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  1. #11
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    Jun 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post

    Agree that HamasĀ’s agenda is genocide of the Jews - Oct 7th is conclusive proof.

    And agree Israel will now commit genocide against the terrorists in Hamas - wipe the vermin off the face of the earth. Just like the drone strike which blew 4 of the scums to pieces in Beirut this morning.

    Kiss my arse, Jew Haters.

    You're confused, & not helping Jewish people everywhere.

    Hamas didn't attack Israelis because they are Jewish, its ludicrous to suggest it is to do with their religion but all to do with their occupation & repression, terrorising families, demolishing their homes, expanding settlements, controlling basic aspects of their lives, even controlling the food they get access too & keeping them on a poor quality diet.

    Palestinians don't care what religion their occupiers are, like all occupied peoples throughout history they will resist whoever is occupying them.

    Some members of Netanyahu's govt have called for the claim to all of historic Palestine and the erasure & wiping out of all Palestinians.
    It's in the Hamas charter their fight is against Zionism not the religion as is regularly mis-portrayed in Western media.

    Anti-semitism is primarily linked to European history but being misrepresented here to silence those calling for a ceasefire & trying to stop this human catastrophe, genocide, decimation of Gaza.

    Unfortunately this misrepresentation is causing a rise in anti-semitism in the West.

    As a Jewish journalist writes,
    "It is not helpful to reinforce the idea that October 7th was an attack on world Jewery. ... You are not being an ally to Jews when you quietly watch Israel decimate Gaza.
    A future in which the world has watched Israel commit genocide against millions of Palestinians in the name of Jews everywhere, is not a safer future for my Jewish children."
    Last edited by Blue Skies; 03-01-2024 at 05:32 PM.

  2. #12
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    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Skies View Post
    You're confused, & not helping Jewish people everywhere.

    Hamas didn't attack Israelis because they are Jewish, its ludicrous to suggest it is to do with their religion but all to do with their occupation & repression, terrorising families, demolishing their homes, expanding settlements, controlling basic aspects of their lives, even controlling the food they get access too & keeping them on a poor quality diet.

    Palestinians don't care what religion their occupiers are, like all occupied peoples throughout history they will resist whoever is occupying them.

    Some members of Netanyahu's govt have called for the claim to all of historic Palestine and the erasure & wiping out of all Palestinians.
    It's in the Hamas charter their fight is against Zionism not the religion as is regularly mis-portrayed in Western media.

    Anti-semitism is primarily linked to European history but being misrepresented here to silence those calling for a ceasefire & trying to stop this human catastrophe, genocide, decimation of Gaza.

    Unfortunately this misrepresentation is causing a rise in anti-semitism in the West.

    As a Jewish journalist writes,
    "It is not helpful to reinforce the idea that October 7th was an attack on world Jewery. ... You are not being an ally to Jews when you quietly watch Israel decimate Gaza.
    A future in which the world has watched Israel commit genocide against millions of Palestinians in the name of Jews everywhere, is not a safer future for my Jewish children."
    Would you call yourself a Hamas apologist Blueskies?

    Just as Jewish does not = Israeli, Hamas does not = Palestinian. Palestinians did not rape, mutilate, torture, burn babies, shoot women in their vaginas, drag them behind vehicles or use hospitals as human shields. Hamas did.

    Hamas carried out the most abominable war crimes with the explicit aim of provoking a reaction in the Gaza strip from Israel. Their plan worked to perfection as they willingly sacrificed the Palestinian people for their own hate filled ambitions. And within weeks they won the propaganda war by having leftwing fools the world over ignore their war crimes and start anti-semitic rhetoric.

  3. #13
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    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post

    Agree that Hamas’s agenda is genocide of the Jews - Oct 7th is conclusive proof.

    And agree Israel will now commit genocide against the terrorists in Hamas - wipe the vermin off the face of the earth. Just like the drone strike which blew 4 of the scums to pieces in Beirut this morning.

    Kiss my arse, Jew Haters.
    Vermin is a term the Nazis used in propaganda against the jews.
    The children being massacred by Israeli forces are not vermin. They are children. As were the Jeswish children murdered by Hamas.

    The Palestinians have been persecuted by Israel for decades forcing them into horrific actions as the Western World has ignored their plight.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2013


    I watched the movie One Life last night.
    So moving & relevant today.
    I could literally hear people sobbing all around me.
    All lives matter.

