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Thread: Bernhard Hickey

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Bernard is relatively independent though and not employed by a bank or the property industry.
    Last edited by Panda-NZ-; 29-02-2024 at 10:41 PM.

  2. #12
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    I used to enjoy what he had to say but over the last coupe of years I feel he's had a big shift left in what he is outputting - encouraging wealth distribution and the like. I turned off.

  3. #13
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    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by 850man View Post
    I used to enjoy what he had to say but over the last coupe of years I feel he's had a big shift left in what he is outputting - encouraging wealth distribution and the like. I turned off.
    Maybe the facts lean left once you remove all the financial interests (please don't tax me).

    He's hardly alone. Mr equab has also shifted left. We do have a tax system which is ancient (belongs in a museum) and long term super liabilities with no discernable way to fund them, yet.
    Last edited by Panda-NZ-; 01-03-2024 at 06:15 AM.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muse View Post
    The RNZ calling BH an economist is akin to calling my sister who spends too much time on WebMD a Doctor.
    An 'economist' is not a protected title.

    Then again, neither is 'doctor'.

  5. #15
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    I've met Bernard a few times and he's great to talk to - don't necessarily agree with point of view all the time, but I don't necessarily agree with my wife all of the time either but we agree on the big picture issues.
    If he was described as an economic or financial commentator, I would think that would be a fairer description.

    For reference, this is his bio on the Celebrity Speakers website:

  6. #16
    Senior Member warthog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 850man View Post
    I used to enjoy what he had to say but over the last coupe of years I feel he's had a big shift left in what he is outputting - encouraging wealth distribution and the like. I turned off.
    Hickey goes where the wind blows.

    Got the 2008 monetary crisis 100% wrong. Missed all the warning signs and went down with the boat abusing those in the life-rafts.

    Then there was the time he sent some self-promotional email to thousands of his personal, business and political contacts. But used CC rather than BCC.

    He's a financial markets palm-reader.
    warthog ... muddy and smelly

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by 850man View Post
    I used to enjoy what he had to say but over the last coupe of years I feel he's had a big shift left in what he is outputting - encouraging wealth distribution and the like. I turned off.
    Nothing worse than wealth distribution (i.e. tax) so many examples of countries being ruined with higher redistribution/tax rates and strong public institutions. You sure your not an economist for the NZ Initiative 850man

  8. #18
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    My barber is a better economist. He cuts the hair of lots of real economists in Wellington. As close to the brains as you can get.

  9. #19
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    ChCh, , .


    Aaron are serious about wealth distribution.Tax pays for health and education yes ?.Have you visited Norway...Finland...Sweden....
    Or are you suggesting the American health model is better.
    What do you think of ACC.
    Im really keen to hear your views.

    Sorry could have been taking the mickey.
    Last edited by troyvdh; 01-03-2024 at 02:39 PM.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by troyvdh View Post
    Aaron are serious about wealth distribution.Tax pays for health and education yes ?.Have you visited Norway...Finland...Sweden....
    Or are you suggesting the American health model is better.
    What do you think of ACC.
    Im really keen to hear your views.

    Sorry could have been taking the mickey.
    Shouldn't this thread be on an Off-Market Forum?

    Correct taking the Mickey.

    I like Bernard Hickey and a lot of what he writes seems sensible to me, but I have a left leaning bias that Baa Baa does not share.

    I get sick of the "low tax, small govt" mantra spewed out by some people despite the reality across the globe being the complete opposite. You compare the Scandanavian countries to America, try comparing developed countries to the third world.

    I personally hate paying taxes it is one of my biggest expenses but I can see the need for it. Maybe if I earned more I might understand better, although Stephen Tindall and some other wealthy people appear to have not got David Seymour's memo on how to make a great country by asking to be taxed more.

    RE ACC I like it as it has allowed Rugby to flourish over the years and put the cost on everyone, although the professional era has seen the slow death of the game. Rugby has gone from being a religion for me to a source of entertainment that I am not sure I want to pay for anymore.

    ACC seems better than taking someone to court every time there is an accident.
    Last edited by Aaron; 01-03-2024 at 03:41 PM.


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