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  1. #21
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Feb 2003


    Cold morning so householders in parts of Auckland are without power - Labour/Green government’s energy strategy in action.

    Could be that the last person to leave NZ for Australia will not have to switch off the power as there will be none!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    And what has Ardern & Hipkins delivered but spin and BS? That’s preferable in your view?
    Actually comparative to Governments of the last 20 years, quite a bit. Sure they have undelivered compared to what they promised by some margin but at least they had ambition that others didn't.

    They are the first Government to deliver on housing in decades.
    When was the last hospital built in NZ prior to this government?
    They have made some strides in creating a response to climate change.
    How many classrooms were built by previous recent governments comparatively?
    Got NZ through four major events in quick succession. (I include Gabriel)
    Started remediation work on rotten hospitals & schools ignored by previous Governments.

    Have they had their faults? No doubt. But it's easy not to be criticized when you don't attempt anything and this is the legacy of the Key Government. Many of the issues NZ is facing have been building for decades and it is the inaction of previous Governments, both Labour & National that the impacts associated with the pandemic laid bare.

    Remember the stark choice NZ had at the 2020 election between Ardern & Collins & NZ resoundingly endorsed Ardern for her leadership particularly in a time of crisis. How many PMs in NZ can be attributed for saving 1000s of lives?

    Unfortunately Ardern couldn't get out of crisis mode, which I think had become ingrained and the NZ population had moved on, unfortunately she hadn't. Ardern was a leader for the time but I was one of the many that agreed that she had to go.

    So now we face an election of a party in power who flops from one mini debacle after another vs the leader of the opposition who has the integrity and ambition of a slug and who clearly does not believe in Climate Change or has any regard for the environment.

    Not great options for the voter who wants to see positive change, rather than the same old regressive policy.

    Hey but at least we aren't the US or the UK for that matter!

  3. #23
    Guru justakiwi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016


    Excellent post. Spot on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    Actually comparative to Governments of the last 20 years, quite a bit. Sure they have undelivered compared to what they promised by some margin but at least they had ambition that others didn't.

    They are the first Government to deliver on housing in decades.
    When was the last hospital built in NZ prior to this government?
    They have made some strides in creating a response to climate change.
    How many classrooms were built by previous recent governments comparatively?
    Got NZ through four major events in quick succession. (I include Gabriel)
    Started remediation work on rotten hospitals & schools ignored by previous Governments.

    Have they had their faults? No doubt. But it's easy not to be criticized when you don't attempt anything and this is the legacy of the Key Government. Many of the issues NZ is facing have been building for decades and it is the inaction of previous Governments, both Labour & National that the impacts associated with the pandemic laid bare.

    Remember the stark choice NZ had at the 2020 election between Ardern & Collins & NZ resoundingly endorsed Ardern for her leadership particularly in a time of crisis. How many PMs in NZ can be attributed for saving 1000s of lives?

    Unfortunately Ardern couldn't get out of crisis mode, which I think had become ingrained and the NZ population had moved on, unfortunately she hadn't. Ardern was a leader for the time but I was one of the many that agreed that she had to go.

    So now we face an election of a party in power who flops from one mini debacle after another vs the leader of the opposition who has the integrity and ambition of a slug and who clearly does not believe in Climate Change or has any regard for the environment.

    Not great options for the voter who wants to see positive change, rather than the same old regressive policy.

    Hey but at least we aren't the US or the UK for that matter!

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    Actually comparative to Governments of the last 20 years, quite a bit. Sure they have undelivered compared to what they promised by some margin but at least they had ambition that others didn't.

    They are the first Government to deliver on housing in decades.
    When was the last hospital built in NZ prior to this government?
    They have made some strides in creating a response to climate change.
    How many classrooms were built by previous recent governments comparatively?
    Got NZ through four major events in quick succession. (I include Gabriel)
    Started remediation work on rotten hospitals & schools ignored by previous Governments.

