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  1. #521
    Senior Member
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    Aug 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Skies View Post
    Am not suggesting she'd ever become PM, or have broad appeal, some of the Greens policies are balmy Imo (like others wish they would focus on environmental issues) just that a lot of young people, & those who feel they don't quite fit in mainstream society, or people who feel locked out of ever owning their own home, feel she is a voice for them, feel she personally connects with them, & she may energise & activate a group who have been too cynical or apathetic about politics to bother voting.

    I don't think as some suggest she will tank the Greens vote.
    I'ld expect the Green's to go up in the polls.
    Good to see even you have limits to your woke tolerance BS. Just imagine if in 10/ 20 years time when a large chunk of the boomers have departed, Chloe's younger fan base attained critical mass and she actually became PM. Pandamonium !

  2. #522
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    Jul 2002
    New Zealand.


    More Greens bleating today in the Wellington hot air balloon about the cuts to welfare, some rat bags have been on a benefit for 30 years and are disappointed that their welfare wage is being cut, how very sad at long last !!

  3. #523
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatsup View Post
    More Greens bleating today in the Wellington hot air balloon about the cuts to welfare, some rat bags have been on a benefit for 30 years and are disappointed that their welfare wage is being cut, how very sad at long last !!
    They’ve somewhat successfully made it sound like benefits are being slashed. Which of course they’re not. They’re simply changing the indexing annual increases to inflation instead of average wage increases, like they always have been until the last 4 or 5 years.
    Heard Carmel Sepuloni say on radio earlier that it could mean as much as $20 less per week for beneficiaries in 2028. That of course is based on her forecasting of where inflation & wage growth will go in the next 4 years. Just utter and misleading rubbish. Much like the Opposition (and MSM) crying the Government want to cancel the Treaty when talking about Seymour’s sensible “principles” discussion.
    Last edited by iceman; 14-02-2024 at 04:29 PM.

  4. #524
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    They’ve somewhat successfully made it sound like benefits are being slashed. Which of course they’re not. They’re simply changing the indexing annual increases to inflation instead of average wage increases, like they always have been until the last 4 or 5 years.
    Heard Carmel Sepuloni say on radio earlier that it could mean as much as $20 less per week for beneficiaries in 2028. That of course is based on her forecasting of where inflation & wage growth will go in the next 4 years. Just utter and misleading rubbish. Much like the Opposition (and MSM) crying the Government want to cancel the Treaty when talking about Seymour’s sensible “principles” discussion.
    Does not matter as white middle class NZ and migrants (hard working & filling in for the Labour’s bred parasites on jobseekers’ benefits) now see through the bleating of the woke leftists in Labour & MSM.
    Last edited by Balance; 14-02-2024 at 06:26 PM.

  5. #525
    Advanced Member Valuegrowth's Avatar
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    How did Green win in Wellington and Auckland central electorates whereas others failed? Normally we find educated people in cities.

  6. #526
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valuegrowth View Post
    How did Green win in Wellington and Auckland central electorates whereas others failed? Normally we find educated people in cities.

    you mean to say Labour's attempts to tickle the educated followers turned out to be such a flopsie with the Greens scooping up more of Labour's filthy mess left after the exercise ?

    At this rate Labour could make itself extinct inside 10-15 years

  7. #527
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    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    Does not matter as white middle class NZ and migrants (hard working & filling in for the Labour’s bred parasites on jobseekers’ benefits) now see through the bleating of the woke leftists in Labour & MSM.
    There is a huge % of the population that you are discounting by classifying "middle class NZ" as "white", who are all mostly "hard working" as well. These 'non-white' middle class were a major factor in getting rid of the Labour government. They should be acknowledged, but not as not "white". It's not about skin colour, never has been, never will be.

    I don't think the Left has truely recognised and accepted yet how crushed they have been in this recent election, or how lost they are in their rebuild, with support in the polls falling away at alarming rates and growing realisation and discontent at how seriously screwed up their ideologies, support for minorities, and utter failure in delivery of anything significant .. in six years! A complete and absolute disaster for NZ, they have been.

    And this while spending our tax money and drowning us all in extraordinary long term debt like crazed fools, plunging us all into many years of economic recovery.

    The pain is only just beginning, especially for those who don't already have the means to get through it, as it becomes more prevalent, more will know how tragic the past six years have been. Setting us all up for a long term recovery, hopefully under prudent stewardship of the new government, is a momentous task, there is so much that has been broken.

  8. #528
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    Jul 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post
    And this while spending our tax money and drowning us all in extraordinary long term debt like crazed fools, plunging us all into many years of economic recovery.

