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Thread: Bernhard Hickey

  1. #21
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    Hold on 850man ...He may have have been taking the mickey as well...cheers.
    Last edited by troyvdh; 01-03-2024 at 03:39 PM.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panda-NZ- View Post
    Maybe the facts lean left once you remove all the financial interests (please don't tax me).

    He's hardly alone. Mr equab has also shifted left. We do have a tax system which is ancient (belongs in a museum) and long term super liabilities with no discernable way to fund them, yet.
    I dont even think it is a left vs right situation he is highlighting. NZ tax system is fairly screwed up. It is uniquely perverse in its structural design which vastly favours property investment over any other form of investment, and New Zealand is much the worse for it. On top of that the underinvestment in infrastructure, when NZ has ample ability to service much higher debt, hurts everyone, especially private enterprise.

    You would have to be pretty deep into property if you think introducing capital gains taxes and/or a land tax, while also lowering income tax rates isn’t potentially a better structure for our tax system. Would encourage far more investment in business and increasing productivity.

  3. #23
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    Dear Laser I for one would apply for the job of campaign manager for you to be NZ PM.
    I whole heartly agree with you.
    NZ inc is so besotted with house price appreciation its shameful.

  4. #24
    Senior Member warthog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by troyvdh View Post
    Dear Laser I for one would apply for the job of campaign manager for you to be NZ PM.
    I whole heartly agree with you.
    NZ inc is so besotted with house price appreciation its shameful.
    Why do you think NZ is so besotted with house price appreciation? Do house prices go up or does the NZ$ go down, or both? And why?
    warthog ... muddy and smelly

  5. #25
    Senior Member warthog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
    Shouldn't this thread be on an Off-Market Forum?
    I get sick of the "low tax, small govt" mantra spewed out by some people despite the reality across the globe being the complete opposite. You compare the Scandanavian countries to America, try comparing developed countries to the third world.
    You really should visit Scandinavia for a while, or maybe even live there for a bit to fully appreciate how those societies work. Their public sector is much larger than it appears once you factor in indirect public sector activity. Nepotism, incompetence, groupthink, petty squabbles and attitudes. It's all alive and well there.

    The hog isn't a National or ACT voter by the way.
    warthog ... muddy and smelly

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by bottomfeeder View Post
    My barber is a better economist. He cuts the hair of lots of real economists in Wellington. As close to the brains as you can get.

    Better keep him away from the Reserve Bank boys & girls then .. all the ups & downs fired at the RB might leave them with something closer to a fine trim than they could ever had imagined .. possibly a few things missing or a whole side taken off if an unexpected tidbit of economic stuff lands while the trimming operation is in progress
    Last edited by nztx; 01-03-2024 at 08:39 PM.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by warthog View Post
    You really should visit Scandinavia for a while, or maybe even live there for a bit to fully appreciate how those societies work. Their public sector is much larger than it appears once you factor in indirect public sector activity. Nepotism, incompetence, groupthink, petty squabbles and attitudes. It's all alive and well there.

    The hog isn't a National or ACT voter by the way.

    The Land of 70% Taxes & Cradle to Grave deal from Nanny State ?

    Hope you show them what happens when the Kiwi experiment under Ardern / Hipkins for a go at the same
    comes badly off the rails and hits the skids at speed

    It's a wonder any Private Enterprise up there hasn't already been made extinct or run away to kinder lands
    away from the treacherous cold and huge tax impost freezing everything in sight
    Last edited by nztx; 01-03-2024 at 08:46 PM.

  8. #28
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    nztx...its actually closer to 90 %.
    I think you are nuts and havent travelled much
    Im signing off on this post.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by troyvdh View Post
    nztx...its actually closer to 90 %.
    I think you are nuts and havent travelled much
    Im signing off on this post.

    Cripes 90% .. you'd have to be nuts to consider going there

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by warthog View Post
    You really should visit Scandinavia for a while, or maybe even live there for a bit to fully appreciate how those societies work. Their public sector is much larger than it appears once you factor in indirect public sector activity. Nepotism, incompetence, groupthink, petty squabbles and attitudes. It's all alive and well there.

    The hog isn't a National or ACT voter by the way.
    And what low tax, small govt nations should I visit after for a comparison???


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