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  1. #11
    ShareTrader Legend
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    Labour was still blaming the previous government 6 years after they took office.

    So what do you reckon? 12 years given all the disasters and crises they left behind after their 6 years of complete and utter incompetence?

    Great example : Absolute disgrace the way Ardern, Robertson and Labour just threw money by the billions of dollars with no accountability and with nothing to show.

    Auditor-General John Ryan has heavily criticised the $15 billion infrastructure spend-up during the Covid-19 pandemic, saying the previous government should have ensured better transparency and value for money.

    "What that report lays bare is how cavalier and casual ministers were about committing billions of dollars to projects without the required due diligence, without the care of process, without even documenting what they were doing.

    Where was the Auditor-General while the spend up was going on - barricaded up in his secure bunker
    or busy counting all the pingers on the slate going out ?
    Last edited by nztx; 12-03-2024 at 11:21 PM.


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