Duncan, your opinion is as good as anyone's and you have every right to it IMHO

It just occurred to me that this particular news release would give you pause for thought.

You have told us that we shouldn't invest in NZ manufacturing companies because the Chinese would be more competetive at this (so no FPA for you - fair enough I say)

You have also told us not to invest in WDT because the chinese will steal the patents and out-compete for the same product (also it seems, the MD "gets paid too much" whatever that means)

So what do you think of the fact that WDT can sell their technology into the Chinese market and clip the ticket on the way through? - I think that this is pretty cool.

Cool (and clever, you would have to admit) because the Chinese manufacturer that has sole distribution rights in China will know,and will be able to enforce (in a way that no western company could ever hope to) how to prevent its rights from being ripped off by the Chinese.

Did you notice how low the volume of rights trading in WDT was - barely 1% of shareholders chose to sell their rights, choosing instead to stump up with the extra cash - are they all fools in your opinion?