    Have they had their faults? No doubt. But it's easy not to be criticized when you don't attempt anything and this is the legacy of the Key Government. Many of the issues NZ is facing have been building for decades and it is the inaction of previous Governments, both Labour & National that the impacts associated with the pandemic laid bare.

    Remember the stark choice NZ had at the 2020 election between Ardern & Collins & NZ resoundingly endorsed Ardern for her leadership particularly in a time of crisis. How many PMs in NZ can be attributed for saving 1000s of lives?

    Unfortunately Ardern couldn't get out of crisis mode, which I think had become ingrained and the NZ population had moved on, unfortunately she hadn't. Ardern was a leader for the time but I was one of the many that agreed that she had to go.

    So now we face an election of a party in power who flops from one mini debacle after another vs the leader of the opposition who has the integrity and ambition of a slug and who clearly does not believe in Climate Change or has any regard for the environment.

    Not great options for the voter who wants to see positive change, rather than the same old regressive policy.

    Hey but at least we aren't the US or the UK for that matter!
    It seems like you’ve simply swallowed the ‘9 years of neglect’ propaganda bs hook, line, and sinker & are regurgitating Labour and Union talking points.

    National delivered on the Waterview Tunnel and had a ‘Roads of National Significance’ programme, and were promptly attacked by Labour and the Greens for building roads and encouraging fossil fuel use (if we don’t build and maintain roads, what will the electric cars drive on(?))
    The Labour muppets scrapped a new highway between Waihi and Tauranga, and as a consequence this road today is an absolute debacle of endless roadworks, low speed areas, cones for Africa….a complete shambles.

    For all the billions and billions that Labour have thrown at health, where are the tangible outcomes? Where is the proof-positive that Labour has done a far better job than National? Where are the reduced waiting lists? Where are the multiple new hospitals? The additional billions have been eaten up by the bureaucracy, with nothing in the way of improved outcomes delivered.

    The Labour agenda is always to increase the bureaucracy, the number of public servants, with no tangible improvement in public services. Numbers of middle managers, communications staff, consultants, and other assorted troughers go through the roof, and all we see is increased public debt as a result.

    You talk of the crises that Labour has navigated with no mention of a little event called the Global Financial Crisis, plus two Christchurch earthquakes and the Kaikōura earthquake. National did not impose harsh austerity in the wake of these events, but instead borrowed to ‘get us through’ - and were castigated by the Left wing troll army for it.

    With China still burning through 2 billion tonnes of coal a year our ‘approach to climate change’ needs to focus on adaptation rather than beating up on a handful of highly efficient Kiwi farmers who feed 40 million people. There is no dome over New Zealand, the big polluters - China, India, the USA - won’t modify their behaviour, and crushing our productive sector is not going to magically alter this situation.

    You say Labour has delivered on housing. Surely you jest? On KiwiBuild nothing of any substance was delivered. As much as you and Labour try to sweep that under the carpet it just won’t wash. Labour said they would ‘solve the housing crisis’ - it has become much worse on their watch & a government elected in 2017 to still be bleating in 2023 “we inherited a housing crisis!” is pathetic. More than 20,000 people in temporary housing. Btw, many properties sold under National were multi-million dollar ‘mansions’ & were simply not suitable to be used as state houses.

  5. #25
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    Actually comparative to Governments of the last 20 years, quite a bit. Sure they have undelivered compared to what they promised by some margin but at least they had ambition that others didn't.

    They are the first Government to deliver on housing in decades.
    When was the last hospital built in NZ prior to this government?
    They have made some strides in creating a response to climate change.
    How many classrooms were built by previous recent governments comparatively?
    Got NZ through four major events in quick succession. (I include Gabriel)
    Started remediation work on rotten hospitals & schools ignored by previous Governments.

    Have they had their faults? No doubt. But it's easy not to be criticized when you don't attempt anything and this is the legacy of the Key Government. Many of the issues NZ is facing have been building for decades and it is the inaction of previous Governments, both Labour & National that the impacts associated with the pandemic laid bare.

