news templates : USDCNYGDPMT4.tpl USDCNYGDPMT5.tpl MT4USDJPYCPI.tpl MT5USDJPYCPI.tpl NOW available in
Be aware of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger. that not forbidden is mandatory. Anyone but o'brien
USD CPI.jpgusdjpy showing the CPI and Core CPI results
GBPUSDCCCMT4.tpl and GBPUSDCCCMT5.tpl GBP Claimant Court Count is now updated and in
MT4GBPUSDGDP.tpl MT5GBPUSDGDP.tpl news template now available from
i do wonder if these are used. the site where i am a moderator - some use them.
for image
MT4USDJPYPPI.tpl and MT5USDJPYPPI.tpl now also available USA PPI
MT4USDJPYRetailSales.tpl and MT5USDJPYRetailSales.tpl have been uploaded template for USD Retail Sales
MT4AUDUSDIntRate.tpl and MT5AUDUSDIntRate.tpl have been uploaded - AUD Interest rate decision
MT4GBPUSDCPI.tpl and MT5GBPUSDCPI.tpl have been uploaded - GBP CPI
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