  1. #17101
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minerbarejet View Post
    Something I didnt forget though is that others here sold at that time as well, eh, Balance.
    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    1. If it is consistent with PEB's anticipates, then as PEB's spokesman he has articulated to the market - why is he not backing it up or updating the market now?

    2. His comments led directly to the sp spiking upwards - after which he sold. As Chairman of PEB, he has to be cleaner than clean.

    As for vocal minority, the sp tells you that it ain't no vocal minority who are questioning the company and its management.

    Luckily the market does not consist of armchair investors who sheepishly accept whatever a company tells them.

    Pike River and Rakon are two prime examples of shareholders who think the sun shone out of the proverbial of the directors and management.

    Mr Swann better explain his comments at the AGM - there are ways of making him talk, as they say.
    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    MAC, believe me when I write that Mr Swann better front up at the AGM and addresses his 'tens of thousands of tests' comment. .

    Nothing to do with trading or conspiracy theories - it is called continuous disclosure. It is about an even playing field for all shareholders.

    It is simply unacceptable for the Chairman of a company like PEB to make that kind of comment, pump up the hype, sell shares and then, pretend he never said anything.

    Meanwhile, note that less than 5,000 tests are forecast for the July 2014 to June 2015 year by one of the major brokers in their report on PEB. The report was prepared after extensive discussions with the company.
    Eloquently articulated at that time as to why PEB is not a trustworthy entity any more with its statements.

    And why some of us took the cue and sold down our shares.

  2. #17102
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    The underwriters and institutions must have a different set of criteria for measuring the comments from PEB & its management?

    A year ago and what did DD & the company said?

    "Pacific Edge chairman Chris Gallagher said he hoped the company would break even ''as quickly as possible'', with updated financial guidance to be supplied later this year."

    No update about breakeven - to be expected.

    Chief executive David Darling believes the $16.2million will be enough to see the company through the next year's operation, noting forecasts are for 23,000 tests during full year 2019.
    ''I don't see the need for that, [capital raising] but you can never be categorical on the position,'' he said.

    2 months after uttering those words, PEB raised:

    - $2.622m in July 2018

    - $12m in Nov 2018

    And is obviously priming up the market with all the 'positive' developments in thew last 2 months to raise more money!

    ''Canterbury tests are really rocketing,'' Mr Darling said.

    DD's definition of rockets must be the ones which are now banned from NZ? Sky rockets lit with a match and explode in the sky with a whimper.
    Last edited by Balance; 17-07-2019 at 11:24 AM.

  3. #17103
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    "New Zealand side of the business may possibly become profitable this year"

    That's an update as far as I'm concerned.

  4. #17104
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minerbarejet View Post
    "New Zealand side of the business may possibly become profitable this year"

    That's an update as far as I'm concerned.
    Yup - one wheel out of 4 wheels will be spinning - even while the car veers towards the ravine with the ever excitable DD behind the wheels!
    Last edited by Balance; 17-07-2019 at 11:45 AM.

  5. #17105
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    "Both Mr Gallagher and Mr Darling highlighted that commercial growth of key US customers had been slower than expected, with many of the test adoption processes outside Pacific Edge's control."

    Seems that it is still outside Pacific Edge's control.
    Control will be handed over on completion of the Driving Test.

  6. #17106
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    All true, Balance has hit the nail on the head. Too easy to build confidence in a company that has a product with promise, but seems to financially deliver only promises. One day you have to decide whether you are holding an investment or supporting benefits to mankind as a charity.

  7. #17107
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minerbarejet View Post
    "Both Mr Gallagher and Mr Darling highlighted that commercial growth of key US customers had been slower than expected, with many of the test adoption processes outside Pacific Edge's control."

    Seems that it is still outside Pacific Edge's control.
    Control will be handed over on completion of the Driving Test.

    Such a convenient excuse, isn't it after promising $100m within 5 years and 'several tens of thousands of tests' in the year after launching CxBladder - before DD & Swann sold some of their shares!

    This is no Driving Test - not when they have taken over $100m from investors to drive the car now to the edge of the ravine.
    Last edited by Balance; 17-07-2019 at 01:43 PM.

  8. #17108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minerbarejet View Post
    "Both Mr Gallagher and Mr Darling highlighted that commercial growth of key US customers had been slower than expected, with many of the test adoption processes outside Pacific Edge's control."

    Seems that it is still outside Pacific Edge's control.
    Control will be handed over on completion of the Driving Test.
    They've been going for over 18 years (sorry I keep banging on about this), and they turned over $3.8m last year. Regulatory hurdles are not easy, but still??

    (ATM only turn over $3.4m.....per day)

  9. #17109
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    At times I think that some punters dont get what it is all about.

    1. Invent or build something, test it and verify it works, then go and sell it.

    Pretty straightforward.

    2. Invent or build something, test it and verify it works, then using the verification, change ingrained medical methods and overcome dissonance on a major scale, then go and sell it.

    Not as easy, by a long shot especially given the Catch 22 nature of trying to get sufficient sales to get the verification and the change.

    Its like the car being driven around because the buyer wanted to verify if they could get 25000 miles out of the tyres before they stumped up the dosh to the sales yard.

  10. #17110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minerbarejet View Post
    At times I think that some punters dont get what it is all about.

    1. Invent or build something, test it and verify it works, then go and sell it.

    Pretty straightforward.

    2. Invent or build something, test it and verify it works, then using the verification, change ingrained medical methods and overcome dissonance on a major scale, then go and sell it.

    Not as easy, by a long shot especially given the Catch 22 nature of trying to get sufficient sales to get the verification and the change.

    Its like the car being driven around because the buyer wanted to verify if they could get 25000 miles out of the tyres before they stumped up the dosh to the sales yard.
    Yes, we all understand that, now.
    But why did that clown DD tell us it was as easy as 1?
    As an expert at commercialising science he's been paid megabucks to live the high life on expenses in the US while achieving not much, all the time telling us a pack of lies about his success.

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