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    Default Tauranga's Unelected Council Shambles

    ‘Shameful’: Rage at proposed rent, fees increases of 240% for charities in Tauranga

    * A proposal by Tauranga commissioners has shocked residents, who this week protested against plans to hike rents and charges at not-for-profit businesses 240%

    * Affected tenants include services to elderly, crime victims, at-risk youth and the sick, as well as art, sports and funerals

    * A former mayor slated it as “shameful and undemocratic”, wants government to intervene.

    The plan includes increased charges for boat users, sports and dead people: the cost of cremation and burial at the council crematorium and cemeteries is going up, as is playing footy, bowls and tennis.

    Commissioners seemed surprised at the amount of opposition. While chair Anne Tolley tapped along to a protester’s ukulele, she was tight lipped on whether she was persuaded.

    “Council is proposing a 243% increase in our current rent - when you add in proposed opex charges - it’s an increase of 297%. That would be the death knell. I don’t know what universe they’re in to think people can afford increases when we’re volunteers.”

    He said the proposals conflicted with the Local Government Act, which stipulates councils should “promote the social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing of communities”.

    Time to kick out these Unelected Commissioners who appear to have lost their way on what is required & in best interests of Tauranga.

    What is being seen is nothing short of shameful IMO

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by nztx View Post

    What is being seen is nothing short of shameful IMO
    I agree with you, but I have to say that I am not enormously surprised that Ann Tolley (ex Nat Cabinet) prioritises the interests of propety and business owners over those of needier and less powerful groups.

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    Quote Originally Posted by davflaws View Post
    I agree with you, but I have to say that I am not enormously surprised that Ann Tolley (ex Nat Cabinet) prioritises the interests of propety and business owners over those of needier and less powerful groups.

    Who was the Labour seatwarmer who oversaw the Commissioners continuing their tenure, and did nothing - Was it Miss Megawaters Reforms (with more c*ock-ups than hot dinners seen along the way), or another from the clueless huddle of incompetents dithering away ?

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    Council wants $25 million for building sold for a dollar

    A High Court judge has rejected Tauranga City Council’s bid to recoup $25million over a failed car park building that the council sold for a dollar when serious defects were discovered.

    The parking building on Harrington St was part of a plan by a previous council, to revitalise the city centre. It was set to be a transport hub for 550 cars and 250 bicycles in the CBD.

    It wasn’t until construction had started that serious defects were discovered including thin foundations that would need reinforcing, as well as weaknesses in the floor, column and bracing in the building. At that stage council had already sunk $20m into the project.

    What a colossal Pluck up from this Administrator lead Local Body Shambles ... and look where their deviousness landed them

    "We sell stuffed Development to Lead Contractor for a buck, then turn around and try to sue their backsides off"

    No wonder the "Tauranga CC Govt Administrators Lead Shambles" got parking-lotted over their antics ..

    Some might be asking - Are they a trustworthy bunch after reading the article

    What do the good folk of Taurange think of their Local Council's antics on this one ?

    Presumably one way or another the poor captive Tauranga Ratepayers & other unfortunate peasants holed up in the BOP will wind up getting shafted for the chapters of incompetence & losses arising one way or another
    Last edited by nztx; 17-04-2024 at 11:41 PM.

  5. #5
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    "Harrison Grierson Holdings Ltd, who designed the carpark building, and Constructure Auckland Ltd who was engaged to review the structural design refuted the council’s claims it was in “breach of a duty of care (negligence); breach of a statutory duty under the Building Act 2004; breach of a duty of care (negligent misstatement); breach of the Fair Trading Act 1986 and breach of contract.
    The companies argued that a clause in the contract they signed with the council limit the amount they are liable for and the judge agreed."

    So the two companies above who stuffed up get away with their incompetence atp due to a loophole/clause. The council have 20 days to submit a lesser amount by the looks. Im shuddering at the thought of some of the incompetent prior infighting councillors throwing their hat in the ring for the coming local elections.

  6. #6
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    Anne Tolley may have been a National Party MP and Minister but she subsequently sold out for the big $$$$ and became Mahuta’s creature.

    ‘Records of the four commissioners' remuneration and expenses showed Tolley was paid $241,200 for 134 days' work between July 2022 and June 2023, and claimed $34,850 in accommodation expenses’

    She also went totally woke as well.

  7. #7
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    Maybe but they've achieved so much more then the largely incompetent, infighting selfish council we had. Its the best thing Mahuta did for Tauranga.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
    Maybe but they've achieved so much more then the largely incompetent, infighting selfish council we had. Its the best thing Mahuta did for Tauranga.
    Destroying a city is quite an ‘achievement’. 😂

    The Commissioners have bent Tauranga over and given it one hell of a rogering. Tolley and her hubby have bought a lovely property in Sussex in England, and she will be able to leave the appalling mess behind for others to attempt to clean up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    Destroying a city is quite an ‘achievement’. 😂

    The Commissioners have bent Tauranga over and given it one hell of a rogering. Tolley and her hubby have bought a lovely property in Sussex in England, and she will be able to leave the appalling mess behind for others to attempt to clean up.
    What appalling mess?????? All i see is huge improvements to the city with a few billions of Dollars of projects going in downtown Tauranga. I really enjoy biking Cameron road now and know it's much safer to do so. The commissioners are not responsible for the parking building btw.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
    What appalling mess?????? All i see is huge improvements to the city with a few billions of Dollars of projects going in downtown Tauranga. I really enjoy biking Cameron road now and know it's much safer to do so. The commissioners are not responsible for the parking building btw.
    The commission noted that there is serious concern amongst our key strategic and community partners that the progress the city has made over the last two-plus years could be undone if the commitment needed to address Tauranga's identified issues is not maintained," they wrote.

    "And that a return to a fully-elected, new and inexperienced council could result in dysfunctionality similar to that experienced prior to the commission's appointment."


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