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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    Fools seldom differ.

    Anyone told Hamas and the cheering Palestinians that lives are precious before they slaughtered babies and children on Oct 7th? And that they should fight like men rather than hide behind children and women?

    By the time Israel wipe Hamas out, there could be at least 100,000 Palestinians dead - thanks to Hamas. Many will be terrorists drowned like diseased rats in the tunnels being flooded with sea water. Nobody else to blame.

    “Never again shall Masada fall.”
    As I said. No one is defending what Hamas did, it was a horrific murderous act.
    However Israel needs to take responsibility for all the civilian casualties at a rate of 10 to one and counting.
    That's not accounting for all the atrocities they committed prior to the Hamas attack.

    You are blind to the plight of the Palestinians of decades of persecution by the Israelis. There is no reasoning with someone so blind to Israel's atrocities.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    As I said. No one is defending what Hamas did, it was a horrific murderous act.
    However Israel needs to take responsibility for all the civilian casualties at a rate of 10 to one and counting.
    That's not accounting for all the atrocities they committed prior to the Hamas attack.

    You are blind to the plight of the Palestinians of decades of persecution by the Israelis. There is no reasoning with someone so blind to Israel's atrocities.
    No one is defending Hamas? More like the woke leftists are not prepared to condemn Hamas! And you obviously have not seen the videos of Palestinians dancing, rejoicing and celebrating Oct 7th.

    Israel is defending itself and if Hamas chooses to attack & kill innocent children and babies along with their mothers and grandparents, then hide behind children and babies after their repugnant acts, Israel cannot be blamed - it is Hamas which has to accept the blame.

    Just think about it - men with guns and rockets hiding behind children & babies. Disgusting beyond comprehension.

    Like I wrote, there could be 100,000 Palestinians dead by the time Hamas is destroyed. Who started the massacre? And you seriously think that Israel is going to allow Hamas to survive by hiding behind children and babies?

    War is hell. Get real.
    Last edited by Balance; 06-01-2024 at 08:43 PM.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    No one is defending Hamas? More like the woke leftists are not prepared to condemn Hamas! And you obviously have not seen the videos of Palestinians dancing, rejoicing and celebrating Oct 7th.

    Israel is defending itself and if Hamas chooses to attack & kill innocent children and babies along with their mothers and grandparents, then hide behind children and babies after their repugnant acts, Israel cannot be blamed - it is Hamas which has to accept the blame.

    Like I wrote, there could be 100,000 Palestinians dead by the time Hamas is destroyed. Who started the massacre?
    Calling it a horrific murderous act is doing exactly that, condemning Hamas.
    The atrocities didn't start a few months ago, they have been going on for decades.

    How many people has Israel displaced & murdered in that time?

    You are advocating the slaughter of 100,000 people in retaliation. Get a grip.
    You are very sick individual.

  4. #34
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    Calling it a horrific murderous act is doing exactly that, condemning Hamas.
    The atrocities didn't start a few months ago, they have been going on for decades.

    How many people has Israel displaced & murdered in that time?

    You are advocating the slaughter of 100,000 people in retaliation. Get a grip.
    You are very sick individual.
    I am not advocating - I told you to get real, didn’t I about the consequences of war after Hamas committed the Oct 7th atrocities and then, hiding behind children and babies.

    Beyond disgusting.

    Have you seen or heard the likes of Chloe Swarbrick condemning Hamas? Fact is that she is actually spreading the lie & conspiracy that Israel created Hamas!
    Last edited by Balance; 06-01-2024 at 09:05 PM.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    I am not advocating - I told you to get real, didn’t I about the consequences of war after Hamas committed the Oct 7th atrocities and then, hiding behind children and babies.

    Beyond disgusting.

    Have you seen or heard the likes of Chloe Swarbrick condemning Hamas? Fact is that she is actually spreading the lie & conspiracy that Israel created Hamas!
    Where are Hamas supposed to live? Out in the street?

    Israel certainly had their part to play in undermining the political power base and used the internal unrest back then to divide the Palestinians. So Swarbrick is right that Israel did play a part in the creation of Hamas.

    Those consequences you speak of are carried out by Israel. Israel has a choice on if & how that is done. Israel chooses to bomb refugee camps & hospitals. Israel chooses to level whole apartment blocks.

    Netanyahu has been beating the drums of War as far as I can remember. With persecution comes reaction & consequences.

  6. #36
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    Where are Hamas supposed to live? Out in the street?

    Israel certainly had their part to play in undermining the political power base and used the internal unrest back then to divide the Palestinians. So Swarbrick is right that Israel did play a part in the creation of Hamas.

    Those consequences you speak of are carried out by Israel. Israel has a choice on if & how that is done. Israel chooses to bomb refugee camps & hospitals. Israel chooses to level whole apartment blocks.

    Netanyahu has been beating the drums of War as far as I can remember. With persecution comes reaction & consequences.
    Hamas is to be blamed and nothing will change that fact.

    Stab and wound a lion & expect no reaction from the lion?

    Get real. War is war and in war, there are casualties.

    Especially when Hamas hides behind children and babies. And you support their strategy! What kind of person does that!

    Chloe Swarbrick is the biggest hypocrite ever - what about the persecution of the LBQT communities in the Middle East? She is but another politician seeking publicity and costed, screeching like a sex starved banshee without heed off de the facts.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    Hamas is to be blamed and nothing will change that fact.

    Stab and wound a lion & expect no reaction from the lion?

    Get real. War is war and in war, there are casualties.

    Especially when Hamas hides behind children and babies. And you support their strategy! What kind of person does that!

    Chloe Swarbrick is the biggest hypocrite ever - what about the persecution of the LBQT communities in the Middle East? She is but another politician seeking publicity and costed, screeching like a sex starved banshee without heed off de the facts.
    And war crimes are war crimes on both sides.
    So it's OK for Israel to murder 100s if not thousands of babies indiscriminately?

    Exactly, Israel has all the power and all they have done with that power is persecute and invade Palestinian land and squeeze 2 million people into a tighter and more controlled space.

    Talk about wounding a lion.
    What do you expect if you persecute, imprison and invade a powerless group of 2M people that the West conveniently ignores as Israel impresses their political and financial will to ensure the Palestinians have no international voice.

  8. #38
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    This is the sort of lengths Israel will go to deny the Palestinians a voice. I can't believe this hasn't got more publicity. Again probably the influence of the US Jewish community.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    She is but another politician seeking publicity and costed, screeching like a sex starved banshee
    Balance is an expert on sex starved banshees?

  10. #40
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davflaws View Post
    Balance is an expert on sex starved banshees?
    My consultation fees are $450 per hour (plus GST).

    When would you like your consultation and who is it for?
    Last edited by Balance; 07-01-2024 at 08:50 AM.


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