  1. #10881
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    Quote Originally Posted by minimoke View Post
    Question to David Hearn. Does he stand by his Boards decision to purchase a further 8.2% Synlait Milk shares at $10.90 when ATM already was exposed to 9.1% ownership of Synlait
    I feel that if A2 believe in the price of Synlait being fair at $10.90 why don’t they slowly buy more at these prices. They have the cash available

  2. #10882
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    Well I just posted this on the Synlait thread,but same applies here:-
    It's all about timing ATM took the position about a month before Jayne sold ATM down the river,Had they known they were going to be stabbed in the back I don't think any shares would have been purchased full stop.

  3. #10883
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    Quote Originally Posted by sb9 View Post
    Approaching my tp for a top up.
    I topped up on 3/10/18 at $11.26 around about 1.30ish, hour later it had dropped 20c. Am finding it best to top up late afternoon before close. Then when you think you have the bottom a2 on ASX drops another 10 or 20c after our close. So then you go through the process again the next day.

  4. #10884
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ggcc View Post
    I feel that if A2 believe in the price of Synlait being fair at $10.90 why don’t they slowly buy more at these prices. They have the cash available
    There is likely limitations in the size of stake that they can take......I think once they get to 20% then it may trigger an offer for the whole company.

  5. #10885
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    Quote Originally Posted by bull.... View Post
    i might decide at the gap what im doing
    It's a nice place at the gap (Piha), Watching the waves crash into the rocks. Have spent many a relaxing hour at the gap. Very peaceful in a rough sort of way.

  6. #10886
    On the doghouse
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    Quote Originally Posted by minimoke View Post
    Question to Jayn Hrdlicker. Does she stand by her decision to sell 100% of her shares on 28 August and 3 September?

    Question to Jayn Hrdlicker. Does she consider that her decision to sell 100% of her shares contributed to a drop on company value from $8,964,527,023 to $7,641,891,888. A loss of $1.3b

    Question to Jayn Hrdlicker. Does she have any plans to recover $1.3b loss in shareholder since she sold her share and if so what are those plans.

    Question to Jayn Hrdlicker. How is your new deck looking?
    I think you guys are missing the signals. In a year's time Jayne will be lauded as a hero. She sold her shares near the top knowing the company was ridiculously overpriced and that information was made available to all shareholders in a timely manner by the NZX press release outlining exactly what she did. A very timely warning for all who heeded it. Yet some coalminers don't believe in the canary theory, and ignored the silencing of Jayne's sweet song.

    Joining ATM and moving to the helm of NZ's largest company by capitalisation will allow recognition of her great service to both company and country. And doesn't the moniker "Dame Jayne' have a lovely ring to it? Watch out for that in the New Years honours list!

    Watch out for the most persistent and dangerous version of Covid-19: B.S.24/7

  7. #10887
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoopy View Post
    I think you guys are missing the signals. In a year's time Jayne will be lauded as a hero. She sold her shares near the top knowing the company was ridiculously overpriced and that information was made available to all shareholders in a timely manner by the NZX press release outlining exactly what she did. A very timely warning for all who heeded it. Yet some coalminers don't believe in the canary theory, and ignored the silencing of Jayne's sweet song.

    Joining ATM and moving to the helm of NZ's largest company by capitalisation will allow recognition of her great service to both company and country. And doesn't the moniker "Dame Jayne' have a lovely ring to it? Watch out for that in the New Years honours list!

    Or perhaps she wanted to keep living in her accustomed 8 milion a year lifestyle as long as possible, after all the poor dear has taken a pay cut.PS-She's more likely to make the New Year's wooden spoon list and get it right, it's G.I Jayne.
    Last edited by couta1; 05-10-2018 at 06:06 PM.

  8. #10888
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    Quote Originally Posted by couta1 View Post
    Or perhaps she wanted to keep living in her accustomed 8 milion a year lifesyle as long as possible, after all the poor dear has taken a pay cut.PS-She's more likely to make the New Year's wooden spoon list and get it right, it's G.I Jayne.
    How about Pain Jayne

  9. #10889
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatsup View Post
    How about Pain Jayne
    Then again Plain pain Jayne !

  10. #10890
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    The tide might have turned .. was looking pretty tempting down around $10.30

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