Your consent to move your cash and securities to Hatch
    You to review and accept new terms and conditions (T&Cs)
    And we’ll take care of everything. There’s nothing else you’ll need to do.

    Where can I get my questions answered?
    We’re here to guide you every step of the way, and we’ve answered some of the questions you might have here. If you have a question we’ve missed, please ask our team at

    Kind regards,
    The Jarden Direct and Hatch team

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    , Christchurch , NZ .


    Thanks for this news Huxley, first I have heard of it. I’m a regular user of Hatch so will suit me very well…

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Wellington, New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by huxley View Post
    Dear xxxx

    This year, we’ll be moving your investments from Jarden Direct to Hatch. This is the investment platform owned by Jarden and FNZ. We’ll be sending you important updates throughout 2024. But for now, there’s nothing you need to do.

    What does moving mean for me?
    We’re building new financial products on Hatch to help you grow and manage your wealth. On the Hatch platform, we will:
    Manage and safeguard your transactions and holdings
    Inform you of corporate actions
    Look after your reporting and tax requirements
    And it’s not goodbye to your friendly Jarden Direct team either. They’re moving with you to Hatch. So you’ll know the people behind the platform, and they’ll continue to give you an exceptional experience.

    What happens next?
    We’ll give you plenty of time to understand what moving means for you before we make any requests. In the coming months, we’ll ask for the following:
    Your consent to move your cash and securities to Hatch
    You to review and accept new terms and conditions (T&Cs)
    And we’ll take care of everything. There’s nothing else you’ll need to do.

    Where can I get my questions answered?
    We’re here to guide you every step of the way, and we’ve answered some of the questions you might have here. If you have a question we’ve missed, please ask our team at

    Kind regards,
    The Jarden Direct and Hatch team
    The interesting thing is the wording: "This year we will be moving your investments". Actually no Jarden. You don't own or have control over my investments and will not be moving them anywhere. They are held via CSN. You can keep your dirty hands off them.

  10. #70
    Legend peat's Avatar
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    Whanganui, New Zealand.


    Hate all this platform jumping … and as prev poster says my securities aren’t under your control, only the cash sidelined


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