  1. #11351
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    This is but one example of what Snapiti has been alerting to in the bladder cancer urine testing space - it is getting crowded. Many fizzes out to oblivion but some are being brought to market.

    Those who are funding these developments are not mugs and as part of their due diligence, are certainly aware of the CxBladders in this world.

    I have often wondered if I am missing something when I see yet another company entering the space. Afterall, PEB already boasts of such a superior product that it must be sheer foolery to invest in anything else.

    This is where it is important to dig deeper into the tests being developed and compare the mechanics of how the tests are being brought to market, and critically, at what price.

    And be ever cynical and questioning of company's assertions.
    Last edited by Balance; 18-02-2015 at 07:57 PM.

  2. #11352
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    In diagnostic tests such as Cxbladder(detect) it is the early stage tumors that are important as urologist and their patients wish to diagnose cancer as early as possible such that treatment may commence earlier and such that the poor buggers that are inflicted may stand a better chance of recovery.

    For the diagnostic tests it is the Tis, Ta, T1, T2, T3 stages that are of most importance.

    A good explanation of the stages of cancer can be found here at the US cancer society website;

    Cxbladder(detect) has 100% sensitivity in the detection of Tis, T1, T2, T3 cancer stages, and 68% sensitivity in the Ta stage, which for the Ta cancers is twice as high as Cytology and twice that of any present competition.

    In this respect Pacific Edge are a quantum leap ahead in tech and also two to three years ahead in schedule. I think some really do underestimate just how big the gap is and just how much of a disruptive technology this Pacific Edge tech really is.

    That's not to say that another company couldn't do the same, but if they set out to achieve 100% sensitivity and fail even by just a few percent they will have burned a lot of R&D cash, millions, for naught.

    This very risk creates a high barrier to entry for any company following behind. If they have not produced a 100% product it's very unlikely any company will throw further cash at it to commercialise it when they can invest that cash elsewhere.

    We would hear very very few professional clinicians, conscious of litigation, and with lives in their hands, say,

    “sure I’ll use a test that is 30% cheaper if its only got 89% T1 sensitivity”
    Last edited by MAC; 18-02-2015 at 09:17 PM.

  3. #11353
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    Quote Originally Posted by NT001 View Post
    No, that wouldn't solve anything really. It's not a question of whether I am offended, and the thread is obviously being monitored anyway.

    I doubt if I'm the only one who fails to see the point of the personally antagonistic tone it sometimes descends to when there are plenty of issues that could be discussed in an adult and informative way. I'm interested in all contributors' views about PEB, but not their petty personal putdowns and oneupmanship.
    With you on that one NT001. Wonder why it gets so antagonistic on this thread?

  4. #11354
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post

    This is but one example of what Snapiti has been alerting to in the bladder cancer urine testing space - it is getting crowded. Many fizzes out to oblivion but some are being brought to market.

    Those who are funding these developments are not mugs and as part of their due diligence, are certainly aware of the CxBladders in this world.

    I have often wondered if I am missing something when I see yet another company entering the space. Afterall, PEB already boasts of such a superior product that it must be sheer foolery to invest in anything else.

    This is where it is important to dig deeper into the tests being developed and compare the mechanics of how the tests are being brought to market, and critically, at what price.

    And be ever cynical and questioning of company's assertions.

    Lol - you may as well have just read the Edison report mate. Urosens is mentioned in that.

  5. #11355
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by psychic View Post
    Lol - you may as well have just read the Edison report mate. Urosens is mentioned in that.
    You may be missing the point, psychic - 'but one example' are the operative words.

    Many more out there.

  6. #11356
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    You may be missing the point, psychic - 'but one example' are the operative words.

    Many more out there.
    No, I'm not missing anything. I Know there are others, I have said that. But I have not read of one that is better.
    The question is, do you?

  7. #11357
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hancocks View Post
    Balance you make the comment:

    "I have often wondered if I am missing something when I see yet another company entering the space. After all, PEB already boasts of such a superior product that it must be sheer foolery to invest in anything else".

    Good point, I wonder that too, but think that it comes down to a research industry with thousands upon thousands of people employed - when do you voluntarily kill your job? And of course research into bladder cancer (for example) can have spin off technologies and inventions / developments in other products etc. much like the technology gains from the space race or the world wars.
    Fair comment and there are other reasons too - like I personally know a high net worth individual (in his 70s) in NZ pumping in many millions of dollars into cancer research as one of his legacy projects.

    When venture capitalists are involved in the funding, I tend to think it is more of a judgement call on their part as to how likely they are going to make money from the investments.

  8. #11358
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    Quote Originally Posted by nextbigthing View Post
    The product is awesome. But why is the revenue not there? The product and information has been available for some time. Sure it takes time for approvals etc but my understanding is the NZ system (for example) has had three years and hasn't properly adapted the product even after free trials. Why not? That to me warrants alarm bells.
    It's a fair point, and other than offering that it is probably a funding issue/ resistance to change, the Australasian market is pretty pathetic compared to any given State in the US. They are focused on the right market.
    The Health system in NZ hasn't embraced the NMP22 or UroVysion tests either from what I understand What do we make of that?

  9. #11359
    The Wolf of Sharetrader
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    Quote Originally Posted by psychic View Post
    It's a fair point, and other than offering that it is probably a funding issue/ resistance to change, the Australasian market is pretty pathetic compared to any given State in the US. They are focused on the right market.
    The Health system in NZ hasn't embraced the NMP22 or UroVysion tests either from what I understand What do we make of that?
    That perhaps for now none of these products are going to make it.

  10. #11360
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    But the thing is that the established Markers in the US are used.

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