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  1. #2021
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    Quote Originally Posted by Getty View Post
    People will read anything the way they want to won't they.

    Simply not reposting 2 irrelevant sentences doesn't amount to a reconstruct in my view, but perhaps you are capable of seeing another perspective on the exact repost of the rest.
    At the very least there should have been some indication of the edit such as “…………………’” or “…edit…” or “…snip…” Especially as what was edited was an important part of the original post.

  2. #2022
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    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    I think Luxon was simply giving credit where credit was due. I believe Jacinda did a very good job dealing with the terrorist attacks. She provided calm and inclusive Leadership at that time.
    I agree. I also think she handled Covid initially well and decisively. She should have been only a one term wonder though.

  3. #2023
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjauck View Post
    I agree. I also think she handled Covid initially well and decisively. She should have been only a one term wonder though.
    She handled nothing well. Everything she ever did was all about her. Look at me ! Best thing she ever did was to bugger off.
    Last edited by ynot; 18-03-2024 at 07:03 AM.

  4. #2024
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    I think Luxon was simply giving credit where credit was due. I believe Jacinda did a very good job dealing with the terrorist attacks. She provided calm and inclusive Leadership at that time.
    Agree with you but with Cindy, she wanted to keep milking the situation until it became counter-productive.

    Who can forget her wearing the hijab at every photo-op opportunity (offensive symbol of oppression of Muslim women in countries like Iran and Afghanistan) long after the incident - even when she was urged not to do so. Clueless and full of BS.

  5. #2025
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    Agree with you but with Cindy, she wanted to keep milking the situation until it became counter-productive.

    Who can forget her wearing the hijab at every photo-op opportunity (offensive symbol of oppression of Muslim women in countries like Iran and Afghanistan) long after the incident - even when she was urged not to do so. Clueless and full of BS.
    Yeah you're right, she should have only warn it once as a token gesture. 🙄

    This was not a time to make statements about what Western culture thinks of other cultures, it was a time to display empathy and support which Ardern did in a sincere & exemplary fashion and was praised for exactly that around the world.

    Your hatred of & fixation on Ardern is evident for everyone to see. You tend to repeat the same derogatory statements monotonously as if somehow if you say them often enough they will be believed. Ardern is clearly not clueless, in fact more often than not she ran rings around all opposition in the debating chamber. Whether you agree with what she did is a different matter.

    To be fair you aren't the only one to do this, but you are a standout. I could assume it's some sort of misogyny, but then I remember how your source for all those leaks was Judith Collins.

    This is one example of how the world saw Ardern's response to the Christchurch massacre.
    Last edited by Daytr; 18-03-2024 at 07:53 AM.

  6. #2026
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    Yeah you're right, she should have only warn it once as a token gesture. ��

    This was not a time to make statements about what Western culture thinks of other cultures, it was a time to display empathy and support which Ardern did in a sincere & exemplary fashion and was praised for exactly that around the world.
    Praised indeed but as one of my Muslim business partners commented months after that, the Muslim countries could not believe their lucky stars to have a female Western leader donned the hijab so eagerly and so regularly to reinforce the doctrine that women are subservient to man.

    Cindy does not really care about her fellow human beings - only about her brand.

  7. #2027
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    Praised indeed but as one of my Muslim business partners commented months after that, the Muslim countries could not believe their lucky stars to have a female Western leader donned the hijab so eagerly and so regularly to reinforce the doctrine that women are subservient to man.

    Cindy does not really care about her fellow human beings - only about her brand.
    I call BS. That sounds like a very contrived response.

    My post was added to after you replied FYI.

  8. #2028
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    Quote Originally Posted by ynot View Post
    She handled nothing well. Everything she ever did was all about her. Look at me ! Best thing she ever did was to bugger off.]
    She wasn’t just a strong leader or figurehead in those difficult times, at least initially? In contrast to men, Women with strong voices or opinions often get your reaction for some reason.
    Last edited by Bjauck; 18-03-2024 at 08:13 AM.

  9. #2029
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    I call BS. That sounds like a very contrived response.

    My post was added to after you replied FYI.

    You will be interested to know that there are many enlightened Muslims living in NZ who are refugees and families who want to be away from the oppression of the Islamic regimes around the Muslim world.

    Not just Iranians, Afghans but Iraqis, Somalians, Indonesians and Pakistanis.

    Suggest you mix around a little more (start with your local Islamic community centres) and observe how they actively try to stop the radical Muslim influences in NZ. Not for them the hatred spewing radicalism seen in the UK of some of the Muslim clergies there.

    I am proud to count on many of them* (including those on the PM's religious advisory board, past & present) as my friends.

    *BTW - One of them rang me on the day of the massacre before the news broke and he was on the plane the next day to Christchurch to advise the government on how to manage the response to calm things down.
    Last edited by Balance; 18-03-2024 at 08:19 AM.

  10. #2030
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjauck View Post
    She wasn’t just a strong leader or figurehead in those difficult times, at least initially? In contrast to men, Women with strong voices or opinions often get your reaction for some reason.
    Do they ? Like what other woman have I referred to in this manner ?


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