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  1. #3181
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Feb 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Bjauck View Post
    It is a question of triage priorities. If I need medical help I couldn't care less if I went to hõhipera or hospital. It is the quality of service that is important.
    It's politics we are discussing here and Luxon simply does not get the art of politics.

    It's the flea or ant in the ear which annoys the patient the most and drive them insane, not the deep wound on the feet.

  2. #3182
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    Quote Originally Posted by causecelebre View Post
    To the last NZ'er to leave, please turn the lights out

    According to the E Stanford half the immigrants arriving are unskilled and low earners and half of those send a good portion of their income back to the home country.

    My guess is none of them use roads, schools and hospitals either.....tongue...cheek
    Same under National or Labour or National again. What is the plan? Stop investing in future generations until they see no way to afford a house an education and a family and are forced overseas. So our best and brightest are heading overseas to be replaced with unskilled labour from the third world.

    I guess with social mobility being destroyed by monetary and tax policy the immigrants won't be a threat to the privileged position of the older wealthier generation, more like low paid servants to ensure a comfortable retirement.

    A lot of policy seems to be focused on ensuring a comfortable retirement for boomers at the expense of the next generation. (Capital gains tax, untested superannuation entitlement etc)

    If it turns NZ into a low wage, third world, overcrowded s*ithole country who cares, we will probably be dead before it is a problem. (Typical boomer response.)

    Once all the immigrants get a NZ visa they will be off to Aussie as well, unless Aussie closes the door again as NZ becomes a backdoor into Aussie again.

    Then you get dheads like this who think a stable or falling population is a bad thing or a crisis. They also probably support inflation targeting and other ridiculous notions.

    The line near the top of the article really summarises why it is considered a crisis.

    "Yuri Suzuki is worried about who will care for the baby boomer generations as they age and need more care. "

    I think that sentence explains the main concern and reason for out of control immigration of low skilled labour from the third world to NZ and its political acceptability.

    The article goes on to talk about how there will be less Japanese people buying and consuming and no tenants for the owners of real estate.

    Fortunately we have Massey University Emeritus Professor Paul Spoonley from NZ to tell Japan what it is doing wrong. I thought he must have been a professor of economics but it turns out he is a sociologist. Another BA degree based on waffle, probably as bad as an economist.

    But what Professor Spoonley recommends is uncontrolled immigration like we have here in NZ.

    No thought of a stable or sustainable population, growth and inflation all the way.

    He probably has the gall to suggest he is concerned about climate change.

  3. #3183
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    Oct 2017


    Summary of what to expect at the end of this month.


    The New Zealand government is set to announce tax cuts at the end of May, focusing primarily on providing relief to low- and middle-income earners. The coalition government, led by Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and Finance Minister Nicola Willis, has emphasized that the tax cuts will be funded through reprioritized spending, savings, and new revenue sources, rather than borrowing [oai_citation:1,Budget Policy Statement: Willis promises cuts despite late return to surplus | RNZ News]( [oai_citation:2,First steps for tax and income relief announced |]( [oai_citation:3,Willis vows to press on with tax cuts as government books worsen | RNZ News](

    Key elements of the upcoming tax cuts include:

    1. **Income Tax Relief**: The government plans to introduce meaningful income tax reductions aimed at the "squeezed middle" of New Zealanders who have not seen tax relief in many years. This is expected to be the centerpiece of the budget [oai_citation:4,Budget Policy Statement: Willis promises cuts despite late return to surplus | RNZ News](

    2. **Family Boost Childcare Tax Rebate**: The coalition is considering the implementation of a new tax rebate to help with childcare costs, which is part of their broader income relief measures [oai_citation:5,First steps for tax and income relief announced |]( [oai_citation:6,Willis vows to press on with tax cuts as government books worsen | RNZ News](

    3. **Property Tax Changes**: The bright-line test for residential property will be reduced to two years starting from July 1, 2024. Additionally, the government will restore interest deductibility for rental properties, reversing previous policies [oai_citation:7,First steps for tax and income relief announced |](

    4. **Funding and Savings**: To afford these tax cuts, the government has identified significant savings by halting several projects and policies initiated by the previous government, such as Let's Get Wellington Moving and the extension of free childcare. These measures are intended to ensure that the tax cuts do not exacerbate inflationary pressures or require additional borrowing [oai_citation:8,Budget Policy Statement: Willis promises cuts despite late return to surplus | RNZ News]( [oai_citation:9,Willis vows to press on with tax cuts as government books worsen | RNZ News](

    While the exact details will be unveiled with the budget, these steps outline the government's approach to providing tax relief while maintaining fiscal prudence. The focus remains on delivering targeted support to those most affected by recent economic challenges.

  4. #3184
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    Nice to see Middle Income sector of the spectrum being recognised now.

    This section of the tax base has been repeatedly ignored by successive Governments
    in the past and left wearing a significant portion of the economic onslaught / damage
    while bracket creep adjustment lagged with earnings growth occurring continued north

    Lets see whether Dividend Withholding tax levels are adjusted or new formula put in play
    against the static 33% dividend tax heist (aggregate of imputation tax with excess ripped
    out of the cash dividend) A reduction so fully imputed means no DWT wouldn't go amiss
    and align with current 28% Company tax rates.
    Last edited by nztx; 15-05-2024 at 03:53 PM.

