  1. #11001
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ogg View Post
    Really surprised you did not add ‘and they can have it all by buying Sky’.

  2. #11002
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ogg View Post
    Remember the NBR comment last January speculating that Discovery were interested in buying Sky, and the it got taken down by NBR.

    Seriously tho, why bother trying to set up another streaming service when you can just buy an established player in the market and then get the full 100% margin on all resales.

    Ok I’m sold!

    I want $3/share but if they buy before Feb I am willing to give a prompt payment discount!


  3. #11003
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ogg View Post
    $2.30 bro!!!

    No reserve auction!!

    It might go higher but better to just get this on the block ASAP!

    If Jarden weren’t so useless they would have lined the buyers up. God knows what they were doing.

    PE, Orcon/2D, Voda, Discovery…maybe Nine and Foxtel across the ditch…Comcast, NBCUniversal…

    So many potentials.

  4. #11004
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    When you pause and reflect again on the fundamentals of Sky - they really do have it all. Linear, free to air, streaming...

    Everything Discovery wants.

    You would think Sky would be more valuable to the market than it is.

    But management have been unable to exploit these advantages to maximum shareholder benefit so far.
    Last edited by mistaTea; 10-11-2021 at 05:47 PM.

  5. #11005
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    They just need to be clearer about their intention to reinstate a divvy in Feb.

    Pay 8.5c every 6 months, total of $30M payout which would probably represent 60%-70% of FCF.

    $30M with a high yield of 7% would imply a market cap of $430M ($2.45/share). If the expected yield is lower and/or divvys are expected to increase over time then the market cap could go higher still.

    It really isn't rocket science.

  6. #11006
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ogg View Post
    Like what Balance said, if they were going to pay a divy they would have done one by now. The divy is off bro! Forget the divy!

    The plan from here is to sell the buildings and consolidate with one of the many choices out there in the market.

    I don't think "valuation" is an issue anymore. Sky has been trading for the last 18 months around this level. Hence that's the value of Sky. So just add 30% premium on to that and bob's your uncle!!!

    $2.30 is a good offer. Just gotta get that back on the table and work this. I'm sure it will end up around mid $2s, which is a good outcome for everyone.
    Gee, what happened to the $4.00 and more being the number 3 months ago!

  7. #11007
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ogg View Post
    Like what Balance said, if they were going to pay a divy they would have done one by now. The divy is off bro! Forget the divy!

    The plan from here is to sell the buildings and consolidate with one of the many choices out there in the market.

    I don't think "valuation" is an issue anymore. Sky has been trading for the last 18 months around this level. Hence that's the value of Sky. So just add 30% premium on to that and bob's your uncle!!!

    $2.30 is a good offer. Just gotta get that back on the table and work this. I'm sure it will end up around mid $2s, which is a good outcome for everyone.
    I think youre right on this one. The board has said repeatedly that they think the market is “materially” undervaluing SKT. Its been 18 months and she aint moving, so i dont rellay care what they think its worth.

    They’ll protest that theyve all bought in recently which shows that they are putting their money where the mouth is. In reality they all bought in when they thought osmium were going to keep pushing the price up.

    I think $2.30 is where its at. Whats our best guess on the big boys average cost?

  8. #11008
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ogg View Post
    Like what Balance said, if they were going to pay a divy they would have done one by now. The divy is off bro! Forget the divy!

    The plan from here is to sell the buildings and consolidate with one of the many choices out there in the market.

    I don't think "valuation" is an issue anymore. Sky has been trading for the last 18 months around this level. Hence that's the value of Sky. So just add 30% premium on to that and bob's your uncle!!!

    $2.30 is a good offer. Just gotta get that back on the table and work this. I'm sure it will end up around mid $2s, which is a good outcome for everyone.
    Nah I’m calling bullsh1t. Divvy coming.

    It just better ok!

    They have no master plan to merge with anyone. And even if they did it would not be contingent on selling the campus.

    They will do a divvy…but they are just being excessively cautious and not stating one will be paid JUST INCASE something changes adversely between now and Feb.

  9. #11009
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    And the big boys like PK don’t want a takeover.

    They see the SP going up way high after buybacks/divvy.

  10. #11010
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    I’ll call my mate John Malone. He can offer cash or shares in Discovery, so those that want to can participate in the future Discovery/WB behemoth

    I doubt he would offer us a good deal, but it would be done

    Comcast on the other hand would probably offer the same multiple as they did for Sky UK! (Not really, Roberts isn’t a complete potato)

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