  1. #10481
    Speedy Az winner69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by minimoke View Post
    Thats where the "to build a deck" so commonly seen nowadays originated from.
    Pretty sure it was PEB Chairman Swann who said he needed cash for a deck ......but that excuse was met with derision at the time.
    ”When investors are euphoric, they are incapable of recognising euphoria itself “

  2. #10482
    Aspiring to be an Awesome Bear
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    Quote Originally Posted by davflaws View Post
    I am absolutely for real and I live right here in Whangarei. I believe that you can't see how Couta1's original comment is sexist and disrespectful. I don't know whether the CEO's name would have been made fun of if she were a man (I suspect not), but linking a jibe about the name with the appellation "woman" was a sexist putdown.

    Similarly, the admonition "Harden up snowflakes" isn't sexist, but it is a putdown. And I think that is important because here in NZ, there is a very clear connection between our propensity for "innocent" jibes and putdowns, and a whole raft of social ills.

    Over 40 years of clinical experience I have come to understand that there is a slippery slope between sexist and disrespectful comments and grossly abusive language, yelling, pushing and shoving, and (ultimately) bruises and blood. And that is why I call disrespectful postings when I see them and will continue to do so
    I find it hard to follow your logic that making fun of a persons name makes their comment sexist And I am someone that doesnt take kindly to sexist comments.

    You are more than likely correct that making fun of a persons name is disrespectful but respect is earned not a given and at the moment not many of us respect her. Personally I find the nick name Herd Licker quite amusing in a non sexist way

    opps edited due to spelling mistake!
    Last edited by RupertBear; 24-09-2018 at 01:09 PM. Reason: spelling

  3. #10483
    Legend minimoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RupertBear View Post
    Personally I find the nick name Herd Licker quite assuming in a non sexist way
    Stick a salt block into a trough and see what happens. The herd will have their heads buried in it in no time at all.

  4. #10484
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    Quote Originally Posted by winner69 View Post
    Pretty sure it was PEB Chairman Swann who said he needed cash for a deck ......but that excuse was met with derision at the time.
    Chairman was it? I probably got confused with the non stop mockery of DD at the time... Unlike PEB, hopefully this CEO isn't mocked for years to come...

    I'm still waiting for ATM's CEO to provide an excuse... "prior commitments" certainly ain't one

  5. #10485
    ShareTrader Legend Beagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by winner69 View Post
    Pretty sure it was PEB Chairman Swann who said he needed cash for a deck ......but that excuse was met with derision at the time.
    I reckon some people on here would still be cynical if a CEO sold some shares after 10 years at the helm because they needed the money for a relatives late stage experimental cancer treatment. Acknowledge the optics are not great but I think there's a least a decent chance the reason given is genuine what with Australia's crippling top tax rate of 47% and capital gains taxes as well !
    Ecclesiastes 11:2: “Divide your portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth.
    Ben Graham - In the short run the market is a voting machine but in the long run the market is a weighing machine

  6. #10486
    Legend minimoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trader_jackson View Post
    Chairman was it? I probably got confused with the non stop mockery of DD at the time... Unlike PEB, hopefully this CEO isn't mocked for years to come...

    I'm still waiting for ATM's CEO to provide an excuse... "prior commitments" certainly ain't one
    DD will stop the non stop mocking when his company delivers on promises and moves off its current $0.32 and heads back to $1.70 - where it was in 2014.

    Hopefully this isnt the start of ATM's long slow drift down off relative highs.

  7. #10487
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beagle View Post
    I reckon some people on here would still be cynical if a CEO sold some shares after 10 years at the helm because they needed the money for a relatives late stage experimental cancer treatment. Acknowledge the optics are not great but I think there's a least a decent chance the reason given is genuine what with Australia's crippling top tax rate of 47% and capital gains taxes as well !

    To support that, there's also an argument that goes, the explanation that's been given must be genuine as they would know this would cause such a massive backlash, if any inkling of info that influenced the SP negatively was to come to light in the foreseeable future.

  8. #10488
    ShareTrader Legend bull....'s Avatar
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    sentiment must be bad , the last few times is has bounced harder from open in aus ... must be really pissed with that share sale
    one step ahead of the herd

  9. #10489
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    Quote Originally Posted by bull.... View Post
    sentiment must be bad , the last few times is has bounced harder from open in aus ... must be really pissed with that share sale
    I will be reducing my holding down to 10% of my portfolio total over the next while, for me that's a huge protest vote.PS-No it won't be a panic sell.

  10. #10490
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    Maybe she has felt so bad this morning after her daily dose of, she bought them all back at 5% cheaper...……??

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