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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
    The commission noted that there is serious concern amongst our key strategic and community partners that the progress the city has made over the last two-plus years could be undone if the commitment needed to address Tauranga's identified issues is not maintained," they wrote.

    "And that a return to a fully-elected, new and inexperienced council could result in dysfunctionality similar to that experienced prior to the commission's appointment."
    Protect their gravy train, at all costs.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Floating Anchor Shoals


    Nope ,protect the momentum and progress that has been achieved.Im all for a hybrid approach with one commisioner on board with the elected councillors.The last thing we need is the same motley bunch of infighting self promoting councillors we had prior.Hopefully we get new blood with the right skill sets to work cohesively together.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
    The commission noted that there is serious concern amongst our key strategic and community partners that the progress the city has made over the last two-plus years could be undone if the commitment needed to address Tauranga's identified issues is not maintained," they wrote.

    "And that a return to a fully-elected, new and inexperienced council could result in dysfunctionality similar to that experienced prior to the commission's appointment."

    So they actually got round to naming individual trees in the empire after each of the unelected Quazi Govt Squatter appointees, while the trail of destruction was in progress ?

    Obviously it didn't get noticed further up the chain, because no new Damehoods or Knightings eventuated from trying to orchestrate commissioned change in a City that didn't want them around

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
    Nope ,protect the momentum and progress that has been achieved.Im all for a hybrid approach with one commisioner on board with the elected councillors.The last thing we need is the same motley bunch of infighting self promoting councillors we had prior.Hopefully we get new blood with the right skill sets to work cohesively together.
    What a shameless opponent of democracy you are. Despite your hopes that the dictators reign of terror will continue, the good news is that it is send to end:

    ‘The effort to remain in power in Tauranga was rejected by Simeon Brown, who said democratic council elections and representation would return after the July 20 election.
    “The people of Tauranga have been clear that they want to see a return to a fully elected and democratically accountable council. I am pleased to confirm that this will happen at the upcoming election in July,” Brown said.
    “I want to confirm to the people of Tauranga, and the Commission, that there will be no hybrid model of governance following the July election,” Brown said.
    “Nor will there be Crown observers. Tauranga will return to being a full democracy.”

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Floating Anchor Shoals


    I've seen what the prior council failed their city at ,I've seen what the commissioners achieved.Im hopeful of new blood,new councillors with the skill sets to achieve great things for our city.But it is fraught with risk ,especially if we get some of the wrong uns back.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    What a shameless opponent of democracy you are. Despite your hopes that the dictators reign of terror will continue, the good news is that it is send to end:

    ‘The effort to remain in power in Tauranga was rejected by Simeon Brown, who said democratic council elections and representation would return after the July 20 election.
    “The people of Tauranga have been clear that they want to see a return to a fully elected and democratically accountable council. I am pleased to confirm that this will happen at the upcoming election in July,” Brown said.
    “I want to confirm to the people of Tauranga, and the Commission, that there will be no hybrid model of governance following the July election,” Brown said.
    “Nor will there be Crown observers. Tauranga will return to being a full democracy.”
    Yep good move by National to reinstate a democratically elected Council.
    What JT is saying maybe true, I.e the appointed commissioners have performed better than previous councils, however democracy is the system we have, despite its weaknesses.

    It's just a shame NAFT aren't applying the same democratic values to their own Governance. Appointing three ministers with unprecedented powers and at the same time watering down the rules of engagement of lobbyists.

    This self appointed system is open to widespread abuse. We have already seen the influence the tobacco lobby has over the Government.
    All the while the likes of Winston Peters is repeatedly threatening the media.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
    I've seen what the prior council failed their city at ,I've seen what the commissioners achieved.Im hopeful of new blood,new councillors with the skill sets to achieve great things for our city.But it is fraught with risk ,especially if we get some of the wrong uns back.
    Is that you Shadrach?
    So because a previous council in Tauranga was dysfunctional, you believe that all Councils going forward will be dysfunctional? You live in Tauranga, yet seem to have formed a view that the people that live here are inherently incapable of putting together a Council due to some sort of collective mental unsuitability. What a totally bizarre view-point: democracy is dangerous and must be replaced by dictatorship, as one Council was once ‘dysfunctional’.

    Your comment about how you gad about on your bicycle and think everything is marvellous is very revealing. As you cycle gleefully past endless roadworks, orange cones as far as the eye can see, traffic jams, and struggling businesses you may be having the time of your life but 95% of the inhabitants of Tauranga hate the unelected Commissioners with a passion and want them gone. The sooner the planned $300+ million ‘civic precinct’ with its white elephant buildings - including a museum and ‘civic whare’ - is scrapped, the better. In fact, it should be the first act of the new Council. The new step is reinstate parking areas and attract real businesses back into the city. The ‘civic precinct’ is nothing more than a massive rort & vanity project at the expensive of suffering ratepayers.

  8. #18
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    Floating Anchor Shoals


    You sound like one of the useless troublemaking prior counsellors who was dumped.
    If so I pray you never get another chance.
    It also looks like you're a grumpy person who can't be flexible or cope with change. democracy failed us previously.
    I'm hoping for new blood with a hybrid system with one commisioner onboard,this reduces risk of another stuff up.
    You're a negative cone head misinforming by all means keep counting👍

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
    You sound like one of the useless troublemaking prior counsellors who was dumped.
    If so I pray you never get another chance.
    It also looks like you're a grumpy person who can't be flexible or cope with change. democracy failed us previously.
    I'm hoping for new blood with a hybrid system with one commisioner onboard,this reduces risk of another stuff up.
    You're a negative cone head misinforming by all means keep counting👍
    No, we just restore full democracy ASAP.

    Warts and all.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Floating Anchor Shoals


    Too risky atp,maybe the next one if they prove themselves in this term.


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