  5. #3185
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    More Potholes @ the Waka of Roading incompetence come to light:

    Waka Kotahi pays PWC to meld together technologies, then again to pull them apart

    NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) paid consultants PWC to try to meld together its two new vehicle-spotting technologies, only to have to pull them back apart, documents show.

    NZTA wanted to see if it could use the same tech platform for both highway safety speed cameras and tolls, and save money, on a total spend worth over $130 million.

    But it found out it couldn’t - and the uncertainty has only grown since around the tolling system’s design, which has had to be added to multiple times since NZTA was awarded the tender two years ago.

    Nice to see the local long hairy arm of PWC Beancounter Advisory have been busy, but did they manage to show TW of RI what a large pothole looks like & how it should be fixed ?

    130 big one$ would go a way to making a hole in the Lost Cause - Labour's large & multiplying collection of pot holes around the country
    Last edited by nztx; 15-05-2024 at 04:08 PM.

  6. #3186
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    In my own good time, Bjauck - it's there and I visit it every year. I would describe it as being by one of the most beautiful beaches in the world - sheltered crystal clear ocean waters, blessed by beautiful powdery white sand (almost like bigger grain talcum powder) and well provided by all the services (hospitality, entertainment, restaurants, health etc) a person could ever want. Heck, it even has an International School/College which provides students with access to the top universities in the UK & US.

    Meanwhile, a net 1,000 NZers (mostly young) leaves Aotearoa permanently (rapidly heading towards 2nd world status) every week, half of them to Australia. Expect this to climb to net 2,000 a week as it becomes clear that Luxon & gang are just as hopeless as the last lot at turning the tide.

    FXXK NZ for the divided, directionless, broken and hopeless country it has become.

    So let’s congratulate the departing NZers - good on them and they go with the best wishes of all NZers who want a better future for their families.
    Since you think NZ is a basket case, What is stopping you from quitting NZ pronto for your holiday home? In the country where your holiday home is, what is life like for those who cannot send their children to the "international school"?
    Last edited by Bjauck; 15-05-2024 at 07:35 PM.

  7. #3187
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    Quote Originally Posted by mistaTea View Post
    Yeah but once you got to the horihepa you would care very much if they were intermingling te reo with English while explaining your illness and treatment plan!

    Primary comms must be in English and the except for agencies specifically set up for Maori.

    Govt just hasn’t gotten to it yet. As Ferg says, bigger fish to fry with the massive clean up job needed. This will be further down the priority list.
    It was the use of the Te Reo in the branding of agencies that we were discussing. However I agree that clear communication is important. Unfortunately I have extensive experience of dealing with hospitals and the scenario you suggest has never arisen. Indeed there are translation services for those whose first language is not English so that communication with medical staff is as clear as possible.

  8. #3188
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjauck View Post
    Since you think NZ is a basket case, What is stopping you from quitting NZ pronto for your holiday home? In the country where your holiday home is, what is life like for those who cannot send their children to the "international school"?
    Life is good there.

    They don’t breed parasites, beneficiaries, losers and lawless thugs like in Aotearoa.

    They also don’t have state agencies like Kainga Ora breeding anti-social tenants who terrorise neighbours with impunity. And they sure as hell don’t have politicians spinning BS while wastefully squandering tens of billions of dollars delivering nothing!
    Last edited by Balance; 15-05-2024 at 08:05 PM.

  9. #3189
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    Life is good there.

    They don’t breed parasites, beneficiaries, losers and lawless thugs like in Aotearoa.

    They also don’t have state agencies like Kainga Ora breeding anti-social tenants who terrorise neighbours with impunity. And they sure as hell don’t have politicians spinning BS while wastefully squandering tens of billions of dollars delivering nothing!
    So in which country is your tropical beach paradise with an “international” school? Why don’t you leave miserable NZ now?
    Last edited by Bjauck; 16-05-2024 at 06:30 AM.

  10. #3190
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    Life is good there.

    They don’t breed parasites, beneficiaries, losers and lawless thugs like in Aotearoa.

    They also don’t have state agencies like Kainga Ora breeding anti-social tenants who terrorise neighbours with impunity. And they sure as hell don’t have politicians spinning BS while wastefully squandering tens of billions of dollars delivering nothing!
    The Whitsundays are calling. You should relocate immediately and get away from the awful people here. Leave the parasites, losers, and lawless thugs and go.

    The people over the ditch will appreciate your warmth, caring and sympathy for those less able and fortunate. They will enjoy your tolerance of other views and your ability and readiness to engage in rational debate.

    I'm sure you will find it easy to make friends there and you will be able to live out your remaining days with warm and close human relationships while enjoying the spectacle as this sh!thole country and all the poor deluded souls in it sink further into the swamp of woke socialism.
    Last edited by davflaws; 16-05-2024 at 08:24 AM.


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