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  1. #1111
    Permanent Newbie
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    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by xafalcon View Post
    Yes, it's total hypocrisy - the greenies were the most vocally opposed to the waka jumping law, but are the only party to ever use it. And also a form of poetic justice - they will never be able to credibly oppose it ever again
    A piece of humble pot-butter pie for Chloe and marima?
    Their objection to the legislation was that an individual MP could not take a principled(or otherwise) stand if they opposed the party line and risked being expelled.

    Darleen was found to be a not very nice or honest person.

    They used the legislation to get rid of someone who should not have been an MP in the first place.

    Not too hard to understand.

    The greens candidate selection policies and processes should be what needs to be looked at.

  2. #1112
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    Hastings, , New Zealand.


    Apart from any law, to follow is the complete and exact wording of the pledge that Alliance candidates, which included the Greens, that Jim Anderton made them sign in 1993.


    When elected, l undertake during the Parliamentary term to work to implement the policies contained in the Alliance 1993 Election Manifesto and to remain part of the Alliance.
    Should l vote against, or obstruct the implementation of these policies, or leave the Alliance, l undertake to resign from Parliament and seek a new mandate from the electorate.
    I make this pledge so the electorate have full confidence that the Alliance policies they vote for will be those that will be implemented by an Alliance government.

    Signed.. ..

    Maybe some things don't age well?

  3. #1113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Getty View Post
    Apart from any law, to follow is the complete and exact wording of the pledge that Alliance candidates, which included the Greens, that Jim Anderton made them sign in 1993.


    When elected, l undertake during the Parliamentary term to work to implement the policies contained in the Alliance 1993 Election Manifesto and to remain part of the Alliance.
    Should l vote against, or obstruct the implementation of these policies, or leave the Alliance, l undertake to resign from Parliament and seek a new mandate from the electorate.
    I make this pledge so the electorate have full confidence that the Alliance policies they vote for will be those that will be implemented by an Alliance government.

    Signed.. ..

    Maybe some things don't age well?
    I liked Jim Anderton, I think Jim left Labour because they no longer stood for the ideals, he joined them for (think Rogernomics) so he might have been booted out of parliament under the waka jumping legislation if he did not tow the party line but that was back in FPP days.

    Also I am thinking Marilyn Waring, I don't know the history leading up to it and that was first past the post so you had to win your own electorate rather than riding in on the party coat tails as a list MP, but I recall Marilyn Waring crossing the floor on the nuclear free issue and Muldoon then calling a snap election which Labour won in a landslide.

    Rob might have been better to boot Marilyn out of the party stay off the piss and hang on as long as possible in the hope that there was a miracle before the election.

  4. #1114
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    Not many signals being emitted from Green HQ lately

    Have Marama & Goody Two Shoes bunkered down & secured the hatches waiting for the massive & damaging sh!tstorms to blow over ?

    Perhaps the Green cousins in Welly are getting lessons in how to similarly bunker down & secure the doors to their little green council igloos and lock down their bicycles away from the raging torrents ?

    Perhaps James was smart jumping clear from the little green ship when he first sighted the clouds of much trouble & grief building on the horizon .. possibly worried about the degrees of potential splatter factor ?

    Smart man - that James ... leave the Pavement kisser & River to the Sea screeching raver to wear all the rapidly engulfing crapola splattered on their silly dials, while he disappears off into the distance ..
    Last edited by nztx; 22-10-2024 at 05:23 PM.

  5. #1115
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    Back on a new e-Cycle in Biz with new company , folks - hope no-one previously done over notices

    Darleen Tana’s husband Christian Hoff-Nielsen registers new bike business

    Embattled businessman Christian Hoff-Nielsen registered a new “bicycle hiring” company last week, despite widespread claims of migrant exploitation at his previous business.

    An employment dispute with Argentine migrant Santiago Latour Palma was central to the worker exploitation allegations that engulfed Nielsen’s wife, former Green MP Darleen Tana. The couple have since separated.

    This week Tana was ousted from Parliament after an investigation found she continued to be involved with the company despite claiming not to be – and at times that involvement was “extensive”.

    Have the creditors & Employment Case awardees from the former business & liquidated been paid in full by Darling & her sidekick - or all left hanging unpaid ?

    Perhaps the ERA & Liquidators should take another look to make this pair personally liable for the past debts & obligations - seeing as there still seems to be money somewhere for a reincarnated business in a new company ?
    Last edited by nztx; 25-10-2024 at 11:36 AM.

  6. #1116
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    Gone all very quiet around the Cabbage patch - everyone had a Wonderful Christmas & Prosperous New Year

    and nice holiday away from the glaring public spotlight, some licking their wounds ?

    No sneaky last minute Christmas gift travels ?

    Joint Captains' Welfare checks done on all the past bunnies removed from the huddle, to make sure none were getting up to any serious mischief ?
    Last edited by nztx; 15-01-2025 at 09:56 PM.

  7. #1117
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    Hastings, , New Zealand.


    Golriz, have you been out Royal Oak way lately?

    Former Mp under investigation for shoplifting, NZ Herald.

  8. #1118
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Getty View Post
    Golriz, have you been out Royal Oak way lately?

    Former Mp under investigation for shoplifting, NZ Herald.
    It is indeed she!

    This person needs help.

  9. #1119
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    Mar 2010
    Down & out


    Quote Originally Posted by Getty View Post
    Golriz, have you been out Royal Oak way lately?

    Former Mp under investigation for shoplifting, NZ Herald.
    She has indeed

  10. #1120
    Advanced Member Entrep's Avatar
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    Feels like legit mental illness now though?
    BTC went to $69K and now $16K. Good thing I’ve been warning you since it was $3K! I was right!


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