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Thread: Jarden Direct

  1. #111
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by blackcap View Post
    I don't see more hands involved in the process. All I see is Jarden continuing as is, under the umbrella of Hatch. Ie Hatch own the current Jarden (who have the NZX relationship) and who will continue to execute orders.
    I may be mistaken but my understanding too is that essentially it is the branding of the client facing website that is changing, with cash accounts and actual share trading continuing and handled as previously.

  2. #112
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Wellington, New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by Bjauck View Post
    I may be mistaken but my understanding too is that essentially it is the branding of the client facing website that is changing, with cash accounts and actual share trading continuing and handled as previously.
    I rang them up about a week ago and that is pretty much it Bjauck. Their client relationship people told me everything effectively stays the same, maybe some cosmetic changes to the site but effectively run as it is now. No new prospectuses etc on the cash accounts so same protections for customers as now. CSN etc remains if you purchase shares.

  3. #113
    Legend peat's Avatar
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    Aug 2004
    Whanganui, New Zealand.


    I dunno for sure and was just thinking if (as per 777's post)
    NZX services will continue to be provided by Jarden as the executing broker for Hatch, with Hatch providing instructions to Jarden on your behalf, then you're dealing with Hatch who then have to relay that order to Jarden (because Hatch arent an NZX operating broker) so there more hands in the pie.

    Looked into Hatch and FNZ and the ownership structure today. No red flags I detected. Another thread on this forum titled Hatch considers there is some Chinese company holding the (US) shares on behalf. I dont think this is relevant to non US shares though as just like now they will be registered in your name with CSN's etc in NZ and whatever it is in Aussie. (HFN's).

    So I accepted the transfer etc.

    From what I can see FNZ are the back room tech operations, but now own 70% of Hatch as their retail arm with 30% owned by Jarden still. To me it all feels like shuffling the chairs on board and I just hope the ship's name doesnt begin with T.
    For clarity, nothing I say is advice....

  4. #114
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2019


    Has anyone got any clarity about the brokerage fees? All I see published by Hatch is "competitive" I'm looking for a number.
    I emailed their support folks and got the same regurgitation of the website so no help there either.

  5. #115
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Yes, this is my concern, are we going to see sharper brokerage fees. The advantage is that this will be a one stop shop that will offer the major exchanges.


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