    Remember the stark choice NZ had at the 2020 election between Ardern & Collins & NZ resoundingly endorsed Ardern for her leadership particularly in a time of crisis. How many PMs in NZ can be attributed for saving 1000s of lives?

    Unfortunately Ardern couldn't get out of crisis mode, which I think had become ingrained and the NZ population had moved on, unfortunately she hadn't. Ardern was a leader for the time but I was one of the many that agreed that she had to go.

    So now we face an election of a party in power who flops from one mini debacle after another vs the leader of the opposition who has the integrity and ambition of a slug and who clearly does not believe in Climate Change or has any regard for the environment.

    Not great options for the voter who wants to see positive change, rather than the same old regressive policy.

    Hey but at least we aren't the US or the UK for that matter!
    “They are the first Government to deliver on housing in decades.” said daytr


    Government sells $30m worth of state houses after Labour promised to stop sales

    John Anthony

    12:23, Jul 17 2020

    ‘The Government has sold at least 146 state homes, worth more than $30 million, since late 2017, according to figures released under the Official Information Act from state housing agency Kāinga Ora.

    In the lead up to the 2017 election Labour said if elected it would immediately end the sale of state houses.

    In December that year, former housing minister Phil Twyford issued a press release titled: Government stops the sale of state houses.

    However, towards the bottom of the statement, Twyford said it would still sell houses that were no longer fit for purpose.

    A spokeswoman for Housing Minister Megan Woods said the Government made it clear that stopping the sell-off of state housing did not mean some individual houses that were not fit for purpose would not be sold.’

  6. #26
    Advanced Member
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    Just a reality check.
    National & ACT's frequently repeated claim about Labour's agenda is always to increase the bureaucracy & numbers of troughers going through the roof, is a myth.

    Its sad they see this group many of whom work incredibly long hours & are dedicated to their jobs are seen as a target to be exploited & abused for political purposes.

    We even see some posters on here, without any figures or facts to back up this assertion, just thoughtlessly swallowing National's claim bureaucracy has "ballooned massively" is recent years, & then repeating these attack on the Public Service from National.

    In fact the size of the Public Service has remained remarkably stable at around 20% of all employment for decades..
    20% under John Key, 20% under Bill English, 20% under Jacinda Ardern.

    The size of the Public Service in Australia & the UK are similar levels.

    Transparency International ranks NZ's Public Service as the most trusted in the world.
    NZ along with Denmark & Finland the least corrupt Public Sector in the world.

  7. #27
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    May 2013


    Logen Nine Fingers, I agree National are good at building roads, it about the only thing they concentrated on in their 9 years of Government. You know those boys & their tonka toys, they love to come out in play. Its just a pity they ignored the rotting hospitals & schools. Didn't pay our nurses or teachers so they were so far behind the eight ball when Labour came in a serious catch up was required. They gutted the DOC and turned it into Tourism NZ.
    I voted for Key in his first term and he had so much political capital it's a shame he squandered most of it.

    As for new hospitals, one of the biggest capital spends in health in decades is the new hospital being built in Dunedin. They are looking to virtually rebuild the rotten hospital in Whangarei, they have done the same at Middlemore and have expanded considerably the hospital in Kawakawa the Far North. There are bound to be others that I'm not aware of.

    Why would you quote an article from three years ago?
    Labour has sold unsuitable state houses but has now increased public housing stock by a net 12,000.
    As for National...
    National Party admits it sold too many state houses |

    Yes, NZ got through the GFC relatively unscathed but some of that is also due to the shape the books were in that Key inherited. As for the Christchurch rebuild? REally you put that down as an achievement. Brownlee was a bumbling idiot who thought he was above the law and much of the rebuild was fraught with incompetence.

    Do you remember the on-going Novopay debacle?

