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  1. #1661
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Feb 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post
    Do you mean just Stuff the website, or Stuff Limited the business and all of its publications? Have a read, there's a LOT of them.
    Stuff Limited.

    Has to be the most woke left biased msm company out there. Anything to get government funding and support.

  2. #1662
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    Feb 2020


    Across the ditch you have Sky news which was until recently in the same toxic stable as Fox news (news corporation). Easily accessible in NZ.

    TVNZ is not that different from BBC, CNN etc.

  3. #1663
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post
    Do you mean just Stuff the website, or Stuff Limited the business and all of its publications? Have a read, there's a LOT of them.
    From memory the current owner bought it for $1, turned it into a completely woke & biased opinion based medium that can not survive without the Public Journalism Fund bribery from Jacinda. Once that stops, so does Stuff with its very low readership. Agree with Balance that it can't come soon enough.

  4. #1664
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    From memory the current owner bought it for $1, turned it into a completely woke & biased opinion based medium that can not survive without the Public Journalism Fund bribery from Jacinda. Once that stops, so does Stuff with its very low readership. Agree with Balance that it can't come soon enough.
    Here's Dr Michael Bassett' stake on TV1 - high time they get the message or the high jump.

    Dr Michael Bassett: TV One still doesn't get the message

    It’s becoming clear that the state-owned TV One and its management have no intention of stopping their left-slanted news presentations despite being reminded by Karl du Fresne and others that using the airwaves to proselytise is improper journalism. Worse, it seems that the new Minister for Media and Communications either hasn’t tried, or has failed, to persuade TV One’s management that they should be striving to ensure balanced reporting.

    TV One’s 6pm bulletin on 22 February began with a story about child poverty statistics.

    After six years of a Labour Government, five of them with Jacinda Ardern as Minister for Child Poverty Reduction, the figures for those in poverty are now much worse. Without saying this in so many words, the report by Cushla Norman acknowledged the problem’s cause could (she didn’t say should) be laid at the door of the last government. But the selection of two of the three commentators told another story. Carmel Sepuloni, whose policies caused most of the problem, was given lots of space to defend her stewardship and to attack the Luxon-led government’s new approach to the crisis. She was backed up by the CTU’s so-called economist, Craig Renney. Not surprisingly, he went into attack mode against any proposal to change Labour’s failed policies. The third commentator, Jonathan Boston, at least conceded that keeping on with policies that gave us today’s crisis might not be a wise course!

    Then TV One’s Bulletin moved on to the case of a real estate agent who is objecting to being forced to complete a compulsory course on Maori culture and tikanga before she can renew her practising certificate.

    Surprise, surprise, who should be the reporter covering that story but the self-confessed Maori crusader, Te Aniwa Hurihanganui, whose lack of sympathy for the complainant oozed out of her every pore. The realtor in question objects to the course being compulsory. She’s entitled to object, one would think. Having to endure a course in Maori culture and tikanga mid-career, 184 years after the Treaty, when there are no longer any full-blooded Maori and their original tikanga has been almost completely forgotten, does seem rather ridiculous. Given that the realtor practises in an area where about 50% of the people are Chinese, a course in Mandarin might be more help. I must admit however, I’d have been inclined to take the Maori course, if only to see whether it was another tonne of tosh like so much “tikanga” these days: stuff invented in truck loads by a growing industry in search of opportunities to make money, and almost certainly happy, in this case, to take the credulous real estate industry on their virtue-signalling ride. This, of course, is an every-day reality that a Maori crusader like Te Aniwa Hurihanganui could never concede. Is she really cut out for work with a state-funded media outlet that should be producing unbiased reporting?

    Then the next evening came a TV One story about Maori desecration of statues of Captain James Cook in various parts of New Zealand.

