  1. #17141
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minerbarejet View Post
    Balance, I have a suggestion.
    Why dont you buy a few, (if you havent already) and then you can go to the AGM and hold everyone accountable face to face during question time.
    Its in a few days so you had better hurry.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    This is not to be considered financial advice but rather a possible means to the resolution of your apparent problems.
    The share price, the horrendous never ending cash burn and continuous capital raisings - your apparent problems you choose to pretend do not exist.

    I am proud and happy to bring to market’s attention.

  2. #17142
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    These things do exist, we are all aware of it and have all made our various assessments of the situation.

    I for one will not reduce myself to kicking management in the guts while they are close to making something of it.

    You tend to ignore any progress which is an unfortunate attitude.

  3. #17143
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    The share price, the horrendous never ending cash burn and continuous capital raisings - your apparent problems you choose to pretend do not exist.

    I am proud and happy to bring to market’s attention.
    As a shareholder of PEB over many years and therefore part of the market ... I take offence (& am insulted) at your apparent insinuation that PEB's shareholders (& potential shareholders) are unaware of PEB's events and, thereby, need your belated assistance. For those who aren't actually aware - you would have to question their suitability to be in the stock market - period!

    To act as a self-appointed proxy "re-announcer" for PEB's historic announcements (& then pat themselves on the back for doing it) is egoism at its worst and only suggests there is an unaddressed personal issue.

  4. #17144
    Member Drew95's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiwidollabill View Post
    I think I can guess the company....
    If you were thinking Seadragon, you are not even close.

  5. #17145
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dentie View Post
    As a shareholder of PEB over many years and therefore part of the market ... I take offence (& am insulted) at your apparent insinuation that PEB's shareholders (& potential shareholders) are unaware of PEB's events and, thereby, need your belated assistance. For those who aren't actually aware - you would have to question their suitability to be in the stock market - period!

    To act as a self-appointed proxy "re-announcer" for PEB's historic announcements (& then pat themselves on the back for doing it) is egoism at its worst and only suggests there is an unaddressed personal issue.
    Why would you take offence at my postings and feel insulted when PEB has done bugger all in terms of wealth creation but made shareholders like you lost so much money so far?

    As I have written before, I am so proud to have contributed (via my postings and warnings) the avoidance of the destruction of wealth for those who heed and agree with said warnings and assessments, and acted accordingly.

    My dear Dentie - you must so wish you receive as many messages and the postings of many a PEB shareholder and prospective shareholders who thanked me for helping them to avoid the PEB train wreck.
    Last edited by Balance; 20-07-2019 at 09:03 AM.

  6. #17146
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    Why would you take offence at my postings and feel insulted when PEB has done bugger all in terms of wealth creation but made shareholders like you lost so much money so far?

    As I have written before, I am so proud to have contributed (via my postings and warnings) the avoidance of the destruction of wealth for those who heed and agree with said warnings and assessments, and acted accordingly.

    My dear Dentie - you must so wish you receive as many messages and the postings of many a PEB shareholder and prospective shareholders who thanked me for helping them to avoid the PEB train wreck.
    That's easy to explain (although I will do so reluctantly)...I take offence and feel insulted by the likes of yourself because - believe it or not....not everyone comes from Hamelin!

    In actual fact, quite the opposite to your assertion - PEB delivered me sizeable wealth in early March 2014. Some ever so nice people paid me $1.56 per share for an equally sizeable amount of shares which I had previously purchased for an average of about .14c per share. That was re-invested (outside the sharemarket) and has continued to mushroom since. Anything I may still have in PEB is petty in comparison....even if I lose the lot (although unlikely).

    The BIG difference is, I don't see the need to make a habit of posting self adulating and condescending remarks in order to influence other punters - or just to try and flatter myself.

    I learned a lesson a long time ago. If you follow what everyone else does - you get what everyone else gets. If you have the courage to follow your own path (with all that entails) - you deserve the riches that may follow.

    Enjoy your weekend Balance.

  7. #17147
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    Not suggesting some of you havent made money. Traders and others in the know have bought and sold at the right time and no doubt have made some money along the way, albeit at the expense of other shareholders. However this doesnt change the fact that the company is losing money and bumbling its way to somewhere. Based on past performance this is more likely to be nowhere. Trading at a profit was easier in the earlier days when we all trusted the company and directors that they were being correct and honest. But now that we see that most of their predictions have not come to fruition, it is much more difficult to trade this share because a favourable announcement just doesnt lead the shareprice "up up and away".

  8. #17148
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bottomfeeder View Post
    Not suggesting some of you havent made money. Traders and others in the know have bought and sold at the right time and no doubt have made some money along the way, albeit at the expense of other shareholders. However this doesnt change the fact that the company is losing money and bumbling its way to somewhere. Based on past performance this is more likely to be nowhere. Trading at a profit was easier in the earlier days when we all trusted the company and directors that they were being correct and honest. But now that we see that most of their predictions have not come to fruition, it is much more difficult to trade this share because a favourable announcement just doesnt lead the shareprice "up up and away".
    You can tell by some of the postings (eg. #17169 above) that the true intent of some of the posters is to harass those who highlight the failings of PEB - so that they can trade their shares by making sure that there's only hype on PEB.

    No other way to explain why there's such aggro and clamor by them to shut down the bumbling management & directors - which is not only historical but happening even now while we write.
    Last edited by Balance; 20-07-2019 at 12:35 PM.

  9. #17149
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    You can tell by some of the postings (eg. #17169 above) that the true intent of some of the posters is to harass those who highlight the failings of PEB - so that they can trade their shares by making sure that there's only hype on PEB.

    No other way to explain why there's such aggro and clamor by them to shut down the bumbling management & directors - which is not only historical but happening even now while we write.
    Is that whats going on?
    You mean that when the 1.50 hype was going on you were participating in order to sell your shares???????
    Crikey. I dont believe it.
    And your last statement doesnt make sense.
    Nobody is trying to shut down the so called ( your opinion) bumbling management and directors.

  10. #17150
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    You can tell by some of the postings (eg. #17169 above) that the true intent of some of the posters is to harass those who highlight the failings of PEB - so that they can trade their shares by making sure that there's only hype on PEB.
    Oh, here you go again, making allegations that are so far from the truth.

    In actual fact, I first got involved in PEB in 2007/08 for the long term. I also travelled to the AGM's (ask eg Hancocks & DD!!) and shared time with those that matter. Great insights to be had if one takes the time to attend an AGM.

    I never had the intention to "trade" at all - but when the so-called "traders" and "speculators" blew the price out to ridiculous levels - who would not have sold?? I bet that's why DD & Co sold and I am sure you would have done the same Balance. How does it go...willing buyer and willing seller makes a happy market!!!

    Take things for what they "actually" are....not for what you allege them to be.

    BTW - I have no intention to "harass" anyone...incl yourself. I just like the truth.
    Last edited by Dentie; 20-07-2019 at 05:43 PM.

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