  5. #15
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    Vermin is a term the Nazis used in propaganda against the jews.
    The children being massacred by Israeli forces are not vermin. They are children. As were the Jeswish children murdered by Hamas.

    The Palestinians have been persecuted by Israel for decades forcing them into horrific actions as the Western World has ignored their plight.
    And why have the super wealthy & powerful Muslim and Arab world 'ignored' their plight (if indeed there is a plight)? Think and think hard.

    The children being killed in the war against Hamas is a consequence of the war by Hamas on Israel & the Jews - don't try and shift the blame away from the instigators.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    I watched the movie One Life last night.
    So moving & relevant today.
    I could literally hear people sobbing all around me.
    All lives matter.
    Same here. A great and very moving movie about an extraordinary group of people that didn't take NO for an answer.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    And why have the super wealthy & powerful Muslim and Arab world 'ignored' their plight (if indeed there is a plight)? Think and think hard.

    The children being killed in the war against Hamas is a consequence of the war by Hamas on Israel & the Jews - don't try and shift the blame away from the instigators.
    You don't have to think very hard when Israel has the might of the US behind them.

    Yes of course it's those who are caged in a tiny space with no rights, no army, not allowed a Government or representation at the UN, the ones that aren't backed by the most powerful nation on earth that are the instigators.

    If you oppress 2 million people and treat them like animals they will over time respond and they have very few options in regards that response, I.e guerrilla war tactics is their only way to fight back against oppression.

    Modern Israel should never have been created as it wasn't their's or the Brit's land to take. However that can't be reversed now & it's Israel that has never honoured the Balfour agreement let alone the agreement struck about 20 years ago. Israel has continued to confiscate more territory & kick people out of their homes (and worse) cramming 2M people into a smaller & smaller open air prison.

    It's a disgrace that the Western World has allowed Israel to do what they like & the same goes for the Saudis in Yemen. There is no love loss between certain Arab nations & the West has been culpable of utilizing that division to gain advantage at the cost of human rights & lives of nations of people who don't seem to matter.

    People wonder what creates hate & terrorism.
    This is what creates it.
    Last edited by Daytr; 04-01-2024 at 08:37 AM.

  8. #18
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    If Israel does not have the might of the US behind it, Israel & the Jews would have been decimated and subjected to GENOCIDE years ago by its Arab neighbours and enemies.

    Israel and US do not have or need to apologise for being a superior military force.

    Israel is a shining beacon of democracy and progressiveness in a sea of oppression and dictatorships in the Middle East. Something which the woke leftist Jew haters simply cannot stand.

    Best example is Chloe Swarbrick screeching like a demented sex starved banshee about Israel but never once rallying against the persecution and killings of the LBQT community in the Middle East, including Gaza & Hamas. Disgusting and hypocritical.
    Last edited by Balance; 04-01-2024 at 09:26 AM.

  9. #19
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    Hastings, , New Zealand.


    I don't think some posters understand warfare.

    It's always been horrible and ugly.

    All the more reason for Hamas to have respected what peace existed before their provocation of Israel.

    Too late for Hamas and their apologists to bleat once retribution and the pursuit of eliminating further threats takes place.
    Last edited by Getty; 04-01-2024 at 09:02 PM. Reason: Spelling

  10. #20
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    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    If Israel does not have the might of the US behind it, Israel & the Jews would have been decimated and subjected to GENOCIDE years ago by its Arab neighbours and enemies.

    Israel and US do not have or need to apologise for being a superior military force.

    Israel is a shining beacon of democracy and progressiveness in a sea of oppression and dictatorships in the Middle East. Something which the woke leftist Jew haters simply cannot stand.

    Best example is Chloe Swarbrick screeching like a demented sex starved banshee about Israel but never once rallying against the persecution and killings of the LBQT community in the Middle East, including Gaza & Hamas. Disgusting and hypocritical.
    Where is the democracy for the Palestinians?
    Israel will not recognize them as a state let alone have a Government or vote to elect leaders. Israel has a democracy as much as apartheid South Africa did.

    And stop with Jew hating rhetoric as it's just rubbish and you know it.
    Or keep it up & hopefully you will get banned.


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