    Who did the reporter, Donna Marie Lever, approach for comment but that old-style Maori agitator, Ella Henry. Cook, of course, was one of the greatest navigators of all time. His world-renowned biographer, J.C. Beaglehole, was a Kiwi on whom the late Queen bestowed her highest honour, an Order of Merit. But that wouldn’t have meant anything to Ella Henry for whom Cook is a symbol of the dreaded “colonialism” without which, of course (though she’d never admit it) she wouldn’t have her well-paid, taxpayer-funded, job at AUT. There are dozens of better-informed commentators who could have given a more balanced assessment of Cook, and of the recent vandalism, its cause, and how sensible people should respond. But the thought of approaching them never occurred to Donna Marie Lever, or to TV One.

    Then on Sunday 25 February at 6pm came a story claiming “fears” about the government’s new policies on gangs.

    I’m personally not sure they will improve things much, but as ever TV One’s reporting was negative. Without much effort, Corazon Miller could have found someone to say something positive about what is being proposed. She had the same problem on the 27th when discussing the scandal surrounding accredited employers and the legions of young foreign workers who have been let into the country on what appears to be false pretences. The whole scandal looks suspiciously like yet another Labour government stuff-up by Michael Wood who made a mess of the Immigration portfolio over several years. Identifying the Labour culprit, however, goes against TV One’s current policy. State-owned TV One, these days, is on a crusade to criticise every idea and every change of direction advanced by the new government. It does do not identify who was responsible for creating the mess that is the subject of the clean-up unless it’s National. Bizarre!

    I’m not saying here that TV One’s journalists should always be giving the thumbs up to the new government’s policy announcements. Far from it. Some new policies appear to be the product of very slender thought, and are unlikely to achieve their ends. Moreover, the reporters are entitled to their personal views. But they are NOT entitled to promote those beliefs as news, or to protect their favoured political party or politicians on State media. If TV One had someone competent in charge, the reporters would all be called in and reminded about their obligation to report balanced news.

    Historian Dr Michael Bassett, a Minister in the Fourth Labour Government, blogs HERE. - where this article was sourced.

  5. #1665
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    A challenge for any government now will be how do you fix the problem without doing the same thing and "directing" media outlets.
    I think the problem is just as present in the public sector, but atleast there's more that can be done in this space to solve the problem.

  6. #1666
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    Stuff Limited.

    Has to be the most woke left biased msm company out there. Anything to get government funding and support.

    Apparently they're sending begging emails for Support & Donations out to subscribers

    and not the first either on the collections run to support "Good" Kiwi-owned Journalism, or so the email goes

    Wonder if they picked up that ploy from the Labour faction which Joe Public unceremoniously kicked into the gutter last year ?

    Must be pretty worrying when the Socialist hand that fed just got booted, whole villages of bureaucratic papershuffers & Stuff readers might be out down the road - and a necessary name change to Stuffed Ltd out of the unholy upheavel might be the end result
    Last edited by nztx; 29-02-2024 at 02:13 PM.

  7. #1667
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    As the coverage of the Parliament protest showed glaringly, the MSM is not only woke & leftist, it is also corrupted and easily bought off.

    Next to go and it cannot be soon enough, Stuff.
    Fascinating that because you don't like a media outlet you think no one else should have it either.
    How very controlling - is this typical right-wing behavior? Ban free speech?
    Best option if you don't like a message is to not listen to it but let others make up their own mind.

  8. #1668
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    Nearly 100 days of the new government.
    They made a lot of noise that the 'cost of living crisis' was important to them and a priority.
    So far they seem to have spent their time undoing stuff and nothing that makes the average family's life better.
    Maybe they will get on to doing something useful soon - we can only hope.

  9. #1669
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    Feb 2020


    Let's do a checklist.

    Have we got back to farming?
    Are we back on the tracks?
    Have we gone back to basics in education?

  10. #1670
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panda-NZ- View Post
    Let's do a checklist.

    Have we got back to farming?
    Are we back on the tracks?
    Have we gone back to basics in education?
    More to my point - have they done anything at all that will help with the 'cost of living crisis'?


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