  1. #17121
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minerbarejet View Post

    "Several tens of thousands of tests" HEARSAY (courtesy of ODT)
    Interview with Mr Swann.

    & repeated

    So everything in the article is 'hearsay'?

    Checkout the definition of hearsay, me ole MBJ.

    I think you are in for a BIG surprise!
    Last edited by Balance; 18-07-2019 at 10:50 AM.

  2. #17122
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    • information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate; rumor.
      "according to hearsay, Bob had managed to break his arm"
      rumor · gossip · tittle-tattle · tattle · idle chatter · idle talk · mere talk · report · stories · tales· tidbits · bavardage · on dit · Kaffeeklatsch · labrish · shu-shu · buzz · [more]

      • law

        the report of another person's words by a witness, which is usually disallowed as evidence in a court of law.
        "everything they had told him would have been ruled out as hearsay" · [more]

    No surprises there

  3. #17123
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minerbarejet View Post

    "Several tens of thousands of tests" HEARSAY (courtesy of ODT)
    Quote Originally Posted by Xerof View Post
    I see, after reading the weekend posts, we now have conflicting statements from the Chair and the CEO (again). The Chair was reported in late December as saying 'tens of thousands of test in 2014'; the CEO, in a private (admittedly unsubstantiated) email, denies that statement was ever made.

    If the Chair was misquoted, or even worse, had not even made the comment at all, then why was no action taken by PEB to correct a material misrepresentation that has remained in the public arena for 4 months now.

    Has it allowed three insiders time to sell down, whilst the rest of us await details of a fictional 'tens of thousands of tests'?

    It's about time someone came clean isn't it?
    Quote Originally Posted by robbo24 View Post
    Oh ra ra ra.

    PDF of the email with names, dates, times and original emails or it didn't happen.

    In my view the allegation of a mistatement by the Chair is more likely to be fraudulent than the existence of the alleged email.

    Status quo of the company's statements versus some random dude on a forum?

    Happy to be convinced otherwise with actual evidence.

    Comprehensively discussed at that time and it's clear someone was telling porkies - BIG TIME!
    Last edited by Balance; 18-07-2019 at 11:29 AM.

  4. #17124
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    The alleged email was never produced, of course.

    In fact, poster on alleged email disappeared from sight on the thread after making said comment.
    Last edited by Balance; 18-07-2019 at 11:22 AM.

  5. #17125
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minerbarejet View Post



    [LIST][*]information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate; rumor.

    In this case, we all know it was a quote directly from the then Chairman in an interview - totally substantiated and never refuted by the company.

    Chairman took the opportunity of a spike in the sp after that to sell some of his shares without correcting the so-called 'hearsay'- speaks volume of his and PEB's integrity!
    Last edited by Balance; 18-07-2019 at 11:29 AM.

  6. #17126
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Boy : "Why are you digging that hole deeper and deeper?"

    MBJ : "To prove that stone age man had wireless technology."

    Boy : "How so?"

    MBJ : "I have dug up copper wires at 3 feet, now I just need to dig another 1km down."

  7. #17127
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    Thanks for that link, Balance
    Been looking for this since that last announcement came out.
    It is nothing new, it just had never come up in discussion much if at all.

    Its something that has been under our noses all this time.
    From the CLIA Certification Presentation from 18/3/2013

    ‡ 68,800 patients are diagnosed each year withbladder cancer(5) - NCCN Clinical PracticeGuidelines in Oncology specify that patients receive12 monitoring cystoscopies in the five yearmonitoring period ± 4 in the year of diagnosis and 2in each following year(5)

  8. #17128
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    After 9/11 happened, in circa 2002/03, the leaders of the US & the UK (especially) took it upon themselves to announce that Iraq had WMD's.

    That was the catalyst for an allied invasion that killed about 500,000 people and decimated much of the main infrastructure...hunting down Saddam Hussein...and who also paid with his life....

    Contrary to what Messer's Bush and Blair had us believe - there was no WMD's...

    Despite the carnage to men and buildings...nobody has ever been punished and the disgusting episode has faded from most people's memories a long time ago (except probably for the Iraqi people who are left!).

    My message is: If the world can manage to forget re-telling the aforementioned atrocity and forgive Bush & Blair - when will PEB's critics get over their personal crusade against DD & CS etc by re-telling & re-telling & re-telling something that happened 5 years ago?

    There has been yearly AGM's whereby there has been an opportunity to oust DD and he is still there because people are obviously ok with him being there. The whole Board and management clearly underestimated the sloth like movement of the US's health system...that was their only sin that I can see.

    PEB finally look like they are on the cusp of realising some financial potential...let them get on with it in peace!

  9. #17129
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    Good luck Dentie, i know you are in PEB for all the right reasons, hope you make some dosh out of it too.

  10. #17130
    Member Drew95's Avatar
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    "When will PEB's critics get over their personal crusade against DD & CS etc by re-telling & re-telling & re-telling something that happened 5 years ago?"

    I agree Dentie. I work for a company that used to make big claims about making it big in the USA, but never did. Their saving grace was a) they were smart enough to stop making public such claims early on b) they didn't put falsifiable numbers against the claims c) they managed to be very successful elsewhere. This company also develops disruptive products, also started around 2005, has never broken even, and has spent around $3000 million to date. A lot of things that are very similar (but not identical) to PEB. Oh yeah. That other company has a market cap of $6,000,000,000 plus!

    The key to PEBs progress now is issuance of the LCD. And once they have that then PEB probably will be very successful in the US. Note that even Balance says they will get LCD - its just a matter of when.

    You can have the opinion that DD a) has been dishonest and manipulative, or b) has understimated the time needed to get 'bank-able' cash sales into the accounts and was naive enough to claim numbers by certain dates which were easily falsifiable

    I have read every report and listened to every investor presentation and read a lot of the posts here - my conclusion is 'b'.

    Time will tell, and it will be interesting to see what the outcome is.

    BTW - thanks to Balance for being the devils advocate on this - it is always good to have a contrarion opinion on things. I agree with him in many ways. Pike river was just one of my rushes of blood to the head!

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