    As for climate change, you are either inside the tent or part of the problem. Trade agreements are now more and more including action on climate change as a base line. We cannot be in a position to pressure change of other countries if we don't set an example ourselves. We have far too many cows in NZ and that's not just in relation to emissions, but the degradation of our soils and water quality.

    In Australia they have a group of independent politicians that join forces under the Teal banner, and it is gaining traction and they have a fair bit of sway as can hold the balance of power. We are sorely missing something similar in NZs political landscape.
    Hopefully you find my posts helpful, but in no way should they be construed as advice. Make your own decision.

  8. #28
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    Logen Nine Fingers, I agree National are good at building roads, it about the only thing they concentrated on in their 9 years of Government. You know those boys & their tonka toys, they love to come out in play. Its just a pity they ignored the rotting hospitals & schools. Didn't pay our nurses or teachers so they were so far behind the eight ball when Labour came in a serious catch up was required. They gutted the DOC and turned it into Tourism NZ.
    I voted for Key in his first term and he had so much political capital it's a shame he squandered most of it.

    As for new hospitals, one of the biggest capital spends in health in decades is the new hospital being built in Dunedin. They are looking to virtually rebuild the rotten hospital in Whangarei, they have done the same at Middlemore and have expanded considerably the hospital in Kawakawa the Far North. There are bound to be others that I'm not aware of.

    Why would you quote an article from three years ago?
    Labour has sold unsuitable state houses but has now increased public housing stock by a net 12,000.
    As for National...
    National Party admits it sold too many state houses |

    Yes, NZ got through the GFC relatively unscathed but some of that is also due to the shape the books were in that Key inherited. As for the Christchurch rebuild? REally you put that down as an achievement. Brownlee was a bumbling idiot who thought he was above the law and much of the rebuild was fraught with incompetence.

    Do you remember the on-going Novopay debacle?

    As for climate change, you are either inside the tent or part of the problem. Trade agreements are now more and more including action on climate change as a base line. We cannot be in a position to pressure change of other countries if we don't set an example ourselves. We have far too many cows in NZ and that's not just in relation to emissions, but the degradation of our soils and water quality.

    In Australia they have a group of independent politicians that join forces under the Teal banner, and it is gaining traction and they have a fair bit of sway as can hold the balance of power. We are sorely missing something similar in NZs political landscape.
    Christchurch rebuild > ‘Kiwibuild’

    You seem like a hardcore Labour voter & watermelon from where I sit. Very willing to recycle Labour and left wing media talking points, right down to the ‘rotting hospitals’. What on earth would possess someone like you to vote for Key, did you tick the wrong box by mistake(?)

  9. #29
    ShareTrader Legend
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    Christchurch rebuild > ‘Kiwibuild’

    You seem like a hardcore Labour voter & watermelon from where I sit. Very willing to recycle Labour and left wing media talking points, right down to the ‘rotting hospitals’. What on earth would possess someone like you to vote for Key, did you tick the wrong box by mistake(?)

    It would be Crisis if there weren't a long sequence of many crisises during Labour terms

    otherwise Labour would be seen for what they in reality represent

    Are the Back Office Crisis Creation and Spin Team looking for new day jobs yet ?

    Or are they still hoping Robbo will get the Job Insurance proposal through before the sh^t really hits the fan ?
    Last edited by nztx; 15-06-2023 at 01:15 PM.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    Christchurch rebuild > ‘Kiwibuild’

    You seem like a hardcore Labour voter & watermelon from where I sit. Very willing to recycle Labour and left wing media talking points, right down to the ‘rotting hospitals’. What on earth would possess someone like you to vote for Key, did you tick the wrong box by mistake(?)
    No its because you have not one but two eye patches on. I have no idea what you mean by watermelon however I'm sure it's derogatory.

    I have voted right more often than I have voted left, so a centrist swing voter that votes accordingto leadership & policy. Something that is sorely missing on both sides of the political divide currently.

    I could vote right again if & its a big if a party on the right took the environment seriously. Unfortunately environmental issues are only domain of the left, hence my comment about the Teals.


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