    The pain is only just beginning, especially for those who don't already have the means to get through it, as it becomes more prevalent, more will know how tragic the past six years have been. Setting us all up for a long term recovery, hopefully under prudent stewardship of the new government, is a momentous task, there is so much that has been broken.
    Yep. To give this some context, here is the total Government income and expenditure from 2015-2023:

    2015: Income $95b, Expenditure $94b
    2016: I $98b, E $96b
    2017: I $103b, E $99b
    2018: I $110b, E $104b
    2019: I $119b, E $111b
    2020: I $116b, E $139b
    2021: I $129b, $134b
    2022: I $142b, E $151b
    2023: I $153b, E $162b

    Labour took office late 2017 so they are responsible for the periods ended June 2018-2023. Taking 2017 as a starting point which was the last period for the previous National lead Government, Government income has increased from $103b to $153b - an impressive 48% over 6 years. Expenditure increased from $99b to an eye watering $162b - an incredible increase of 64% over the same time period. How the heck did they do that? They were spending like drunken sailors and they can't blame COVID for the $28b increase in expenditure over the past 2 years. They were given a relatively healthy set of books; it took them 2 years to ramp up spending and the last 4 years have seen Government deficits of $46 billion dollars! It's no wonder inflation was rampant.

    There is the evidence of massive fiscal incompetence inflicted upon generations of Kiwis. We must NEVER forget the absolute fiscal ineptitude of the previous Government. And if the media or posters want to talk about how will National balance the books - best they take the forest out of Labour & the Greens eyes before removing the speck from National's.


    Edit: there were some revisions to numbers by Treasury in some years - I took the latest (and updated) data where I could.
    Last edited by Ferg; 14-02-2024 at 09:26 PM. Reason: added more

  9. #529
    Join Date
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    Wellington, New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post

    The pain is only just beginning, especially for those who don't already have the means to get through it, as it becomes more prevalent, more will know how tragic the past six years have been. Setting us all up for a long term recovery, hopefully under prudent stewardship of the new government, is a momentous task, there is so much that has been broken.
    The tragic irony is that after 6 years, National et al will be blamed for this "pain" and suffering that is coming. The plebs will then vote left again for some more "relief".

  10. #530
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    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post
    There is a huge % of the population that you are discounting by classifying "middle class NZ" as "white", who are all mostly "hard working" as well. These 'non-white' middle class were a major factor in getting rid of the Labour government. They should be acknowledged, but not as not "white". It's not about skin colour, never has been, never will be.

    I don't think the Left has truely recognised and accepted yet how crushed they have been in this recent election, or how lost they are in their rebuild, with support in the polls falling away at alarming rates and growing realisation and discontent at how seriously screwed up their ideologies, support for minorities, and utter failure in delivery of anything significant .. in six years! A complete and absolute disaster for NZ, they have been.

    And this while spending our tax money and drowning us all in extraordinary long term debt like crazed fools, plunging us all into many years of economic recovery.

    The pain is only just beginning, especially for those who don't already have the means to get through it, as it becomes more prevalent, more will know how tragic the past six years have been. Setting us all up for a long term recovery, hopefully under prudent stewardship of the new government, is a momentous task, there is so much that has been broken.
    Baa_Baa, much was broken before 2017 it just took the pandemic to expose the issue of decades of neglect and under spending due to the acute circumstances associated with global lockdowns & the consequential inflation.

    You seem to have a very short memory.
    It was only at the end of 2020 Labour won a majority Government, the first in the history of MMP. How crushed were the right then?
    Multiple changes of leadership of the Nats.

    No mention of a once in a hundred year global pandemic in your post where basically the world was closed down, Kaikoura earthquake repairs, Gabrielle, other major horrendous events that Labour managed very well, particularly the CCH mass shooting.

    Labour also had to make up for a massive under spend by the previous NACT Government in areas such as health & education and not paying our teachers, nurses or police appropriately.

    Did Labour loose the plot & stop listening, particularlyin the 2nd phase of the pandemic? Yes
    Did Labour squander a great opportunity to establish long lasting change such as a fairer and more equitable tax system? Yes
    Did Labour waste a lot of money? Yes
    Did Labour push a Maori agenda they didn't campaign on? Yes

    The huge swing away from National and the right in general in 2020 & swing back in 2023 albeit a more fractured vote, displays how easily in NZ popularity is won & lost.

    A new leadership within Labour will evolve over time & watch this space, they will have a mantra of getting back to their roots & values.

    Your confidence that swings in the electorate are terminal is not credible. After all what was National polling under Bridges or Collins?
    Last edited by Daytr; 15-02-2024 at 07:37 AM.


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