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Thread: Pegasus Town

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by minimoke View Post
    Kyle isn’t into Japanese cars – he’s into your English land rover 4x4 – and not the new ones (who ever owns LR now). Probably not into Chinese clothes either – more your army fatigues available from the Army surplus store – probably ex US Marines would be his style.

    As for Northwood, have you seen the TV programme about the woman dope dealer and it starts with the Little boxes tick tacky song. Can’t remember the name but Northwood (with all due respect those living there) is kind of like that. It has its gated community; “country Club” no buses (don’t want the noise to upset the residents) and loads of covenants on what the houses have to be like (like no front fences) certain coloured brick and tile. All very “nice”. Based on some North American concept of community design and creation.

    Absolutely spot on...been a few mortgagee properties there already

  2. #12
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    Default Oh no - not another negative comment

    Quote Originally Posted by COLIN View Post
    This is creating heaps of interest ........ Pegasus could provide a bit of excitement! Don't knock excitement, but don't bet the bank, either!

    Now, let me have all your negatives!

    God's teeth - I'm sorry I clicked on the URL, feel like puking now. All those nice Arian looking people in their nice cutsie artificial environment. The girl on horseback can't be true - there would be 15 million covenants against what comes out of the back of the horse.
    And what about those old farts in the swimming pool - group swimming every Tuesday? No thanks. It just looks and feels like a place to go and quietly rot - I can hear the zimmer frame wheels squeaking from here - - Sorry, but I intend to wear out, not rust out.
    Oh, Lord - save us from the types of people that are attracted to plastic worlds and unreal lifestyles that are insulated from reality. And quite frankly, I've long ago had more than my fill of up and coming bloaty headed yuppies who needed their heads pulled out of their rear ends before you can say 'hello' - - so what maniac would possibly think that I'd ever consider going near a place that would have high concentrations of such devils spawn.
    Not that I'm prejudging anyone who would be so devoid of personality to ever want to live in such a tasteless and unimaginative environ. It is, after all, a free country that respects everyone's right to be as bland, featureless, dull, boring, kitsch, tedious and dreary as they like.

    I hope I haven't upset anyone. Then again if they are upset - they are probably not someone I would be heartbroken about upsetting anyway.

  3. #13
    Legend minimoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Casa del Energia View Post
    God's teeth - I'm sorry I clicked on the URL, feel like puking now.
    If you run out of self administered detox or bulimia tools here’s another link for you from the same people. I should probably put a “Viewer Warning” on it for you – but I’d much sooner see your considered opinion on this development.

  4. #14
    Legend minimoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by minimoke View Post
    As for Northwood, have you seen the TV programme about the woman dope dealer and it starts with the Little boxes tick tacky song. Can’t remember the name but Northwood
    I’ve been worrying about it all night. Stepford Wives came to me, but its actually “Weeds”.

  5. #15
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    Default Death by McMansion overload

    Quote Originally Posted by minimoke View Post
    If you run out of self administered detox or bulimia tools here’s another link for you from the same people. I should probably put a “Viewer Warning” on it for you – but I’d much sooner see your considered opinion on this development.
    You are trying to kill me. Actually, it's my own fault - I ignored your warning and clicked on it. My retinas detatched, my brain atrophied into sludge and my bones decalcified in an instant.
    Just before that - there was one moment of joy - a halarious moment: did you notice the 'nice' foto of some dude sitting by an open fire outside (presumably) the club house? The fuel for the fire looks exactly like the stuff that comes out of the horse which was in the Pegasus ad blurbs. I wondered what they did with the horse poo.

  6. #16
    Legend minimoke's Avatar
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    Big ad in todays SST but no mention of the South Africans

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by minimoke View Post
    Big ad in todays SST but no mention of the South Africans
    Or the Egyptians.

  8. #18
    Permanently OutToLunch's Avatar
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    I couldn't help myself, I just had to take a look. These guys are too much!

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by OutToLunch View Post
    I couldn't help myself, I just had to take a look. These guys are too much!
    I too looked. I knew I shouldn't have. And I was right...

    But I can't help thinking that "Mapleham" might be some Pythonesque jape being played on folks - - Well, they can't be serious?

  10. #20
    Permanently OutToLunch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Casa del Energia View Post
    I too looked. I knew I shouldn't have. And I was right...

    But I can't help thinking that "Mapleham" might be some Pythonesque jape being played on folks - - Well, they can't be serious?
    Monty Python -- of course!!

    I remember back in 2003 I passed through a new subdivision in outer Sydney, every pillared McMansion perfectly presented complete with shiny 4WDs on polished stone driveways... every couple of hundred metres there was a huge glossy sign on the roadside with a picture of happy perfect people and a single word caption like "PLAY", "RELAX" or "ENJOY". It was truly eye-popping. We couldn't get out of there fast enough, back past the immaculate gates to the outside world where there was at least a little bit of dust and long grass and real people with slight imperfections. My friend had warned me in advance that I would be shocked and she was right!

    Please.. if I ever get to retirement age and start to lust after something like this, someone do me a favour and belt me over the head with a spade... really hard...


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