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  1. #51
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    Standing up for unity and against separatism is now apparently “belittling Maori culture”. That these trolls, happy to mock the mental health of others, will swear blind they are ‘not Left wing’ is just another indication of their disingenuous & duplicitous natures.
    "unity" cry harder.
    Yes when you call Maori primitive, insult the language and claim they don't deserve rights, that would be considered belittling ninefingers.
    What is your mental health and when did I mock it?
    I'm 100% not leftwing, which I already explained, so presenting the claim that I am disingenuous, shows you are being disingenuous. Revolving door, ninefingers

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Getty View Post
    You will be pleased to know my Patu saw no action today.

    When l awoke to the tears of heaven, l soon realised it would be un rizz to expose it to the elements.
    Oh hard man, sounds like you wet yourself to be honest

  3. #53
    ShareTrader Legend
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    Quote Originally Posted by LEMON View Post
    Oh hard man, sounds like you wet yourself to be honest

    To be honest you too smart to be on here Cuz .. why dont U go join a Hikoi sumwhere ?

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by LEMON View Post
    "unity" cry harder.
    Yes when you call Maori primitive, insult the language and claim they don't deserve rights, that would be considered belittling ninefingers.
    What is your mental health and when did I mock it?
    I'm 100% not leftwing, which I already explained, so presenting the claim that I am disingenuous, shows you are being disingenuous. Revolving door, ninefingers
    If you can show me a single post where I said that Maori ‘don’t deserve rights’, then go for it. All human beings deserve the same human rights.
    You make up preposterous and vile claims, and don’t back them with any evidence.

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    If you can show me a single post where I said that Maori ‘don’t deserve rights’, then go for it. All human beings deserve the same human rights.
    You make up preposterous and vile claims and don’t back them with any evidence.
    If you want to prevent Maori from protesting because you're scared of separatist and breaking of "unity", then you're against the rights of Maori to express their opinions whether you think it true or not

    "Preposterous and vile claims"
    Like what?
    Me calling you racist? I never made that "preposterous and vile claim", you did

    Me mocking your mental health? I never made that "preposterous and vile" claim about your mental health, you did

    Me lying about being left-wing? You made those "preposterous and vile claims"

    Now you're accusing me of making vile claims? Preposterous and vile

    If you find those claims, preposterous and vile, why do stand with the likes of Balance when they make those comments and remarks, if it's vile, then you would agree that maybe your internet friends are also creating separation and standing against unity, It seems if they support you and your comments, I guess you can turn a blind eye? Only when someone disagrees with you it becomes an issue
    Last edited by LEMON; 06-12-2023 at 08:23 AM.

  6. #56
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    Morena, I was just reading the article below about Hone Heke. I was fascinated by his story as a kid & I am still today. What a formidable & intelligent foe he was.
    The only thing I don't like about the article is at the end it paints Govenor Grey in a favorable light that history now records was far from the truth.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by LEMON View Post
    If you want to prevent Maori from protesting because you're scared of separatist and breaking of "unity", then you're against the rights of Maori to express their opinions whether you think it true or not

    "Preposterous and vile claims"
    Like what?
    Me calling you racist? I never made that "preposterous and vile claim", you did

    Me mocking your mental health? I never made that "preposterous and vile" claim about your mental health, you did

    Me lying about being left-wing? You made those "preposterous and vile claims"

    Now you're accusing me of making vile claims? Preposterous and vile

    If you find those claims, preposterous and vile, why do stand with the likes of Balance when they make those comments and remarks, if it's vile, then you would agree that maybe your internet friends are also creating separation and standing against unity, It seems if they support you and your comments, I guess you can turn a blind eye? Only when someone disagrees with you it becomes an issue
    Get used to it LEMON.
    The truth & Logen Ninefingers the Twain shall never meet. He constantly & quite deliberately misquotes people.
    He has no integrity, zero, none whatsoever.

  8. #58
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    Aug 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    If you can show me a single post where I said that Maori ‘don’t deserve rights’, then go for it. All human beings deserve the same human rights.
    You make up preposterous and vile claims, and don’t back them with any evidence.
    What do you mean as “human rights”?

    ‘The United Nations has defined a broad range of internationally accepted rights, including civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights”

    Recognizing the urgent need to respect and promote the inherent rights of indigenous peoples which derive from their political, economic and social structures and from their cultures, spiritual traditions, histories and philosophies, especially their rights to their lands, territories and resources,
    Last edited by Bjauck; 06-12-2023 at 08:34 AM.

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    Get used to it LEMON.
    The truth & Logen Ninefingers the Twain shall never meet. He constantly & quite deliberately misquotes people.
    He has no integrity, zero, none whatsoever.
    This is first time I have encountered nine fingers. Randomly making claims like im mocking mental health, where did that even come from

    I did take a scroll back in the posts though, seems logennine is dissatisfied with their position in life and looks to blame labour and the left wing. I think nine fingers is in for a startling reality when they realize no government is coming to save them. Left or Right

  10. #60
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Very very very good to have the protests and I hope there will be more over the next 3 years.

    Guarantees the coalition will get re-elected with a resounding landslide in election 2026.

    It obviously has not registered yet with the Maori elite and Labour that the majority of NZers voted against the racist, divisive, bankrupt and corrupt failed policies of the Labour government.
    Last edited by Balance; 06-12-2023 at 05:01 PM.


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